Friday, August 29, 2008

im not camp x-ray am i?

hardly even close to cuba,,, oh yeah i forgot about the anything-goes for rules,,, Colonel Beaver, my pleasure,, huh,, are you supposed to have the rules,, but one of ur main responsibility is compliance,, i could've respected that,,, surely they are on paper,,, see, this isn't as important,, see i cant even do this crap right now,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Breast cancer, I read many years ago in Diet For a New America by Robbins. He is an heir of the Baskin Robbins family and was intuitive to what the high fat and and protien diet was doing to the American population. Sorry ahead of time to butcher this information since it has been several years since I read the material. As many people may know already that with our westernized diet, and over consumption of animal fat, there is an opposite correlation with the female reproductive maturity age around 12 years and as young as 10. Compare to other non-westernized societies (what's left) where they reach physical reproductive maturity around 16 or 18 years like the males of the same age. Well, all that animal fat combined with the different antibiotics and hormones that are injected to the animals for the factory farming,, i dont know the answer but the book also explained the problem of trying to get calcium from milk which i forgot right this minute but its a real simple concept,, sorry i'll get back to you on this,, broccoli is better source of calcium,,, its a bit hazy and may be well known by know anyway,,

Also, Parkinson's disease is said to be caused (increases risk by 30%) by taking anti-depressants that overload the quantity of dopamine neurotransmitters,, I think cocaine uses the same receptors as well as the nicotine type receptors for uptake of the drug,, I think the pharmaceuticals may be more dangerous to be very honest. Parkinson's is characterized by twitching of repetitive movements that the patient can not control. Hands simulate a pill rolling motion and patient walks with a shuffle. A professor once said, "Its from frying your nervous system." I'm starting to get a little confused, so I will stop there. il be back,, your patience makes me proud,,,

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