Saturday, August 16, 2008

Is it too late to run for President in the upcoming sabotaged Pres. election?

I wish i wasn't so clueless. But, I truthfully have to analyze everything everyday. I have, obviously, no free will. From what I can comprehend, we are bombarded with chemicals that tend to ease our mind and judgments,, Fluoride has been described to have the ability to lower our will,, Well, we may think, "That might be able to happen to a weak person, but I've got a strong will." Let me tell ya, we all do when it comes to freedom of conscience, the right to think our own thoughts,,

But anyway, sugar does it, also,, prepares the mind to more easily accept simple suggestions that may alter the target’s mood,, It takes the edge off of everything,,, makes a lot of things better,, but also cakes are comfort food,, and by the way, its the only chemical or harmful chemical that sticks to our teeth and I think the decay process begins four after contact,, Oh yeah, Theta waves from crt computer monitors bring a hypnotic state to the end users,, Do most hackers use laptops? I don't know. I think LCD monitors may be less damaging but i didn't research,, I'm not sure about waves that transmit from the television but homes with cableTV send a return video stream through the remote receptors back to the company that owns the fiber optic cable over which cableTV transmits,, All households are to have this setup after the required DTV upgrade,, the returning video stream is cost premium and more than an invasion of privacy,, I just tell people now that, "We've all heard of warrantless wiretapping - well they are doing it to me real bad",, and nowadays I don't know, pardon the expression, my asss from a hole in the ground,,

But, because we aren't aware of loopholes in laws or even the 'ruling' interpretation of said laws, we the people suffer,, The current Administration has blatantly introduced us to the the opposite-day "Reponics" (made up word to describe the lies, double talk, and hate) of the conservative right-wingers,, The word is not really dark enough though,, Everything they say, Nancy's Bugs (no, not really, the Republican Nazis) is systematically expressed,, Its a thought out process presented as if a plan or a script,, series of desensitizing, dehumanizing steps,,

Oh yeah, that’s why they rewrote those laws also with executive privilege,, so that no loopholes occur when he buries us alive,, the jerk,, we can tell u hate us,, but why kill our fighters,, our army,, military,, our boys and girls,, our children for pure selfish reasons,, DUDE,, the economy,, why did u do that? what are you doing to Africa? Why are liberals the enemy? Can we see your enemy list? I want an answer why liberals are the enemy,, And the freedom of information act,, that’s just a way to humiliate your enemies,,,, Some African Americans are your enemies according to the prison populations,, you guys set everybody up,, you are the drug man,, why the hell is ur Cabinet so friggin huge? and what about gays,, DUDE u are the worlds biggest pussy,, Do you ask me for friendship in chat??? it has to be you,, any other person would get jailed,, For what? Its complete TORTURE,, dude they do that low frequency waves or maybe higher waves,, don’t you know?? How could you say, “We don’t condone torture, and we get immunity while we poison you.” And walk away and leave me in the hole,, Dude, you’re a complete asshole,,, Didn’t President Ford sign a law that prohibits the President of the U.S. to hide behind the CIA, or not take responsibility for orders he gave to them,,

Everyday common brainwashing thats acceptable, not only our society but others too, is the military,, Often times, its thought to bring discipline and improve the character of the new soldiers,, We can't trust that you won't purposely destroy us,, Gulf War Syndrome??????? And, our troops that have returned from Operation: Iraqi Freedom remorseful for the type of brutal guerrilla type combat and torture inflicted on the unsuspecting and unarmed Iraqi citizens,, And, now they find out the reason they were even put in harm's way was for a secret Bush family lie,,

Let's see,, I wanna mention some more of the data collecting and dossiers (packaged detailed personal file) that are being massaged and transformed to predict our behavior (illegal as hell profiling),, If its the kind of Artificial Intelligence prediction that could bring a conviction if actually happened, the Bush Administration has the, illegal as hell, FISA court and i hear his judges are merely prelaw students,, No, that's a lie, but i really doubt the credibility of any power admin under this President,, I've been stuck in this court I think, I don't know how many years,, Very heavy with hate, sabotage, and destruction from Big Brother (NOT NANCY'S BUGS) for at least the last 6 years, now,, but, realistically longer for life time spook training,, i didn't make the cut,, Dubya, you're a son of a bitch,, its very intense every single day, never a break from complete hate from everywhere,, they can read my mind I think, and they can tell if im offended or hurting from abuse,, And, I sure as hell better be flippin out about the unprovoked rage and hate slam given to me,, Or they become an EC just like me,, I guess,, I really don't have any idea,, they won't let me know,, I just read in No Place To Hide that Bush said, "No one will ever know who's in the FISA court." He said this in 2002, after Judge Gladys Kessler of D.C., U.S. District Court ruled in favor of civil libertarians that the government overstepped its constitutional bounds by refusing to give the names of over 1,200 people detained since 9.11. In 2003, an appeals court overturned this decision because the government said that would compromise the secrecy of the September 11, investigation, as well as future terrorists plots. That must be the secrecy of the 9/11 Commission investigation that Bush replied, "This commission? Oh no, I don't testify but I'll be happy to visit with them." The author says most of those detained were for immigration reasons,, Remember all those accommodations he was making for immigrant camps within Homeland Security,, I guess that’s why the President opened the Texas/Mexican border for tractor trailer trucks leaving Mexico, entering the U.S. and no stop at customs. This was allowed for months, and by the way, where did they all go? I bet they are being kidnapped and trained as "suicide bombers" or the Taliban (welcomed as Texas tourists by Bush) by the U.S. Army at Ft. Benning Georgia,, The same school that was once in Latin America, the School of the Americas where the CIA assisted the U.S. Army with training guerrilla tactics,, CIA mental torture was banned when being taught from this school,, Luckily Alice in Wonderland is a cartoon and can hardly be blamed,, Latin America is ruled by dictators from this school, students and teachers,, The U.S. has the strong arm on everyone down there,, Austrailia too,, NO FREEDOM anywhere in the world,,

The toothache pain i had a few weeks ago was caused by my perpetrators in which the tooth even cracked from the pain,, I would, out of the blue, become extremely rude with targeted hate when my tooth was not hurting at all,,, Until i hit a nerve of the camera guy or whoever the weasel was that had the remote for the tooth pain,, I asked my dentist what kind of fillings could carry a charge,, he said the metals like nikel and something else,, He was briefed before my appointment as well as his secretary,, I could tell by their reactions to my 'delusional' comments,, Well I'm thinking it was also a GPS tracking device like the new currency, or electronic credit card strips,,, Anything that can carry a positive or negative charge maybe,, I saw an article today on the web about a solicitor [whatever that is] that thought the CIA had a bug or surveillance device in his tooth filling,, They have been able to hear me maybe,, i never considered it enough times to discount the mic or hearing device in my tooth,,

I'm reading about some Human experiments and I've already 4 more pages I need to post,, So I will go ahead and post this message then review the 4 typed pages of companies involved in citizen dossier creations, then look into these human experiments more,,, You are a son of a bitchh Bush,, I'm not related to Howard Hughes,,, assstard,, I read a message that dicktator Bush could be removed for being insane and mentally incompetent,,, we need to experiment on u fuckin trash,, crackhead or not,,

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