Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I remember when my parents had to move back from Florida, retirement, because I couldn't take care of myself. Plus, scumbags were sabotaging every move I made, apparently with medical and legal encouragement. Put they didn't believe me when I told them I didn't cause all the burn holes in my comforter, which I really didn't care whether believed me or not but the pervs got promotions or something. So anyway, there's even more things I don't give a crap about that are apparently important to the idiots. Calling my doctor so that I couldn't get an earlier appointment isn't really a big deal but they flaunt it so I gotta call them on it, for drama - i hate that word.

Anyway, Hillary looks great. Sorry, I don't share the same optimistic views, unfortunately. Elections are sabotaged, just like Congress and the Courts. I can't listen, not out of rudeness but I can't smile. I'll come back later.
The Fay storm wasn't really my fault, if it was even real. It may have been to get my attention, which it did after it kept changing directions. So genius with the secret words and 'the new' vocabulary rules, if we take away the capitol F and add a capitol G, the storm could be called Gay and you could've pinned all destruction on me, well justified it as my fault anyway. Or, look, if we take away the little y and add a little g, we get tropical storm Fag. Absolute, complete brilliance I'd say. Did Rove help you with the new confusing vocabulary.

But, sorry about the delay, Vioxx was my responsibility, I think. So here we. 20 million Americans, the baby boomers have reached the age for, what the Pharma industry calls, an inevitable condition, Osteoarthritis. The condition occurs due to the destruction and wearing away of cartilage between bones which causes inflammation in the joints and surrounding tissue. Actually, people of all ages get the condition but Pharma, like everybody else markets to this massive group that shares dates of birth from 1946 to 1964. I wouldn't be surprised if there was something purposely put in the air we breathe to create the condition. Just a guess, but Merck needs to increase stockholder wealth with the release of new medications. The first-line of treatment for osteoartritis are the NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and include ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) and some others. NSAIDS inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 [thats why i got this job] enzymes which synthesize prostaglandins which promote inflammation. They actually do a pretty good job at decreasing the swelling and pain but have been blamed for gastrointestinal bleeding. A new line of medicine came to the market called the COX-2 inhibitors that no longer caused the bleeding intestines but clotted the blood. This caused numerous amounts of heart attacks and many deaths. All a Pharma company needs is two trials or experiments proving that the medicine helps the condition better than nothing at all. They could do eight such trials and as long as two proved that the medicine in better than nothing, they pay thier half of a million dollars to the FDA for approval to market. I'm not sure if eight is the maximum number of tries or not. But the side effects are always down played or not even mentioned. When Vioxx maker Merck answered these charges, they said it was because naproxen prevented heart attacks and should have been added. But, then the stomach bleeding would've occurred. Oh well, I'm getting tired so I'm just gonna wrap this up real quick. Merck Lied. Meds are patented 20 years before generics are available at which time the cost decreases. So they always need something marketable with protection of a patent. Pharma is all marketing. They start when students enter medschool and its total branding and recognition. I collect Adderall pens if anyone has any they aren't using. Its a total scam and I wouldn't doubt that they create many of our diseases.

Exercise can control osteoarthritis. And, actually prevent it. A specific range of repetitions, 12 - 15, allow synovial fluid to coat the cartilage and prevent the damage caused by nonuse. The concept of positive muscle failure should determine the amount of resistance or weight used. An exerciser should use resistance appropriate to reach 12 reps minimum, and maybe only struggle for the last one or two reps to make the total reps for that set 13, 14, or 15. Good, strict form is paramount and mustn't be ignored. If other parts of your body come into play when doing the struggling one or three reps, then you should have stopped. But anyway, you get the idea. Do two or three sets of the exercise to coat the cartilage with the nutritious fluid.

As far as Kaos and my DNA, they can alter my DNA with a retrovirus like HIV. They cn alter anyones with a retrovirus. I can explain some other time. Ask Bush how he does it?

I want to apologize to a very good professor from Exercise Physiology. I'm sorry I called you vicious hateful names. I didn't realize my destruction was a law. Sandy, too. And, to everyone else actually, that I did or did not recognize. And, for future words of filth the shittsucking government passing through me. See, they are trash, to make laws then secretly persuade people to break them. I'm surprised that people were so knowledgeable about the abuse or harassment to me law.

Thank you, Marylin. Seth is still a fag. But, I appreciate it. Kinda makes me sick to my stomach to say those words for multiple reasons, the 'I appreciate it' words. In fact, it tears me stomach up. [ur so smart kaos people]

I see you Green B. Always a star. Thank you very much. Its like a miracle. Mr. Kennedy, one time I said, "I want to be like a Kennedy", sorry about the brain tumor. They are total asses.

So whats up with the steroids. It was corticosteroid for pain, hardly anabolic anything. Maybe known to destroy cartilage.

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