Monday, August 25, 2008

check this out,, when Bush visited the Pope

Just in case: the comments about weed packaging have already been addressed as to re-incriminating myself and the school mentioned wasn't a school by then either, I was just forced with that defense for trial in wonderland,, But, someone I thought may have been Bush messaged me, one of the few times I wasn't enraged, and I said i emailed the Pope and he said that he knew and thought it was funny. Was surely not a real email address though. Decoys are the specialty with this kind of guerrilla warfare terrorism.

Your Holiness:
My name is Ron and I’m in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. I think President Bush is coming to see you today. I’ve been a “Ghost Prisoner” or maybe some kind of political prisoner since 2003. I was setup at that time to sell marijuana while attending Logan Chiropractic College where many students are from out of state. Well I was extremely busy with 30 credits of sciences and I didn’t realize that my best friend was working with “Big Brother” which he told me was watching me but I never really understood what he meant. Then with the work of other students at school, a couple of professors, and even my neighbors, I was flunked out from school after three trimesters and my best friend was acting like he was purposely trying to infect me with HIV. I, excuse the vulgar details, performed oral sex on him, which is actually the lowest level of risk for contracting the disease, even after we discussed our mutually negative statuses. Then I was supposed to believe he was HIV positive and purposefully trying to infect me. Well, he made a comment that if I try to have him arrested, he would say, “No, you’re under arrest.” Well I was never able to get medical records of his HIV status and I really didn’t look. I knew that information was confidential but they were all ganging up on me anyway and scaring me about being on video packaging marijuana for distribution. And I live less that 100 feet from a parochial grade school. Right after I was academically dismissed, my best friend sent me an email demanding that I never see or talk to him or his child again – and I am never welcome at their home again. The process took about a year, but it was kind of my own personal 9/11 tragedy. I was full of confusion from the pure hatred from every direction. Even the news media got in on the game. The situation was implied to me as a Game, which years later I realized was the way some CIA operatives referred to their work. No one has been able to help me in any aspect because they themselves may become an EC or enemy combatant. In fact, anyone coming in contact with me more than once, had to express simultaneous rage and hate right at me just they wouldn’t become an EC. These are just my best guess analyses, which has been mostly impossible from which to draw conclusions. Most information about what is going on with me has been withheld from me. The perpetrators created decoy web sites, created false news stories, and requested library books for me. I don’t know why because they continuously tell me how completely stupid I am and scrutinize every move I make. Anyway, the level of secret intelligence and surveillance utilized on me is at the highest levels of US Government and the perpetrators completely humiliate, dehumanize, and mock me. I just recently ran across the techniques used on Patty Hearst on , and they are the same techniques used on me. I also have a couple of military training manuals that and special forces all four branches teach a form of mental torture. The CIA, that must currently videotape their interrogations for International Law reasons, are band from conducting this type of training – but they still do. Its mental torture and brainwashing and the United States Executive Branch is doing this on a mass scale by keeping us confused. Did you know that all the decision makers involved in going to war with Iraq that where constantly inundating the American people with fear and mass destruction by weapons, both chemical and biological, of mass destruction in 2002, were the same people that assured us, without a doubt, that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and no where near capabilities to have them. By lying to us with an ‘opposite-day’ mentality. This is grade school stuff that children play and an example might be like this, “Mom, I don’t like you. I love you.” Real simple stuff but that’s the base of every law this administration has written. They media is in hypnotic trance, you have my word. Also, the Patriot Act, which was a huge document that was prepared well ahead of 9/11, especially if dropped on Congress with and expectation to accept without reading. Well this is packed full of blatant and ‘opposite-day’ lies that give the president full control over everything with no checks and balances and he has butchered our nations constitution, military, economy, housing market, choicest ports of call. He completely opened up the border with the right of way for semi-trucks leaving Mexico and entering the US, bypassing US Customs. This was to allow the illegal smuggle of people and drugs mostly to serve political needs since the Hispanic community typically votes republican. And why shouldn’t they, he opened up the border for them.. Another example of ‘opposite-day’ type antics was the Anti-Hate law from Attorney General Ashcroft that had no protection for the disabled or different sexual orientations. Now come on, they are too huge aspects for hate crimes. Oh well with that law and being and EC, fraudulently mind you, people can do anything they want to me and not be charged a crime. They are encouraged to harass me the best they can. The Speaker of the House, that is in charge to begin impeachment proceedings said “Its off the table.” 1000 people tried to citizen’s arrest Bush at the UN conventions recently, but they were hauled off to outside pens for this type of activity. Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of England is being tried for War Crimes for misleading their country into this war simply as an ally to the US. Anyway, there’s some really bad stuff going on over here. Oh yeah, the US Army has the capability to make storms. Like record numbers of hurricanes and tornadoes, blizzards, flooding, and control of blackouts. Its weather warfare and that’s why Burma wouldn’t accept aid from the US for any reason. See, Bush wanted that land, just like Iraq. But Burma sits between two nuclear weapons countries that may very well combine forces against the US because our President is behaving badly. China was secretly allying with Iran and provided them with nuclear weapons and that’s why they were hit with earthquakes for a few days. My perpetrators have made it very clear to me they control the weather, earthquakes, and electricity and they’re all modern day techniques for warfare and terrorism. Also, China had the huge lake flooded communities from the earthquakes, just like the US is flooding from rain. The infrastructure mostly throughout the country is old, worn out, or just incapable to move large amounts of people due to natural disaster or emergency should the need arise. And I would bet money that any targeted communities have major roadway construction right now. There’s tons more stuff like mass testing insecticides by misting over unknowing population. Is there anyway you can restrain him for us, because even our justice department is allowing him to cheat on elections which he did twice. He has never been rightfully our president and he is stealing all of our human rights. Even the collapse of the twin towers was an inside job but the firemen at the scene were sworn to secrecy about the strategically placed bombs that were continuously exploding. Skyscrapers that have been hit by planes in the past had never ever collapsed, especially as perfectly as a professional demolition crew could do. Plus the plane that his the pentagon contained some additive to increase the flames temperatures from the explosion by 1000 degrees but I forgot why that was relevant other than it shouldn’t have been. Brittany Spears has been tortured just like me. K-Fed divorced her and took like $50 million dollars from here. She went bonkers because there’s much that we don’t know that happened to her. She started dating Sam who may have been middle eastern, I don’t know for sure but that’s all this Administration needs to draw conclusive evidence for the guilt of anything they presume to be un-American or a crime. Sorry to put such an issue in your lap but please don’t tell him I told you until he removes all fraudulent anti-terrorist laws so people will stop sabotaging my life. They have flunked me out of two additional academic programs through this torture since 2003. Thank you for your sincere prayers and blessings.

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