Sunday, August 31, 2008

who's side am i on?

see, there's too many loop holes,,, im suing you for every penny,, its not comedy,,

So anyway, who was bush waving to after getting out of the helicopter? Or, was that prerecorded? When you had me watch the 4 hours of hitler over and over, I remember that the public wanted to kill him,, after he won a sabotaged election,, they were beating on his car or something,, kinda like tmz does,, Well, when I saw the human shield on the white house in Fahrenheit 9/11, I wondered how he was still able to go in public,, apparently, at least today, I noticed after him and Mrs. Bush got out of black copter maybe they were waving really funny to the crowd. The crowd was never seen but i suppose that was to whom he was waving. [gosh i hope that is the correct use for whom - i missed that rule - sorry to butcher the type. But, that was the first time I really noticed he was so obviously fake for waving. What was that about? why was he letting me know that he cant go in public? Is Mr. Cheney holding you hostage? That's not gonna fly. Plus, that fake gov't I mentioned, that supposedly Japan try to establish in Vietnam. The book I'm reading described as a puppet gov't.

thank you

There must be a ton of oil in Vietnam and China,, just a guess,, but i don't know really,, One video i watched said there is no oil in china at all but i find that hard to believe,, its so big and untapped,, GET OF THEM NAZI REPUBS,, please,,

Oh yeah, was JFK a Bonesman at Yale, by any chance?

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