Saturday, August 9, 2008

Is this Russian Communism in the USA,,

I bet it is, because all the Nazi German's I know are dumb as dirt,, But, I do think the nazi's created meth,, But, do we as a nation generaaly know very little about the former Soviet Union,, I think the people can be watched inside their homes by the two-way TV transmission,,

Umm Dear God:

Hi, how are you doing Mr. Lord. We are having a bit of human abuse by humans,, specifically that nasty lil fag thrushi,, we are wondering, how to help the sick communists before they hurt or kill themselves beyond repair,,, see, God they don't realize that evil never prevails,,, just by its very nature, its a failure even if it succeeds over time,, please help us prove this to nancy's cockroaches,,, Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to take,, but only if u can get all her bugs off me,, If I should die, before I wake, hang bush for child sex and labor abuse,,

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