Monday, August 25, 2008

see, the scum watching me know im only good for a couple of hours if lucky,,

Most days, its no hours. And the consistent arrows are hate. Is that a clear statement? Do you understand how that could be so? How it would cause mental illness? I'm sure you don't, because the dumbest fucker in the world apparently has final word of interpretation. That's hardly fair. All the coercion and shamefully seeded [fucku electricity trash] acceptance of the arrows - after much denial - plus there's no way out for me. That's an illusion, why don't you believe me? Because the trash website i had to visit for a school assignment coerced the incorrect reply of my biggest fear being 'to die when no one believes you'. No how lucky was that, to get everyone on your fuckin shitt side. [big delusion huh]. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,, and since you trash dumpsters can read my mind, you know that my real fear of dying is drowning and that's why you publicized and made a sport of water boarding. FUCKU and your eletric bugs or critters outside making noises. Sure, maybe that is true but scumfuck, I won't mention it since it labels me 'paranoid'. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,, you are trash,, study what now fuckin trash? Eastman Chemicals [fucku buzz -- u study it fuckin trash - i want justice now] fucku

Its not fuckin funny,, CARTOONS ARE COOL but the trash creators are scum. No offense to the good ones. Just like Wolfowitz being labeled Jewish scum for his Doctrine that Cheney must have borrowed during their hand holding skip together through the Defense Department. I know a few Jewish people that are very good and kind, just like a few Christians that are the same. You shouldn't kill to force your religious views I'd think. Don't you scumbags have a constitution that protect the civilized from that crap. Live and let live. Leave the Muslims alone. Suicide Bombers are created by man with torture [is anybody out there]. Dude, I've already guessed Jesus after much contemplation because you put a seed in my head about guys that think they are Jesus go directly to loony-bin - DO NOT PASS GO. Oh that game? FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,, I'm not Jesus but let me tell you what. If I was, only the Blonds could live above ground. You fuckers stay in the sewars.

But no seriously. I'm not smiling or laughing fucker. Its still torture fuckhead.
GO TO FUNKIN HELL ALSO. You are trash. Don't get mad at me because thats something you believe. I'm joking with you,, gezz,, its my job. For my country. I have no other real or imagined path. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU ,, and if I am Jesus, shouldn't you not be poisoning me fuckin idiots? And, don't you think I'd have better connections? FUCKU TRASH,, FUCKU FUCKU,,

Oh yeah, I reject 23 as a rule in general, its only a term they embedded - vocab forced to use that they could understand. And I really by rule, also reject opposite-day fuckin trash. But they [the trash creators] usually have a way to force recognition. Then its not torture if she likes it, huh scumbags. I don't know how to prove it. I don't speak barf. "Hate will set you free." FUCKU Hate will set you free,, FUCKU,, that was coerced as hell..the second part,, It means go to hell though,, just so you know,, see, they write the crap script and its my fault,, quagmire. fucku fucku fucku,, And no fucku im not smiling to get out,, That still makes it torture either way,, But no reason to smile fuckin scumbag,, fucku,,

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