Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy 1:45

Hey, no kidding Seth. I want to reiterate my remorse for a head tumor. When I said it, I was thinking about all the mock or pretend crap that mybugs have been known to undertake. They have done numerous kidnappings, especially in Latin America - catch and release. Does anyone trust these people? In fact, I'm wondering if this whole thing just isn't a hoax,, Even setting up a fake government has been used by guerrilla type warfare. I read the Japanese tried to attempt this during Vietnam.

Oh yeah, there are no people that I actually know, that are part of this crap. Cooper kept coming on the TV screen and I read about Colonel Beaver in Guantanamo and was apparently having delusions. I don't know anything about either of these people. Like I'd know a beaver, asses.

But check this out from a book titled America's Achilles' Heel: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Terrorism and Covert Attack by three authors Richard A. Falkenrath, Robert D. Newman, and Bradley A. Thayer. Oh just an aside, when I first started this blog, thats very shaming by the way, I mentioned I love my interrogator and torturer. I lied. I lied. I lied. Patty Hearst Syndrome even if I thought to be true at that time. But anyway, I don't hate anyone, except someone that rules by fear and after scaring the unarmed human rights seekers to run frantically, shoots them in the back.

After locating what I wanted you to check out, I decided against. Do you know there were days at a time that I was just in an enraged shock. And, any therapists and hospitals are restricted on what they can say or do.

Can I get out of this bubble? And what is the difference from the box of which I need to see the outside. See, its just like, what do you mean Iraq, what happened to Osama? Nah, not really at all.

Oh yeah, I guess mybugs got online under one or many of my screen names like the ID thieves they are to provide more fake crimes. Can we just take the laws off, please. this isn't really the Liberty way. Well that's just enough of that crap.

So mybugs want me to write about behavior they persuaded from me. Bipolar sypmtoms. Oh by the way, there have been little or no arrows for maybe 24 hours. Thank you. Oh yeah, Asif the terrorists? Spare me the accusations/guilt please. Thank you. By the way, my bipolar symptoms kinda fried away for me from the days of shock. Enraged shock?

Before You Take That Pill by J. Douglas Bremner M.D.
Bipolar disorder (aka Manic Depression) is a condition that effects more than 2 million Americans. People who have this illness tend to experience extreme mood swings, along with other specific symptoms and behaviors. These mood swings, or 'episodes', can take three forms: manic (kinda fun), depressive, or mixed. The symptoms of mania often include elevated mood (feeling extremely happy), extreme irritability and anxiety, talking too fast and too much, an unusual increase in energy, and a reduced need for sleep. Its also very common for someone to act impulsively during a manic episode and to engage in behaviors that are risky or that they later regret, like spending sprees. And, in more than half of all manic episodes, people are troubled by delusions and hallucinations. For example, they may think they have a relationship with someone famous [not me, DNA thieves], claim to be an expert in an area they really know nothing about [claim ignorance here], feel paranoid (unusually fearful)or hear voices [hallucinations] that aren't there.

The symptoms of a depressive episode often include an overwhelming feeling of emptiness or sadness, a lack of energy, a loss of interest in things, trouble concentrating, changes in normal sleep or appetite, and/or thoughts of dying or suicide. There is a difference in situational depression and chemical imbalance depression.

Well, I was 'mixed' for which there are no symptoms listed. All the mental illness or drug addiction for which I may have been accused and convicted, secretly, were from situational symptoms.

I don't really know what is true or not since I still haven't been briefed. Can I get out, please. Nah, I'm doing not as bad without the arrows. Please, let my neighbor or others that were easy for hate responses, no offense. I know they didn't really know or care but, you know.

So what was that commercial, that you just played? 10 book set how to quick alcohol and drugs, the cure. asses! Its not me, its my sweetbugs. kidding. I'm really not abusive of any of it [shut up dogs barking], its situational. Well, you gonna get your cams out of my 'you know what'? the bottom-line. Pure genius. Can I get new bugs, please. I can't work with this. Plus, you can't tke the addiction away and stay in environment very easily. Happy 420. It doesn't have anything to do with what you assume. Its for 'the new' happy. Thank You Very Much.

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