Sunday, August 24, 2008

taliban and al qaeda do not qualify for Geneva protection,,

Well, the "War Council" made up some nonsense why these people don't qualify as POWs. Uh huh, new rules. I'd hate to be one of those people and stuck in an illegal black hole. Wrong is wrong is wrong, no matter what.

The author Philippe Sands mentions an article written by Doug Feith in the 1980s title "Law in the Service of Terror", in his book Torture Team. It was a piece included in the inaugural issue of a conservative publication, The National Interest.

The Geneva Conventions were agreed to in 1949 as part of the post-WWII settlement to create new rules-based global order. They are four treaties to establish International Law standards and Common Article 3 was the core since it appears in all four. It states the 'rules' [there they are] requiring anyone who was not taking an active part in hostilities to be treated humanely, in all circumstances. All circumstances meant all and anyone meant anyone. The author continues to describe that Common Article 3 prohibits cruel treatment and torture as well as "outrages upon personal dignity." That meant no humiliating and degrading treatment. The Third Geneva Convention (treaty) deals with POWs and stated that they had to be protected against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity. They were entitled to their respect for their persons and their honor, in all circumstances (article 14). Any form of torture or cruelty was expressly forbidden (article 88). There are no exceptions to the customary rule reflected in Common Article 3, not even necessity or national security. The person who violates this agreement is an international outlaw, liable to prosecution in many parts of the world.

The military field manual FM 35-52 expressly prohibits the use of force, all acts or violence and intimidation, including "physical or mental torture, threats, insults, or exposure to inhumane treatment as a means of or aid to interrogation." It was well known that such questioning techniques yielded unreliable results.

See, for me, I just don't know what you want or why you are destroying me. I guess one of you inner-circle 'player by the rules' was pouring gas around my back door tonight. See, you are complete fuckin trash. How about a real trial with real legal advice? Maybe even a criminal charge. Dude, I am not the asshole you think I am but thank goodness you guys know the rules and play by them.

Bush stated that although Geneva was applicable as a matter of law, the Taliban fighters were not entitled to prisoner of war status under the Geneva Conventions because they hadn't followed the Geneva rules. The US couldn't hand out POW status to fighters that didn't obey the rules. That would undermine the incentive system that was wisely built into the Geneva Conventions. Bush said Common Article 3 didn't apply to any suspected terrorists, whether Taliban or al Qaeda. Bush was excited and proud of himself because he figured no one at Guantanamo could rely on Geneva.

Oh, btw, I really mean no disrespect to the paid haters. Its work at lest and we are in a depression with all the energy being hoarded. But, if the rules I still don't understand because I'm not either or any breed of terrorist, make you an enemy of the state then I don't respect so that we are not friends. But, then that's crazy cause that would put me in the non rule following terrorist cayegory, if i was in fact a friggin terrorist. So, what are the rules when your stupid as fuckk plan doesn't work?

Doug Feith had a small speech that was written in Torture Team that contains a couple sentences of importance.

"Obeying the Geneva Conventions is not optional. The U.S. Constitution says there are two things that are the supreme law of the land - statutes and treaties. The Geneva Conventions are a treaty in force."

Save the Fay flood victims if they're not dead yet. I will be back soon.

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