Sunday, August 17, 2008

ERROR,, big letters in red background above,,

Hey, what's this? copy and paste from:
Dr. Zoidberg Pharmacy News Blog >> News Archive >> Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 - 2007) [the web address at the end is kinda messy so its easier to search for this blog.]

I lost what I was gonna paste since i copied and pasted the web address at the end but it was something about a New York Supreme Court Justice said parents are not allowed to put their children in non-therapeutics medical tests.

That made me think about the news story of dad and son riding together again on bicycles. No offense but my godfather can hardly claim parent to me. If that was some of the nails holding me. Its criminal whatever it is. Why did nancy's bugs (spies) say i had magic in me? Not 9 lives, huh? That would be murder to anyone else, huh?

Anyway, I don't know what I'm babbling about, and I guess its better that what way. Is it true that nobody really wants to hear about the abuses and crimes of their government? We can't handle the truth, huh Nickelson? What does that really mean? We can't do anything about the truth is more like it, asshole. Is he on the enemy list? Bush, Nixon, and China seem to be part of the same disgrace, but who really knows?

Oh Glenn Beck has bugs too, apparently. AOL screws the whole Turner Broadcasting Network. What's obvious? Why can't anyone admit i'm the President's target?
[why can't i type or save that last line?] Why would that even be true? duh here we go to play pretend.. You can strike that comment from the record the President's target but this should be noted as well as uhh i dunno,, lost my tract of thought from the random buzzers going off,,

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