Tuesday, August 5, 2008

account number for Gates to give money,,

Funny funny funny complete ass,, trust me dude,, it aint that easy,, That's the way this is supposed to look,, that I'm restrained by nothing,, I'm restrained by a mother fucker,, its a group,, I know for a fact its completely illegal and if other people think they are patriots,,, you know I just can't stand it,, its the people,, so what the fuckk,, im stuck here until dumbest gets out of office? is that what my ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i just cant stand it,, i can't think,, but I do see Dumbest Bush using the earthquake machine for China Star,,, US Army with HAARP,,, so what about Courtney Love? she has had issues in the past with 'Mentor' like me,, well let me tell ya, they are the worst mentor's,, This world is screwed,, the lies and deceit are all we get,,, I see the good "Stars",,, I swear that I see you but dumbest can read my mind so I guess we just wait it out,,

Ok, The House Of Reps are sabotaged and can't impeach, Dumbest.
The Senate is Republican Nazi majority and control the impeachment process of the judges for which Alonzo left,, or maybe they just responsible for the impeachment of US Supreme Ct Judges.


HMMM, South Korea. located between China and Japan,, Kind of a wall between the two nations that should and probably could be allies against the USA Nazis,, The Vietnam War, with its insurgents, torture of civilians, and experimentation on soldiers was very much like The Iraqi Freedom War in the respect that its designed to hide something else,, Vietnam hid the Korean War, I'm thinking, and Iraqi Freedom [usonofabitch] hides the war in Afghanistan and I think its different than what we are supposed to think, the pipeline,, And its funny, well not the gay happy kind, but I think its much worse than we could ever know,, I mean, c'mon,, All the people writing books about Bush crimes and deceit for war and he's still alive,, Did Scott go on the Enemy's List? Man I cant stand this,, Did everybody have to sign a federal contract [utrashyfuck] that they wouldn't help the EC,, he is Enemy Combatant now I assume huh dumbest,, I find it hard to believe there is so much evil but because of the last decade of complete hell, I doubt that my judgment is any good,, Look, I don't know what I'm expexted to do? LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES,,,

oh yeah, IBM is doing something real criminal,, Nancy, I don't have access to investigative resources,, They tell you that I do but they are lying,, whos they? the crabs in ur drawers, ok,, I dunno,, They, IBM, did work with proton transfer that was introduced to me with Remote Viewing,, Is that you IBM? That's the place my Godfather worked, or so I thought, until this "surprise" CIA nazis moved into my bedroom,,
Raytheon, defense co, is doing some drilling in the Arctic or Antarctic or whatever,, I didn't read the article but may just be a distraction for me,, like everything else,, distraction from what? I have no idea,, The political PR term is might be 'sugar',, pour sugar on the people if and when bad publicity leaks,, God I hate you people,,


let's see, what else,, uhhh Condi, just don't speak, anymore,, "Who would want to go to war, anyway?" or some crap,, look I gave you status of a lady when u were here a few weeks ago, after climbing out of the Bush sewage system, crying like a child, hair full of feces,, I felt sorry for you, do you remember? You upgradede George to Dumbest when you were here,, After a day or two, I realized you were just dead weight, smoking up all my weed,, not wanting to help the 'just cause',, So i saw you on tv saying nonsense to defend dumbest,, you are NO longer a lady,,

Oh yeah, I couldn't find the proof or info, but I'm under the impression Caterpillar, the manufacturer of heavy equipment might have a patent or some kind of connection to maybe a two-way pump system which is responsible for the toxic community flooding,, if not that, they're guilty of something else,,. says who? ur crabs, nancy,, [i really mean no disrespect because I know for a fact, there are not that many devils thriving in the world,, Eastman Chemical is also guilty of some atrocity, dunno what tho,, in fact, monsterman, I don't even know what they do,,

Gates he's a bank account and email address
Routing number: 101000019
Account number: 798266101
email: palmtrees68@gmail.com

you can email a message if u make that deposit but I've had trouble with Google in the past and I just assumed they were gov't trash cops as well,, so I probably wont be able to use the email address or they will be sure to fill with trojans,, its all BS,, Dumbest is probably nextdoor,, the friggin crackhead,,

Dupont and Monsanto also bad but don't know specific unknow crimes,, Merck too,, Oh man is Merck the worst,, Nazis,, just like dumbest,,
Oh yeah,, Jack Daniels and Jagermiester are guilty of something so I'm to suspect,, i really don't know anything,, I think They have stopped the electric surging into my house to drive me nutso,, but I'm sure they are doing something else I don't know about to me,, just lik3e everyone else in the world,, I'm juswt a small model of the Nation and I'm still restrained,, still screwed in everyway,, without even knowing why or who or what,,

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