Thursday, August 28, 2008

go to hell,,

you don't pretend im not the enemy asswipes,,,, that gets me in trouble everytime,, as if,,,, you fuckers are the problem,, not the solution,, see im not that dumb for the millionth time,, fucku fucku fucku fucku fu cku fucku,, even if i accepted ur fake as hell shitt,, well i wouldnt,, it just aint fuckin happening,, never again,, and u fuckk were the judges of me,, fucku fucku fucku fuckiu ,, forever for fuckin good,, fucku,, fucku,, fucku,, period,, its funny cause you progrmmed me this way,, fucku trash,, how many idiots does it take,, fucku,, no offense idiots,, and really there is only one,, so fucku for pulling that out too,,, everything i do is wrong or in the mind of trash fuckin scum that get to pas judgment,, fucku,, fucku,, i cant do anything right by design,, so fucku,, fucku,, fucku,, trash,,

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