Sunday, August 24, 2008

how do you read my mind?

You scum! So, the shitteating energy hoarders give me the idea that its an experiment for energy derived from the chemical reactions in the brain that are caused by hate. They set of a serious of reactions that create heat and extend throughout out bodies. A Calorie is a heat measurement for energy consumption. They've showed me that the hate must not only be recognized but accepted and believed to be true to be effective. I dunno what they want me to do. They know its impossible to study and learn when tortured. You can't ignore them if assuming its not worth the waste of energy to accept. Every possible thing is done to decrease my self image and make me weak. Maybe Beck really wants me to do something bad to myself for the country. But isn't that kind of disgraceful to accept. They keep forcing it though cause the b/s surveillance comes with free 24/7 scrutiny [buzz]. They are assholes. See what I mean?

So anyway, i don't feel much like typing. You are pretty nasty to talk to. Maybe, let's plan ur death, fuckhead.
[i've reread this a couple of times and its not very nice, but I can't bring myself to erase it]

I wanna start keeping track of Harvard like Yale.
A. Gonzalos, A. Dershowitz, others cant think right now. I think Feith works there.
Michael Dunlavey, Jim Haynes DoD defense counsel;

So anyway, we've reached the halfway mark, maybe. For the supply of petroleum. They use it in everything, even non-biodegradable plastics and pharmaceuticals and maybe street drugs. What kind of gas product to make meth? Total exploit of their product. Good business approach but not so good for the rest of the population or planet. They say allopathic medicine is in the top 5 list of Cause of Death. Thats anything medical related to Pharma (pharmaceuticals).

Kind of hard to just jump into Pharma when just starting on the gas. Too funny. I am not a cop, not training to be a cop, and a cop told me to put aluminum foil on my windows to jam the surveillence. Doesn't work. But, probably makes me guilty for something else.

Funny, hard to stay focused. No disrespect to anyone even those that must provoke hate, since its your legal job, and all. Apparently, you are murderers. I know you have all killed before. Thats all you do is brag. Most of the bullcrap harassment is not worth the mention. Which very honestly makes even more significant. Causes more frustration than something easily identified and named. And so, thats really all I know about both those two issues, gas and meds. Oh yeah, gas runs everything. Even heating the buildings we work and sleep. Delivering good, services and people to their destinations. The say the airline industry has come to a halt. I think American Airlines is bad. I don't know why. I'm sure gas and meds both cause cancer too but I have no data to reference at this second. But, you know, the Pharma companies goal of increasing shareholder wealth would be selling more meds. And, They pay the FDA something like $570.000 for each medicine approved. It might even be $750,000. But the FDA gets a billion annually, maybe.

I'll type some torture stuff up. They are doing great things with growth and production. Or they did. Friggin years ago. How did I get here?

A. Gonzales said somewhere in that book that torture is okay under two conditions, self defense and something i can't remember. I've been trying to find it. This is from that book Torture Team by Philippe Sands as well as what follows.
That Action Memo permitted 18 new interrogation techniques that I want to list.
Counter-Resistance means those that resist torture. During the Nazis of the old days, I think it meant those that resist Hitler's regime.

Category I, characterized by two techniques, yelling and deception

Category II, 12 techniques that required permission from above, but doubt it.
humiliation, sensory deprivation, stress positions like standing four hours, falsifying documents, 30 days isolation, light and sound deprivation, 20 hour interrogations, no hot meals, no cloths, comfort and religion removal, outside interrogations, forced grooming, hooding during transfers and interrogations, and exploitation of prisoner phobias like fear of dogs to indice stress.

Category III, four techniques to be used only on the uncooperative( < 3%) and exceptionally resistant people. Required approval of Commanding General at Guantanamo with a legal review sent to SOUTHCOM.
"mild, non injurious physical contact" like grabbing, poking, and light pushing, the use of scenarios designd to convince the detainee that death or severely painful consequences were imminent to her and her family [pussies], exposure to cold weather or water and finally waterboarding. Cheney labeled the last one as a 'dunk in the water', a 'no-brainer' if it can save lives.
[But, didn't you guys rejec t the evidence before 9/11? yes.]

Rumsfeld didn't like the CIA running Intelligence Services, and I don't blame him. The Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) of the Department of Defense created HumInt Augmentation Teams, aka Strategic Support Branch that were only present in Afghanistan and Iraq, but not Guantanamo. The FBI and the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) didn't want to be involved in the new aggressive interrogation techniques.

The author states that Major General Michael E Dunlavey told Rumsfeld that half of the detainees provided no intelligence value at all who pointed him to Feith. Continued interrogations that didn't work was the only choice since Feith didn't want to return anyone brought to Guantanamo. The author mentions that shortly after 9/11, plane loads of detainees were being delivered on a daily basis. Many posed no threat, men who had been at the wrong place at the wrong time; some were very elderly while others posed a serious threat.

Oh yeah, genius, I'm not in anyway out to destroy the Judio-Christian or any kind of religions. What did you guys do to the poor Muslims, via Bush's business partners. Both Iraq and Saudi have been reported as unstable and now that Bush has control of the newly freed Iraq and has betrayed Iran, after George and Barbara made such an effort to be friends with the former Shah, is the next step war with Saudi? That will be tricky to pull off, but al qaeda is easy enough to justify such a war. The country should again be warned, "do not destroy the oil fields", probably.

Why keep killing our troops in Iraq, and torturing innocent people in the US and abroad. I'm not lying about being tortured by the media trash, and the CIA and military too. The trash is robbing me of my money and apparently have done something to my credit, since a chat id named peter was mouthing off in chat about credit and calling me a pussy. Of course, I probably replied with "I will kill you" which has absolutely no base in reality since I don't get to identify the terrorist nor do I have a weapon. All tortured people are coerced to say that. I rarely screen print crap because that gives they additional knowledge of my reaction for further mental torture.

Fuck you if this is even real. What can't you decide? Are they torturing an innocent person? Well, how about a fuckin real trial assholes instead of further sabotage for more made up charges to incriminate myself. Why not use the database of yahoo chat as evidence of harassment. Why no legal protection? Why so fuckin unfair? Fucku I'm not a detective. I see only what is permitted which is mostly trash like the media. Who the fuck are you talking to? You're not helping me with more delusional shitt.



Supposedly detainee 063 was the first to get the new interrogation techniques and was informed of the 'onion strategy' in which he would be stripped of all control of his life, layer by layer by layer. [FUCKU]

These techniques were new to the military , which didn't do aggression or cruelty by way of interrogations, so the book says but we found out different.

FUCKU TRASH,,, they are not my family,, the worst part of this is that its a complete delusion that the top law makers and enforcers and the media trash know to be totally illegal. There is no forgiveness, no smiling, no laughing allowed. FUCKU,, until I'm out FUCKU,, then you are dead. Well, the trash perps have hinted around about the roof that was replaced about 8 years ago by a Mexican family completed by referral from a police officer I knew. Oh yeah, the rottweiler I have may also be a surveillance device of some kind. I know he allowed people in the house when I was gone. It was a setup that I ended up with the dog from neighbors that were tossed out by bad landlords, drug dealers, I guess. [oh don't tell my dad about the drugs, huh keith scum]. Anyway, they are all trash. Period.

So, Wolfowitz was Cheney's Undersecretary of Defense [buzz - but last time i will type it fuckers - not really - you know its my job to resist trash, so i will try - FUCKU] so fucku quagmire. Now its to prove which religion is right, huh. Funny, I asked that very question in PHIL 101 and was disregarded as they are so different with some laughter. Yeah whatever, my seedlings of infection. ITS PURE FUCKIN HATE TIL IM OUT OF HERE, WHICH ACCORDING TO MEDIA FILTH IS EXTENDED FOR BEING A PUSSY - BUT THATS THEIR JOB _ TO MAKE ME THAT WAY - FUCKU] FUCKU FUCKU BUZZ EVERYWHERE FUCKU.

So anyway, I bet Dershowitz and Wolfowitz are some nasty dots that need connecting. Well, lets see, Dershowitz apparently said torture needs to be public maybe FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,,, Britney Spears was public you trash.

Why am i hear doing this if that ft lady sang? FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU - still forgot about me huh. Well, FUCKu you are complete trash. FUCKU. Theres nothing but PURE FUCKIN HATE HERE,, The trash has something inside of me and I can't run or go anywhere. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU ID KILLU,,


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