Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bill of Rights violations,,

I was informed that I had no legal rights or protection while target of hate and abuse.

Bill of Rights

Amendment I
Freedom of religion, speech, of the press, and right of petition.
Many times when the perpetrators enraged me to yelling and screaming, Fox always played a commercial about Jesus and they always told me I better pray to God, which both they knew didn’t work for me. Speech limited phone calls that I was permitted to make by perpetrators and everyone was forced to lie to me. When I told Fox news at a broadcast in front of a store at Christmas time that I am an American citizen that was framed as a terrorist and I’m being tortured, they completely disregarded me. I’ve been under the impression for the last 5 or 6 years that I have no protection of the law or any available assistance.

Amendment II
Right of People to bear arms not to be infringed.
Assumed unable to purchase a gun since I was on the list of Enemy Combatants.

Amendment III
Quatering of troops.
I’ve never been military, I have mental disability.

Amendment IV
Persons and houses to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures.
My home and my car were broken into frequently, often to steal medication or just to steal something of importance to me.

Amendment V
Trials for crimes: just compensation for private property taken for public use.
They have taken the destruction of my mind, heart, and soul for public use and exploitation.

Amendment VI
Civil rights in trials for crimes enumerated.
Never an arrest, trial, or Miranda rights.

Amendment VII
Civil rights in civil suits.
I have the right from prosecution until I’ve been found guilty of a crime. I have the right to be treated humanely and to a speedy trial. I have the right to not be tortured because it’s the worst of war crimes for my disability or sexual orientation.. I have the right to pursue guidance without my goals being sabotaged.

Amendment VIII
Excessive bail, fines, punishments prohibited.
Restrained by a physical residential circle of military personnel to watch me and a 24-hour video surveillance and scrutiny. St. Ann police used unnecessary brutality when cornered me and arrested after slamming down to the ground. It was a prepared situation just like everything I currently do. People have been briefed on how to mistreat any situation with me. They have ripped me off by suggesting I need some product they market on the Internet for the information that will set me free. One item was a self-defense package when they had what seemed like tons of KKK people targeting me with hate. The Self-Defense crap may have even incriminated me in a group or terrorists by that name in the Republic of Columbia. He probably lied. The CIA people have poisoned me with pesticides on marijuana they indirectly sold me. I had some sores on my face and in my mouth. I think they were responsible for the bone spur that caused me so much pain since I’ve never used much pain medicine plus to suffer too. They would steal the meds. They tried to infect me a few times, or sent me HIV positive people in hopes that I would somehow get infected. They have made sure I get nothing but complete hate from most people including the four schools they had me booted from.

Amendment IX
Reserved rights of the people.
I have no rights or protection from any abuse that apparently is required to avoid guilt of another for same charge I never got.

Amendment X
Powers not delegated, reserved to states and people respectively.
The powers not delegated by the US Constitution or prohibited by the states, are reserved for the states or the people.

1983 lawsuit: A civil suit brought under Title 42, Section 1983, of the U.S. Code against anyone who denies others their constitutional right to life, liberty, or property without due process of the law.

Basic elements of due process:
A law creating and defining the offense, an impartial tribunal having jurisdictional authority over the case, accusation in proper form, notice and opportunity to defend, trial according to established procedure, and discharge from all restraints or obligations unless convicted.

Also, I read about a law that said its illegal for the President to target a sole American here or abroad. Ashcroft wrote new hate crime law in 2001 or 2002 that removed the listing or protection due to disability or sexual orientation so that I couldn't use hate crime charge, I guess.

They have my two small credit cards maxed out and my student loans that I booted from the schooling are about to go into default. No car. No friends. No life or pursuit of happiness.

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