Sunday, August 31, 2008

oh yeah,., my right to assemble,,

is that the 4th Amendment maybe,, maybe not,,, but thats the entire 10 human rights violations,, cause i dont eve n get friends,, much less assemble,, hey beck dingdong,, roll your eyes,, u stud,, so when bush was lying on tv but not the normal way he lies,, but the way that my scumsuckin handlers (which is so fake and illegal) had me read about liars,, bush did exactly what that book said he would do,, and he never does that,, when he lies,, so is he on my team? he said through the fake grapevine that i was his enemy,,, did Mr. Obama really call me a suicide bomber? well, should I be scared? see, you have all the obvious answers,, for the country,, why dont you tell me what i can do for the country,, even though your country bangs the hell outta me,, Is Bush a double agent?

Don't sweat the answers,, we have a mutual disrespect,, do what for the country? roll your eyes,, see, its all bullcrap,, completely,, forwards and backwards,, but you only said anything to help me out, i'm sure,, appreciate it anyway,, but i bet i will be the biggest scumbag,,, uhh because scripted already,, seriously,, im totally perplexed,,, means confused,, really,, "why dont you read them sometimes"? by the way, my uncle or any family are CIA,, i wouldve learned before too late,, its too late for me to trust anyone,, im reading about 6 different books right now,, by force,, not much really by choice,, plus they are always staring and mocking me,, ALWAYS,, yes constant,, then even read along with my eyes sometimes,, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW,, but ur the obvious brain,, fucku,,

who's side am i on?

see, there's too many loop holes,,, im suing you for every penny,, its not comedy,,

So anyway, who was bush waving to after getting out of the helicopter? Or, was that prerecorded? When you had me watch the 4 hours of hitler over and over, I remember that the public wanted to kill him,, after he won a sabotaged election,, they were beating on his car or something,, kinda like tmz does,, Well, when I saw the human shield on the white house in Fahrenheit 9/11, I wondered how he was still able to go in public,, apparently, at least today, I noticed after him and Mrs. Bush got out of black copter maybe they were waving really funny to the crowd. The crowd was never seen but i suppose that was to whom he was waving. [gosh i hope that is the correct use for whom - i missed that rule - sorry to butcher the type. But, that was the first time I really noticed he was so obviously fake for waving. What was that about? why was he letting me know that he cant go in public? Is Mr. Cheney holding you hostage? That's not gonna fly. Plus, that fake gov't I mentioned, that supposedly Japan try to establish in Vietnam. The book I'm reading described as a puppet gov't.

thank you

There must be a ton of oil in Vietnam and China,, just a guess,, but i don't know really,, One video i watched said there is no oil in china at all but i find that hard to believe,, its so big and untapped,, GET OF THEM NAZI REPUBS,, please,,

Oh yeah, was JFK a Bonesman at Yale, by any chance?

bullets everywhere,,

forget it all,,, uhh all input media,,,

24 hours, haaa

i lied,, it really was maybe only 12 hours with-out arrows, and i just ignored the restrictions,, so, lets go back to, you know, the F word,, bye bye,,,,,,,

so what,, im still suing,,,

and im not paying any bills or debt. Especially for cellular or remote anything. If you want to offer this crap free, then spy all you want, trash. Its bad enough to pay to care for the pups, just so you can spy if the rott is actually a gov't eye.

IM SUING EVERYONE. ASSES. Well, not the blonds. And, whose bugs are these, anyway? Plus, the fear factor was a lie. Just pure rage, really, and forced mental illness. Just trying to tag you as the terrorists. If I was fearful, wouldn't I be less, uh I dunno, everything? Plus, I had to say that - don't ask me why because I do not know. No free-will, right now.
Thank You

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy 1:45

Hey, no kidding Seth. I want to reiterate my remorse for a head tumor. When I said it, I was thinking about all the mock or pretend crap that mybugs have been known to undertake. They have done numerous kidnappings, especially in Latin America - catch and release. Does anyone trust these people? In fact, I'm wondering if this whole thing just isn't a hoax,, Even setting up a fake government has been used by guerrilla type warfare. I read the Japanese tried to attempt this during Vietnam.

Oh yeah, there are no people that I actually know, that are part of this crap. Cooper kept coming on the TV screen and I read about Colonel Beaver in Guantanamo and was apparently having delusions. I don't know anything about either of these people. Like I'd know a beaver, asses.

But check this out from a book titled America's Achilles' Heel: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Terrorism and Covert Attack by three authors Richard A. Falkenrath, Robert D. Newman, and Bradley A. Thayer. Oh just an aside, when I first started this blog, thats very shaming by the way, I mentioned I love my interrogator and torturer. I lied. I lied. I lied. Patty Hearst Syndrome even if I thought to be true at that time. But anyway, I don't hate anyone, except someone that rules by fear and after scaring the unarmed human rights seekers to run frantically, shoots them in the back.

After locating what I wanted you to check out, I decided against. Do you know there were days at a time that I was just in an enraged shock. And, any therapists and hospitals are restricted on what they can say or do.

Can I get out of this bubble? And what is the difference from the box of which I need to see the outside. See, its just like, what do you mean Iraq, what happened to Osama? Nah, not really at all.

Oh yeah, I guess mybugs got online under one or many of my screen names like the ID thieves they are to provide more fake crimes. Can we just take the laws off, please. this isn't really the Liberty way. Well that's just enough of that crap.

So mybugs want me to write about behavior they persuaded from me. Bipolar sypmtoms. Oh by the way, there have been little or no arrows for maybe 24 hours. Thank you. Oh yeah, Asif the terrorists? Spare me the accusations/guilt please. Thank you. By the way, my bipolar symptoms kinda fried away for me from the days of shock. Enraged shock?

Before You Take That Pill by J. Douglas Bremner M.D.
Bipolar disorder (aka Manic Depression) is a condition that effects more than 2 million Americans. People who have this illness tend to experience extreme mood swings, along with other specific symptoms and behaviors. These mood swings, or 'episodes', can take three forms: manic (kinda fun), depressive, or mixed. The symptoms of mania often include elevated mood (feeling extremely happy), extreme irritability and anxiety, talking too fast and too much, an unusual increase in energy, and a reduced need for sleep. Its also very common for someone to act impulsively during a manic episode and to engage in behaviors that are risky or that they later regret, like spending sprees. And, in more than half of all manic episodes, people are troubled by delusions and hallucinations. For example, they may think they have a relationship with someone famous [not me, DNA thieves], claim to be an expert in an area they really know nothing about [claim ignorance here], feel paranoid (unusually fearful)or hear voices [hallucinations] that aren't there.

The symptoms of a depressive episode often include an overwhelming feeling of emptiness or sadness, a lack of energy, a loss of interest in things, trouble concentrating, changes in normal sleep or appetite, and/or thoughts of dying or suicide. There is a difference in situational depression and chemical imbalance depression.

Well, I was 'mixed' for which there are no symptoms listed. All the mental illness or drug addiction for which I may have been accused and convicted, secretly, were from situational symptoms.

I don't really know what is true or not since I still haven't been briefed. Can I get out, please. Nah, I'm doing not as bad without the arrows. Please, let my neighbor or others that were easy for hate responses, no offense. I know they didn't really know or care but, you know.

So what was that commercial, that you just played? 10 book set how to quick alcohol and drugs, the cure. asses! Its not me, its my sweetbugs. kidding. I'm really not abusive of any of it [shut up dogs barking], its situational. Well, you gonna get your cams out of my 'you know what'? the bottom-line. Pure genius. Can I get new bugs, please. I can't work with this. Plus, you can't tke the addiction away and stay in environment very easily. Happy 420. It doesn't have anything to do with what you assume. Its for 'the new' happy. Thank You Very Much.

Friday, August 29, 2008

honestly, its a complete compliment,,,

The money channel are the coolest people. And everywhere, anywhere. I tip my hat Mr. McCain. Umm,, sorry to share any irresponsible information especially medically related. I'm not a doctor but would be nice job. I can tell you for a fact we are misled much worse by the FDA.

Oh yeah, the energy of the Sun. Can you see it accumulate like the 'time value of money?' Not necessarily change the entire energy consumption methods but great time to start a few conversions. You know petroleum fuels everything including warming our work buildings, etc. What do we do without it? Its our nations energy base. I saw a video that estimates we are at the worlds halfway point of supply and that China and India are just beginning their upswing as I understood it. That's a guesstimate, i think but you never know.

Thank You
Is this thing amplified or what?
how did I get so whacked out?
Why am I talking about this stuff?

im not camp x-ray am i?

hardly even close to cuba,,, oh yeah i forgot about the anything-goes for rules,,, Colonel Beaver, my pleasure,, huh,, are you supposed to have the rules,, but one of ur main responsibility is compliance,, i could've respected that,,, surely they are on paper,,, see, this isn't as important,, see i cant even do this crap right now,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Breast cancer, I read many years ago in Diet For a New America by Robbins. He is an heir of the Baskin Robbins family and was intuitive to what the high fat and and protien diet was doing to the American population. Sorry ahead of time to butcher this information since it has been several years since I read the material. As many people may know already that with our westernized diet, and over consumption of animal fat, there is an opposite correlation with the female reproductive maturity age around 12 years and as young as 10. Compare to other non-westernized societies (what's left) where they reach physical reproductive maturity around 16 or 18 years like the males of the same age. Well, all that animal fat combined with the different antibiotics and hormones that are injected to the animals for the factory farming,, i dont know the answer but the book also explained the problem of trying to get calcium from milk which i forgot right this minute but its a real simple concept,, sorry i'll get back to you on this,, broccoli is better source of calcium,,, its a bit hazy and may be well known by know anyway,,

Also, Parkinson's disease is said to be caused (increases risk by 30%) by taking anti-depressants that overload the quantity of dopamine neurotransmitters,, I think cocaine uses the same receptors as well as the nicotine type receptors for uptake of the drug,, I think the pharmaceuticals may be more dangerous to be very honest. Parkinson's is characterized by twitching of repetitive movements that the patient can not control. Hands simulate a pill rolling motion and patient walks with a shuffle. A professor once said, "Its from frying your nervous system." I'm starting to get a little confused, so I will stop there. il be back,, your patience makes me proud,,,

Sorry about the disrespect,,

Good morning Mr. President. So have you given any thought to the kingdom idea? It would be anti-conservative with having the whole Liberty for All mission statement. I know my game is the pits. See, always saying sorry is pretty weak,, mostly out of shame for the way my behavior was manipulated,, its complex, i won't bore you,, Lets hope the military isnt snooping around google,,, I think beaver provoked,, and cooper,, sorry about the names after promising to never do again but i just started with that dr name,, if those are meaningless just leave me alone,,, And, gay is a pretty okay thing,, I'm not up for a long persuasive soapbox,, why cant you take the laws off? arent they fake? see, i get no friends,, kinda being a baby but,, was that you on c-span this morning? you ounded pretty in case no one told you,, thanks for reading,, i promise i dont put as many cusswords as actually get posted,, cia edit program,, no not really im lying,, i do cuss a disgraceful amount? U like nancy grace,, isnt she nice? let then laugh and roll their eyes,, a mind eye? uhh illegal as hell whatever it is,, as heck,,

anyone need a VP cand,,

Im not serious,, dont worry,,, and get off me anyway,, its not me not accepting them,, its them because they have been torturing,, the dont like me,, i wont even vote,, go2hell with ur bright ideas,,

its just comes out of me,, poetry i guess,,

oh i thought obama wanted me to do a nixon VP run,, dunno why,, but as i typed it along with something else,, a choice 2was made,, like midnight or some crap on a weekend,, i dunno maybe not,, and look,, its not me dividing,, its the hate country,, i have little to do with yours or anyones actions,, not by my own interest,, dang thats just skank nasty,, you haters,, bad asses, anyway,,

its bveen a blast im suing the fuckk outta you,, why would be legal to run for VP? hang strong world,, meet the press is bad anyway,, when they blew off the questions about where the anthrax was found,, so anyway,, tgif huh,, have a blessed day,,

wtf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, assigned paper for slave religion,,

dancing and talking in tongue is hardly in my best interest,, ummm that dr name was incorrect,, il never mention another person or id anyone and be wrong again,, so anyway, im really sorry sandy,,, i had no idea,, no hard feelings maybe,, anyway,,, the news just makes me sick,,, like the caller,, fucku bitchh,, u sound like scum,, in ur voice,, nasty,, fucku,, fuckin nasty,, fuckuin nasty,,

actually cool as hell,,,,

thats all,, sarcasm, dont worry,,

seth sorry about that,, i dont like you really,,

Don't give anyone a brain tumor,, please,, il drop it,, hope they didnt start it already,, did u prank my cell phone? cool,, so anyway,, any death threats were purely forced,, i dont even know how,,, ask harvard law school,, i dont really think ur a whore either michelle,, but its too late really,, the damage was forced out,,, cool,, rock on,, see how they work,, they make the weak do things that they dont want to do,, it seems uhh i dunno,, what else? its really not my fault but it wouldnt matter what i do or not do at least for a long time,, if i wasnt persuaded to do something, apparently they have sufficient people that would love to do it,, it doesnt even matter,, nothing matters really,,, im not trying to act like a baby about 'many to help persuade',, i think its just a fact,, really not being a baby,, well sometimes from pain but thats it,, i will make an effort to watch my mouth,, no deal to ask for so i hope i remember,,, but its like not-laughing,, its a quagmire,, thats funny,, fun,, whatever,, thank you very much,, just cause,, not for torture,,,

i dont know why i abuse myself like that,,

Like Smart Mr. Bush said, they even terrorize themselves,, im hardly a terrorist,, and the only circumstantial evidence is what they created,, look i dont know who u are that hate me,, ive had scumsuckers like that my whole life,, same fuckin song,, same fuckin scum id bet,,, when i said 'the smart ones' i was being sarcastic,,, but seriously i dont think anyone is an idiot,, but i cant say that in front of the pervs,, i dont know how they brainwashed me to go to yahoo chat,, might be some of the newly approved 18 techniques,, thy are the terrorists,, i dont know how they do it,, isolation maybe,, i dunno,, its all friggin lies and setup,, complete trash,,

no matter what i do its wrong,, period,,, until a new president,, which frankly im not too optimistic on the fairness of elections,,, or the promises,, im really sorry tho,, that you have to shoot me,, is that ok? its my gift cmon,, im not the least bit proud,, in fact, its painful,, extremely,, but that is their job,, torturing,,, its not right i know but nothing is right,,, oh maybe to the politicians,, im not interested,, i dont know why i go,, honest feedback maybe,,, its just complete fuckin disgusting,, period,, it will never change,, maybe i dont want it to in some sick kind of way,, dunno about all of that,,, thats enough of that,, but fucku,,

and really its abuse everywhere,, the nasty garden,, they mess with,, fucku,,

Thursday, August 28, 2008

oh yeah, the cia torture trash,,

infiltrated the UK with propaganda I read about,,, plus all the video taping or live cams in every public place,, notice they are real careful and dont like to offend,, kinda like me after a lifetime of fuckin arrows,, man you scum make me sick to my stomach,, completely,,, go2hell,, go2fuckinhell,, fucku,,

go to hell,,

you don't pretend im not the enemy asswipes,,,, that gets me in trouble everytime,, as if,,,, you fuckers are the problem,, not the solution,, see im not that dumb for the millionth time,, fucku fucku fucku fucku fu cku fucku,, even if i accepted ur fake as hell shitt,, well i wouldnt,, it just aint fuckin happening,, never again,, and u fuckk were the judges of me,, fucku fucku fucku fuckiu ,, forever for fuckin good,, fucku,, fucku,, fucku,, period,, its funny cause you progrmmed me this way,, fucku trash,, how many idiots does it take,, fucku,, no offense idiots,, and really there is only one,, so fucku for pulling that out too,,, everything i do is wrong or in the mind of trash fuckin scum that get to pas judgment,, fucku,, fucku,, i cant do anything right by design,, so fucku,, fucku,, fucku,, trash,,

theyre terrible at the forced hygien though,,

plus they back up the sewers for that stench,, the gas man maybe he did and maybe he didnt tell me that sewage air is more toxic than co2,, ya trash,,

this is just the part that it get worse,,,

As if, it hasn't been enough fun filled game already? high entertainment value,,, pitiful,, you know philosophy 101, not at the expense of anothers humiliating destruction,, i don't know what the masses thinks to be fighting, and honestly i dont care,, its all pretend that you trash are warping my mind and continuously bashing my head everywhere,, you want me to be a good sport,, its not happening,, ever, ever, ever,, the torture from the smart people is unacceptable, intolerable, and criminal,, yea yea our judicial system sucks,, why not get me addicted to some drug that i couldnt be conscious of this shitt,, if it has to fuckin be done,, and damn don't expect me to accept anything different than total justice,,, you trashy mind readers,, and trash implanters,, is that why 24 was blocked from me,, so that i couldnt see how people getting tortured act? FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,, id be embarrassed, if i was you to know these things,, Harvard dogs,, fucku,, fucku,, fucku,, why do u think im a danger to you and the idiots if my dr doesn't,, thats not scientific,,, no offense idiots,, and who am i even talking to,, i don't really like all the media guessing,, its not good,, slow lazy tropical storm fag,, that wasnt my fault,, fucku,, neither is gustav,, ask the latin american contras trained by the army and cia,, how many ,,,,,,,,,, oh well i forgot,, nm have a great day,, thanks for the torture,,,

go2hell fucku

deja voodoo


idiots is an endearmant thing,, love and respect to...

Hah, hah, hah. Whaqt a crazy bunch,, That endearment is secret,,, just cause if i once liked you, a curse apparently, (but might have been lying to get ahead - shhhh)I'd still think you're golden even though you were just seeding it then,, just go2hell,,, my teeth are too nasty and im totally humiliated and tortured,,, i'm not surprised no one cheated,, for quick legal advice,,, and what the hell kind of law are you using? I dig the crap out of the books, movies, music, even with the unconscious arrows,, and I guess the strategy, planning, setup, and execution for the mental illness, drug addiction, permanent damage, mind control and conversion, torture, humiliation, human rights, too,,, even though i dont appreciate that crap one bit,, 'no-brainer', eh cheney,, Good project name.. Operation: No Brainer,,, So what, youre the 'no-brainer'. You cheated when you said, "The patient's doctor doesnt have to force hospitalization unless he's a danger to himself or others." But really, that was strategical so that I would stop wanting to go in with every tragedy you brought down,, we fun,, you cheat like shit,,, and you want me to believe something that is totally degrading,, they were instructede to make the hospital stays even more unbearable than at home in the rathole,, All these freaks working on dumbshitt laws of what constitutes human or nonhuman fuckin being way of life,, YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES,, FUCKU,, FUCKU,, FUCKU,, they make it ez to hate me so you can do that part,, who cheating fuckhead? me apparently by not playing by the fuckin rules? is that right trash face? bullshit,, all i get is this stup computer thats hacked the fuckk out to give my pitiful defense,, well obviously if my dr doesnt put me in the hospital then he doesnt believe that im a danger to myself as a 'suicide bomber' or as a terrorist,,,, and see what about friggin shock,, dont you think thaqt deserves privacy dershowitz,, im not gonna change if you dont grant me my human rights,, pewqwwwwwwwwww cant u just smell the ignorance,, you interrogate, more like torture for political trash version,, until i publicly say i will kill nancy's bugs? what does that mean? or do you interpret that like your 'the new' fuckin law,,, Are you kidding me?

I dont really know what im saying,, i bet i look animated on video,, trash,,, and hold up with the fat bashing,, you know the cam adds tons of wieght,, look at dr z,, he's thin as a rail in real life,, and nasty as hell,, [smart bomb] that wasnt personal,, sue if u want,,, my blood is apparently of value,,

I really don't like this at all. I hate it. Seth youre not a fag,, you are cool as hell and most of us would like to be like u,,, [do your brain tumor majic now, pals]

so if my dr doent think im dangerous from the relentless hate and forced thoughts and words, then how can I be dangerous for the military and law enforcement to fire at,,, cmon FUCKU FUCKU

NO OFFENSE TO THE GOOD PEOPLE,, so juswt cheney i guess,, donald reegan? from reagan admin,, see, they are all corrupt as hell,,

u know whats even funnier than u idiots,,

nobody has to take the blame,, its all my fault,,, apparently,,, FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,, U ARE COMPLETE TRASH,,, THANK YOU VERY MUCH,,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the sun is the answer,,,

For energy. Sorry, I guess that was mine, too.

I thought Obama said he was going to keep the Bush Cabinet? Did anyone ever hear that?

What should I do?

My enemy's enemy is my friend. But, they didn't tell me that way before. They said, "My enemy's friend is my friend." Just trying to get me to screw myself. But my enemy is Bush, so he says,, His enemy is Russia. Mr. President, please remove these fake terrorist laws?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I remember when my parents had to move back from Florida, retirement, because I couldn't take care of myself. Plus, scumbags were sabotaging every move I made, apparently with medical and legal encouragement. Put they didn't believe me when I told them I didn't cause all the burn holes in my comforter, which I really didn't care whether believed me or not but the pervs got promotions or something. So anyway, there's even more things I don't give a crap about that are apparently important to the idiots. Calling my doctor so that I couldn't get an earlier appointment isn't really a big deal but they flaunt it so I gotta call them on it, for drama - i hate that word.

Anyway, Hillary looks great. Sorry, I don't share the same optimistic views, unfortunately. Elections are sabotaged, just like Congress and the Courts. I can't listen, not out of rudeness but I can't smile. I'll come back later.
The Fay storm wasn't really my fault, if it was even real. It may have been to get my attention, which it did after it kept changing directions. So genius with the secret words and 'the new' vocabulary rules, if we take away the capitol F and add a capitol G, the storm could be called Gay and you could've pinned all destruction on me, well justified it as my fault anyway. Or, look, if we take away the little y and add a little g, we get tropical storm Fag. Absolute, complete brilliance I'd say. Did Rove help you with the new confusing vocabulary.

But, sorry about the delay, Vioxx was my responsibility, I think. So here we. 20 million Americans, the baby boomers have reached the age for, what the Pharma industry calls, an inevitable condition, Osteoarthritis. The condition occurs due to the destruction and wearing away of cartilage between bones which causes inflammation in the joints and surrounding tissue. Actually, people of all ages get the condition but Pharma, like everybody else markets to this massive group that shares dates of birth from 1946 to 1964. I wouldn't be surprised if there was something purposely put in the air we breathe to create the condition. Just a guess, but Merck needs to increase stockholder wealth with the release of new medications. The first-line of treatment for osteoartritis are the NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and include ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) and some others. NSAIDS inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 [thats why i got this job] enzymes which synthesize prostaglandins which promote inflammation. They actually do a pretty good job at decreasing the swelling and pain but have been blamed for gastrointestinal bleeding. A new line of medicine came to the market called the COX-2 inhibitors that no longer caused the bleeding intestines but clotted the blood. This caused numerous amounts of heart attacks and many deaths. All a Pharma company needs is two trials or experiments proving that the medicine helps the condition better than nothing at all. They could do eight such trials and as long as two proved that the medicine in better than nothing, they pay thier half of a million dollars to the FDA for approval to market. I'm not sure if eight is the maximum number of tries or not. But the side effects are always down played or not even mentioned. When Vioxx maker Merck answered these charges, they said it was because naproxen prevented heart attacks and should have been added. But, then the stomach bleeding would've occurred. Oh well, I'm getting tired so I'm just gonna wrap this up real quick. Merck Lied. Meds are patented 20 years before generics are available at which time the cost decreases. So they always need something marketable with protection of a patent. Pharma is all marketing. They start when students enter medschool and its total branding and recognition. I collect Adderall pens if anyone has any they aren't using. Its a total scam and I wouldn't doubt that they create many of our diseases.

Exercise can control osteoarthritis. And, actually prevent it. A specific range of repetitions, 12 - 15, allow synovial fluid to coat the cartilage and prevent the damage caused by nonuse. The concept of positive muscle failure should determine the amount of resistance or weight used. An exerciser should use resistance appropriate to reach 12 reps minimum, and maybe only struggle for the last one or two reps to make the total reps for that set 13, 14, or 15. Good, strict form is paramount and mustn't be ignored. If other parts of your body come into play when doing the struggling one or three reps, then you should have stopped. But anyway, you get the idea. Do two or three sets of the exercise to coat the cartilage with the nutritious fluid.

As far as Kaos and my DNA, they can alter my DNA with a retrovirus like HIV. They cn alter anyones with a retrovirus. I can explain some other time. Ask Bush how he does it?

I want to apologize to a very good professor from Exercise Physiology. I'm sorry I called you vicious hateful names. I didn't realize my destruction was a law. Sandy, too. And, to everyone else actually, that I did or did not recognize. And, for future words of filth the shittsucking government passing through me. See, they are trash, to make laws then secretly persuade people to break them. I'm surprised that people were so knowledgeable about the abuse or harassment to me law.

Thank you, Marylin. Seth is still a fag. But, I appreciate it. Kinda makes me sick to my stomach to say those words for multiple reasons, the 'I appreciate it' words. In fact, it tears me stomach up. [ur so smart kaos people]

I see you Green B. Always a star. Thank you very much. Its like a miracle. Mr. Kennedy, one time I said, "I want to be like a Kennedy", sorry about the brain tumor. They are total asses.

So whats up with the steroids. It was corticosteroid for pain, hardly anabolic anything. Maybe known to destroy cartilage.

everyday is a sense of urgency,,,

I can find what they want,, whos they? so0 i was going to try to get into my dr early since i dont have a car,, they always mess with my dr,, one day i took the battery out of my cell phone and it turned off one of the tracking devices on my person,, so they called the secretary to bitchh,,

They called my dr and told him not to let me in today,, all she had is thursday when my appt schedule but i dont have a fuckin ride,,, fucku,, fucku

go2hell,, so what shoot her i dont,, fucku,,

nothing bad about that last message,,

Just in case a connection to someone was somehow made about living or something i may have said during the tragic despair of the last few decades that may but pressure on someone or something,, Its jus5t a very simple way to disassociate,, Sorry about the accidental tag,,, i finished with the complete fuckin embarrassment, humiliation, and disrespect,,, those fuckers created what u see in chat,, way back AOL harassment in gay chatrooms even,, which the scum sucking trash blackballed me from,, trust me, I would never force my views on anyone,,, id appreciate the same consideration scumbags,,

I AM NOT IN THE WRONG,, SCREW YOU,, new leaf,,, instead of the f word,, But anyway, they don't let me use a cam that with my own choice,,, and I don't look tortured right now,, except a knot on my face,,, and my Dr said my prostate screening [fucku if buzz] was clean,, but the pervs give me reason to think otherwise,, they love that fear,, and slipping things in drinks,, its a fact,, they are complete trash,, no I can't prove it nor can I prove innocent for something I don't know about,, they have used my screen names before,, anywhere and everywhere,, they are scum,, i swear im innocent and torture is such a horrible motivator,, mr feith with the incentive program,, total b/s,,, and if they don't comply or understand the action to be taken they move up to next torture category,, they disguise the word torture with the word interrogation,, why did Mr. Bush say, "anyone who thinks they're being tortured is crazy." wasnt that to let me know that was his doing,, so shameful and corrupt and deceiving,, FUCKU if u are talking to me,, TV,,, pretty grandeur huh,, funny i guess if making torture look pretend,, fucku,, video is off the table until i get safe,,, fucku,, safe means justice,, let the judges watch your footage spying on me,,, unless we are still playing pretend,,, I WANT JUSTICE,, TORTURE IS TORTURE AND WRONG,, I can't even believe the pitifulness of this situation,, I cant take care of myself,, they know it,, they are the reason im on disability,, swear to god,, lifetime of harassment does that I would imagine,, why try to wiggle out of details,, ITS WRONG,, and doesnt work,, figures the one time it may have worked, for the 9/11 confessions, the tape gets gets burnt to a crisp,, I assume I'm still doing everything wrong, but destinyxx always comes in yahoo trash chat and winks and flirts with me,,,

So anyway, its all just a lie, huh,,, it sures seems like real torture to me,, trash,, fucku,,

so the planning wasn't really that good, huh

Like the execution. BTW, the media is ignored for a little bit,, and we can see what happens,,, Besides, how completely rude and disrespectful,, I'm not a crackhead or the many things the trash liars may explain,, ITS STILL PUREFUCKINHATE here at Amity,, and yeah, the trash talking media can vouch for that,, Not that they would or should but its obvious to me they are still talking cause I am not listening,, no offense to anyone to significant,, small crowd though anyway,, I really do love most people in a forced hate kind of way,,, No, not you at all,, [just in case] what am i doing here,, It helps best to release the garbage right here, i guess,, thats quite a shame,, I have no personal hate for anyone particular, since most that I receive is anonymous,, MH has another meaning, but I forgot. MH is a liberty type concept anyway, yes I'm so jealous of those swish bottling (careful of trademarks) or i don't know what the cartoon says but it isn't nice,,, Nice jabs in Boston to the scum characters,, I dont think my scum people are gonna let me see Mr T,, they know the code,, outstanding tho,, this will come back and kick me in the head and no body will even know,,


funny but im not really blond,, more light brown id say,, the pervs [they luv that better than perps] set me up so that I would say light brown,, They took away all my text formatting features here, also. So hey, I'm thinking about starting a resistance club,, Blond Bombers, I bet thats a shittsuckers registered trademark already and will be sued. As if I even have anything,, they want me to mention vampire so they can get a little stimulation - don't ask me why,, but anyway, we need to empty the jails of drug offenders and apologize for czar setups,, [hardly friggin transparent] and see if they can help the red cross world wide,,, IM KIDDING CMON,, im not really a warrior, maybe if proper training, but they have me seeded with tracking device or somekind of audio/video surveillance crap so the other underground sc um clubs do nothing but join the masses of shitteaters for fun,, complete trash society,, i dont know who they are, they make up multiple personalities,, its a phenomenon that occurs with intolerable abuse,, see, they suck,, they always take or say what I should say, if in fact I really should aay anything,, And some movies they screw up or scramble parts that may have been important, because they denyingly cause me to say certain things,, tada,, nasty trash puppet master,, terrible torture all the time,, then they pretend its all my fault,,
For one thing I'm not in the wrong,, Two, I don't know what is actually going on,, Three, I have no interest whatsoever in polotics,, [left mis-spelled on purpose for the idiots] but i was kidding about any kind of blond power resistance because i have no defense, no weapon, money, or path to pursue,, even as obvious as anything may be to the genius media, its completely different from this side,,

im not even asking anyone for help,, justice is all I want and need and deserve. Sorry if that desire to live with a couple people may have tagged ya,, Its withdrawn at this time,, it was only something safe to write i thought,, anyway, dont even think about it,, No Offense meant and none taken,, Hope it works for you,,

So anyway,, sewage scum, where are ya? Come and get me,, PUSSIES,,,

[thats just tough talk Blond Power, the oppression taught me - they are gross, we don't like them - im kidding - a joke like my life]

I AM NOT STARTING A WAR I PROMISE,, funny,, fight for what,, must have been dumbfuckk peter in chat or private message that I asked, "What else could you possibly want from me?" He's like, "well what u got?" That was the big selling spot for my blood,, as riddles continue to suggest,, ok, I'll say it, "The vampires are after me." All drunk and full of disease,, Herpes is big in their circle I think,, The acidic blisters provide additional energy or some b/s excuse,,
[no offense to vampires or herpes patients - its not funny to laugh about disease or misfortune of another - tortured people are for that is the jist i got]

Two nights ago I asked, "Guess who I grew up watching on the silver screen." Hopefully, this mention doesn't get her killed,, or him maybe,, [diversion stuff from pervs],,, nevermind, it was,,,,,,,,,,,,,, see, I can't even say,,

and thanks for the good things Mother Nature,,, dr z is a fag,, no not really,, never really met,,, but dr patel is tho,, thats the name i guess im supposed to assume for the illegal medical experiment,, that would be a huge boost [fucku buzz] to my self esteem to post,, [is anybody out there - this is the U.S. calling - not really Mr. war crimes, its a few song lyrics] [i didn't mean boost, i might strike or blow to my self esteem] I HATE U SCUMBAGS JUDGING ME WHEN ONLY TRASH CAN SPEAK FOR ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HEY DID I MENTION ABOUT THE DOG THAT MAY BE A SURVEILLANCE TOOL,, THEY ARE SCUM,, they did have my crying the last couple weeks,, once,, total enraged,, its never fun,, they are nazis im telling u,, str8 up hitlet youth,, oh yeah, 'youth' is another tag that nay mean aggressive attack like 'front' maybe,, who cares man im an idiot,, fucku,, fucku
But, they had me crying when they were trying to convince me, or maybe just suggestion, i dunno, that they mixed alien DNA into mine,,, That's just the kind of stunt they would enjoy that may give them lifetime torture access,, they are complete trash,,, FUCKU,, trash,,

Who cares.

im not the bad guy,,

I have no desire to continue begging for a charge and hearing,, i don't even like the people,, no offense to those that may be civilized,, PURE COMPLETE LIES,,

you know, it doesn't matter at all,,,

I've made no reasonable discussion here. Lots of vomit kind of stuff passed through,, thats apparently their job,, I don't know,, Its unacceptable,, Completely.Completely.completely.

plus the media are nasty,,

like a customer I waited on 20 years ago. Brought his own cock roaches. I think that person I didn't know then and still don't know now maybe part of the same perps with the constant harassment. Just pitiful people everywhere. Maybe it is my family but they never have permission for this. shoot them,, I think its Bush ytash, just a guess. Fucku CIA scum.

so what,, no one believes me anyway,, as if i even had a chance,,

hey pukestain barfbag,, my biggest fear is happening right now,, but fucku,, its hardly inspiration,, its fuckin illegal trash,, u need to fry,, fucku,, fucku,, oh my older biggest fear,,, is want I mean,, i don't even know or care,, its illegal as possible,, nasty trash,, why do u want me to see how bad i have it but can't get out or something? ura idiot, fucku,, fucku,,

Monday, August 25, 2008

Total scum,,.

Had the situation been different, I would still be able to show true emotions. YOU ARE COMPLETE SCUM,, 1984 trash,, [buzz nah i made that buzz up - apparently they know its true]

So I thought you were trying to make me totally exhausted, well duh i was that way fter flunking out of Chiro in '03. The idiot show thinks they have been building up my resistance to hate which I don't think is possible. They are fuckin trash. Period,, I can't show real emotions because the fuckin trash thinks its play time game,, fuckthem,, its hardly a game and I am exhausted,, duh,, you are the energy trash experts, i have none and u are still trash,, fucku

check this out,, when Bush visited the Pope

Just in case: the comments about weed packaging have already been addressed as to re-incriminating myself and the school mentioned wasn't a school by then either, I was just forced with that defense for trial in wonderland,, But, someone I thought may have been Bush messaged me, one of the few times I wasn't enraged, and I said i emailed the Pope and he said that he knew and thought it was funny. Was surely not a real email address though. Decoys are the specialty with this kind of guerrilla warfare terrorism.

Your Holiness:
My name is Ron and I’m in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. I think President Bush is coming to see you today. I’ve been a “Ghost Prisoner” or maybe some kind of political prisoner since 2003. I was setup at that time to sell marijuana while attending Logan Chiropractic College where many students are from out of state. Well I was extremely busy with 30 credits of sciences and I didn’t realize that my best friend was working with “Big Brother” which he told me was watching me but I never really understood what he meant. Then with the work of other students at school, a couple of professors, and even my neighbors, I was flunked out from school after three trimesters and my best friend was acting like he was purposely trying to infect me with HIV. I, excuse the vulgar details, performed oral sex on him, which is actually the lowest level of risk for contracting the disease, even after we discussed our mutually negative statuses. Then I was supposed to believe he was HIV positive and purposefully trying to infect me. Well, he made a comment that if I try to have him arrested, he would say, “No, you’re under arrest.” Well I was never able to get medical records of his HIV status and I really didn’t look. I knew that information was confidential but they were all ganging up on me anyway and scaring me about being on video packaging marijuana for distribution. And I live less that 100 feet from a parochial grade school. Right after I was academically dismissed, my best friend sent me an email demanding that I never see or talk to him or his child again – and I am never welcome at their home again. The process took about a year, but it was kind of my own personal 9/11 tragedy. I was full of confusion from the pure hatred from every direction. Even the news media got in on the game. The situation was implied to me as a Game, which years later I realized was the way some CIA operatives referred to their work. No one has been able to help me in any aspect because they themselves may become an EC or enemy combatant. In fact, anyone coming in contact with me more than once, had to express simultaneous rage and hate right at me just they wouldn’t become an EC. These are just my best guess analyses, which has been mostly impossible from which to draw conclusions. Most information about what is going on with me has been withheld from me. The perpetrators created decoy web sites, created false news stories, and requested library books for me. I don’t know why because they continuously tell me how completely stupid I am and scrutinize every move I make. Anyway, the level of secret intelligence and surveillance utilized on me is at the highest levels of US Government and the perpetrators completely humiliate, dehumanize, and mock me. I just recently ran across the techniques used on Patty Hearst on , and they are the same techniques used on me. I also have a couple of military training manuals that and special forces all four branches teach a form of mental torture. The CIA, that must currently videotape their interrogations for International Law reasons, are band from conducting this type of training – but they still do. Its mental torture and brainwashing and the United States Executive Branch is doing this on a mass scale by keeping us confused. Did you know that all the decision makers involved in going to war with Iraq that where constantly inundating the American people with fear and mass destruction by weapons, both chemical and biological, of mass destruction in 2002, were the same people that assured us, without a doubt, that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and no where near capabilities to have them. By lying to us with an ‘opposite-day’ mentality. This is grade school stuff that children play and an example might be like this, “Mom, I don’t like you. I love you.” Real simple stuff but that’s the base of every law this administration has written. They media is in hypnotic trance, you have my word. Also, the Patriot Act, which was a huge document that was prepared well ahead of 9/11, especially if dropped on Congress with and expectation to accept without reading. Well this is packed full of blatant and ‘opposite-day’ lies that give the president full control over everything with no checks and balances and he has butchered our nations constitution, military, economy, housing market, choicest ports of call. He completely opened up the border with the right of way for semi-trucks leaving Mexico and entering the US, bypassing US Customs. This was to allow the illegal smuggle of people and drugs mostly to serve political needs since the Hispanic community typically votes republican. And why shouldn’t they, he opened up the border for them.. Another example of ‘opposite-day’ type antics was the Anti-Hate law from Attorney General Ashcroft that had no protection for the disabled or different sexual orientations. Now come on, they are too huge aspects for hate crimes. Oh well with that law and being and EC, fraudulently mind you, people can do anything they want to me and not be charged a crime. They are encouraged to harass me the best they can. The Speaker of the House, that is in charge to begin impeachment proceedings said “Its off the table.” 1000 people tried to citizen’s arrest Bush at the UN conventions recently, but they were hauled off to outside pens for this type of activity. Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of England is being tried for War Crimes for misleading their country into this war simply as an ally to the US. Anyway, there’s some really bad stuff going on over here. Oh yeah, the US Army has the capability to make storms. Like record numbers of hurricanes and tornadoes, blizzards, flooding, and control of blackouts. Its weather warfare and that’s why Burma wouldn’t accept aid from the US for any reason. See, Bush wanted that land, just like Iraq. But Burma sits between two nuclear weapons countries that may very well combine forces against the US because our President is behaving badly. China was secretly allying with Iran and provided them with nuclear weapons and that’s why they were hit with earthquakes for a few days. My perpetrators have made it very clear to me they control the weather, earthquakes, and electricity and they’re all modern day techniques for warfare and terrorism. Also, China had the huge lake flooded communities from the earthquakes, just like the US is flooding from rain. The infrastructure mostly throughout the country is old, worn out, or just incapable to move large amounts of people due to natural disaster or emergency should the need arise. And I would bet money that any targeted communities have major roadway construction right now. There’s tons more stuff like mass testing insecticides by misting over unknowing population. Is there anyway you can restrain him for us, because even our justice department is allowing him to cheat on elections which he did twice. He has never been rightfully our president and he is stealing all of our human rights. Even the collapse of the twin towers was an inside job but the firemen at the scene were sworn to secrecy about the strategically placed bombs that were continuously exploding. Skyscrapers that have been hit by planes in the past had never ever collapsed, especially as perfectly as a professional demolition crew could do. Plus the plane that his the pentagon contained some additive to increase the flames temperatures from the explosion by 1000 degrees but I forgot why that was relevant other than it shouldn’t have been. Brittany Spears has been tortured just like me. K-Fed divorced her and took like $50 million dollars from here. She went bonkers because there’s much that we don’t know that happened to her. She started dating Sam who may have been middle eastern, I don’t know for sure but that’s all this Administration needs to draw conclusive evidence for the guilt of anything they presume to be un-American or a crime. Sorry to put such an issue in your lap but please don’t tell him I told you until he removes all fraudulent anti-terrorist laws so people will stop sabotaging my life. They have flunked me out of two additional academic programs through this torture since 2003. Thank you for your sincere prayers and blessings.

plus, don't you wastoids change the unknown rules all the time?

Well, go to hell. That's why no one knows the rules. What about the Lake Erie area where Dunlavey from Guantanamo founded a terrorist cell,, They pleaded that they were law abiding and voting citizens. Well, they don't really make a good enough effort to inform the public about the true candidates and we're all so busy from credit card debt that we can't find out the truth to know the correct choice to vote. I did a kickass speech about voting for a public speaking class,, I looked very handsome,, but screw you guys,, Now hey, I'm telling you, nice doesn't work. I started that way. And, progressed most of that way in confusion. I am not job training. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,, skanky people,, I'm telling you, they are everywhere. And I'm not paranoid in the sense of unclear mind so fucku,, i'm paranoid since thats the only friggin stupid word you understand because I am constantly everyday attacked. I know you can't see the arrows dumpster but you know damn well its happening,, huh,, 'they can't stand our freedom' as dumbest said describing what terrorists hate Americans. I don't think they hate our country of liberty,, well maybe now that trash dude has been involved,, but its for the opposite,, the way Americans oppress them,, through Operation: Freedom tactics. Dude get off them countries,, FUCKU FUCKU,,


see, the scum watching me know im only good for a couple of hours if lucky,,

Most days, its no hours. And the consistent arrows are hate. Is that a clear statement? Do you understand how that could be so? How it would cause mental illness? I'm sure you don't, because the dumbest fucker in the world apparently has final word of interpretation. That's hardly fair. All the coercion and shamefully seeded [fucku electricity trash] acceptance of the arrows - after much denial - plus there's no way out for me. That's an illusion, why don't you believe me? Because the trash website i had to visit for a school assignment coerced the incorrect reply of my biggest fear being 'to die when no one believes you'. No how lucky was that, to get everyone on your fuckin shitt side. [big delusion huh]. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,, and since you trash dumpsters can read my mind, you know that my real fear of dying is drowning and that's why you publicized and made a sport of water boarding. FUCKU and your eletric bugs or critters outside making noises. Sure, maybe that is true but scumfuck, I won't mention it since it labels me 'paranoid'. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,, you are trash,, study what now fuckin trash? Eastman Chemicals [fucku buzz -- u study it fuckin trash - i want justice now] fucku

Its not fuckin funny,, CARTOONS ARE COOL but the trash creators are scum. No offense to the good ones. Just like Wolfowitz being labeled Jewish scum for his Doctrine that Cheney must have borrowed during their hand holding skip together through the Defense Department. I know a few Jewish people that are very good and kind, just like a few Christians that are the same. You shouldn't kill to force your religious views I'd think. Don't you scumbags have a constitution that protect the civilized from that crap. Live and let live. Leave the Muslims alone. Suicide Bombers are created by man with torture [is anybody out there]. Dude, I've already guessed Jesus after much contemplation because you put a seed in my head about guys that think they are Jesus go directly to loony-bin - DO NOT PASS GO. Oh that game? FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,, I'm not Jesus but let me tell you what. If I was, only the Blonds could live above ground. You fuckers stay in the sewars.

But no seriously. I'm not smiling or laughing fucker. Its still torture fuckhead.
GO TO FUNKIN HELL ALSO. You are trash. Don't get mad at me because thats something you believe. I'm joking with you,, gezz,, its my job. For my country. I have no other real or imagined path. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU ,, and if I am Jesus, shouldn't you not be poisoning me fuckin idiots? And, don't you think I'd have better connections? FUCKU TRASH,, FUCKU FUCKU,,

Oh yeah, I reject 23 as a rule in general, its only a term they embedded - vocab forced to use that they could understand. And I really by rule, also reject opposite-day fuckin trash. But they [the trash creators] usually have a way to force recognition. Then its not torture if she likes it, huh scumbags. I don't know how to prove it. I don't speak barf. "Hate will set you free." FUCKU Hate will set you free,, FUCKU,, that was coerced as hell..the second part,, It means go to hell though,, just so you know,, see, they write the crap script and its my fault,, quagmire. fucku fucku fucku,, And no fucku im not smiling to get out,, That still makes it torture either way,, But no reason to smile fuckin scumbag,, fucku,,

boy in the bubble

Well, FUCKU. Who owns the telecom lines. They are exploited like the oil, huh. Its not a fact, its a question.

Turn off the b/s laws so these trash will allow justice,,

Not exactly beggibng to be your boy, trash, just need justice.
FUCKU. My own legal system is allowing this, huh. FUCKU WORLD.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

how do you read my mind?

You scum! So, the shitteating energy hoarders give me the idea that its an experiment for energy derived from the chemical reactions in the brain that are caused by hate. They set of a serious of reactions that create heat and extend throughout out bodies. A Calorie is a heat measurement for energy consumption. They've showed me that the hate must not only be recognized but accepted and believed to be true to be effective. I dunno what they want me to do. They know its impossible to study and learn when tortured. You can't ignore them if assuming its not worth the waste of energy to accept. Every possible thing is done to decrease my self image and make me weak. Maybe Beck really wants me to do something bad to myself for the country. But isn't that kind of disgraceful to accept. They keep forcing it though cause the b/s surveillance comes with free 24/7 scrutiny [buzz]. They are assholes. See what I mean?

So anyway, i don't feel much like typing. You are pretty nasty to talk to. Maybe, let's plan ur death, fuckhead.
[i've reread this a couple of times and its not very nice, but I can't bring myself to erase it]

I wanna start keeping track of Harvard like Yale.
A. Gonzalos, A. Dershowitz, others cant think right now. I think Feith works there.
Michael Dunlavey, Jim Haynes DoD defense counsel;

So anyway, we've reached the halfway mark, maybe. For the supply of petroleum. They use it in everything, even non-biodegradable plastics and pharmaceuticals and maybe street drugs. What kind of gas product to make meth? Total exploit of their product. Good business approach but not so good for the rest of the population or planet. They say allopathic medicine is in the top 5 list of Cause of Death. Thats anything medical related to Pharma (pharmaceuticals).

Kind of hard to just jump into Pharma when just starting on the gas. Too funny. I am not a cop, not training to be a cop, and a cop told me to put aluminum foil on my windows to jam the surveillence. Doesn't work. But, probably makes me guilty for something else.

Funny, hard to stay focused. No disrespect to anyone even those that must provoke hate, since its your legal job, and all. Apparently, you are murderers. I know you have all killed before. Thats all you do is brag. Most of the bullcrap harassment is not worth the mention. Which very honestly makes even more significant. Causes more frustration than something easily identified and named. And so, thats really all I know about both those two issues, gas and meds. Oh yeah, gas runs everything. Even heating the buildings we work and sleep. Delivering good, services and people to their destinations. The say the airline industry has come to a halt. I think American Airlines is bad. I don't know why. I'm sure gas and meds both cause cancer too but I have no data to reference at this second. But, you know, the Pharma companies goal of increasing shareholder wealth would be selling more meds. And, They pay the FDA something like $570.000 for each medicine approved. It might even be $750,000. But the FDA gets a billion annually, maybe.

I'll type some torture stuff up. They are doing great things with growth and production. Or they did. Friggin years ago. How did I get here?

A. Gonzales said somewhere in that book that torture is okay under two conditions, self defense and something i can't remember. I've been trying to find it. This is from that book Torture Team by Philippe Sands as well as what follows.
That Action Memo permitted 18 new interrogation techniques that I want to list.
Counter-Resistance means those that resist torture. During the Nazis of the old days, I think it meant those that resist Hitler's regime.

Category I, characterized by two techniques, yelling and deception

Category II, 12 techniques that required permission from above, but doubt it.
humiliation, sensory deprivation, stress positions like standing four hours, falsifying documents, 30 days isolation, light and sound deprivation, 20 hour interrogations, no hot meals, no cloths, comfort and religion removal, outside interrogations, forced grooming, hooding during transfers and interrogations, and exploitation of prisoner phobias like fear of dogs to indice stress.

Category III, four techniques to be used only on the uncooperative( < 3%) and exceptionally resistant people. Required approval of Commanding General at Guantanamo with a legal review sent to SOUTHCOM.
"mild, non injurious physical contact" like grabbing, poking, and light pushing, the use of scenarios designd to convince the detainee that death or severely painful consequences were imminent to her and her family [pussies], exposure to cold weather or water and finally waterboarding. Cheney labeled the last one as a 'dunk in the water', a 'no-brainer' if it can save lives.
[But, didn't you guys rejec t the evidence before 9/11? yes.]

Rumsfeld didn't like the CIA running Intelligence Services, and I don't blame him. The Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) of the Department of Defense created HumInt Augmentation Teams, aka Strategic Support Branch that were only present in Afghanistan and Iraq, but not Guantanamo. The FBI and the Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) didn't want to be involved in the new aggressive interrogation techniques.

The author states that Major General Michael E Dunlavey told Rumsfeld that half of the detainees provided no intelligence value at all who pointed him to Feith. Continued interrogations that didn't work was the only choice since Feith didn't want to return anyone brought to Guantanamo. The author mentions that shortly after 9/11, plane loads of detainees were being delivered on a daily basis. Many posed no threat, men who had been at the wrong place at the wrong time; some were very elderly while others posed a serious threat.

Oh yeah, genius, I'm not in anyway out to destroy the Judio-Christian or any kind of religions. What did you guys do to the poor Muslims, via Bush's business partners. Both Iraq and Saudi have been reported as unstable and now that Bush has control of the newly freed Iraq and has betrayed Iran, after George and Barbara made such an effort to be friends with the former Shah, is the next step war with Saudi? That will be tricky to pull off, but al qaeda is easy enough to justify such a war. The country should again be warned, "do not destroy the oil fields", probably.

Why keep killing our troops in Iraq, and torturing innocent people in the US and abroad. I'm not lying about being tortured by the media trash, and the CIA and military too. The trash is robbing me of my money and apparently have done something to my credit, since a chat id named peter was mouthing off in chat about credit and calling me a pussy. Of course, I probably replied with "I will kill you" which has absolutely no base in reality since I don't get to identify the terrorist nor do I have a weapon. All tortured people are coerced to say that. I rarely screen print crap because that gives they additional knowledge of my reaction for further mental torture.

Fuck you if this is even real. What can't you decide? Are they torturing an innocent person? Well, how about a fuckin real trial assholes instead of further sabotage for more made up charges to incriminate myself. Why not use the database of yahoo chat as evidence of harassment. Why no legal protection? Why so fuckin unfair? Fucku I'm not a detective. I see only what is permitted which is mostly trash like the media. Who the fuck are you talking to? You're not helping me with more delusional shitt.



Supposedly detainee 063 was the first to get the new interrogation techniques and was informed of the 'onion strategy' in which he would be stripped of all control of his life, layer by layer by layer. [FUCKU]

These techniques were new to the military , which didn't do aggression or cruelty by way of interrogations, so the book says but we found out different.

FUCKU TRASH,,, they are not my family,, the worst part of this is that its a complete delusion that the top law makers and enforcers and the media trash know to be totally illegal. There is no forgiveness, no smiling, no laughing allowed. FUCKU,, until I'm out FUCKU,, then you are dead. Well, the trash perps have hinted around about the roof that was replaced about 8 years ago by a Mexican family completed by referral from a police officer I knew. Oh yeah, the rottweiler I have may also be a surveillance device of some kind. I know he allowed people in the house when I was gone. It was a setup that I ended up with the dog from neighbors that were tossed out by bad landlords, drug dealers, I guess. [oh don't tell my dad about the drugs, huh keith scum]. Anyway, they are all trash. Period.

So, Wolfowitz was Cheney's Undersecretary of Defense [buzz - but last time i will type it fuckers - not really - you know its my job to resist trash, so i will try - FUCKU] so fucku quagmire. Now its to prove which religion is right, huh. Funny, I asked that very question in PHIL 101 and was disregarded as they are so different with some laughter. Yeah whatever, my seedlings of infection. ITS PURE FUCKIN HATE TIL IM OUT OF HERE, WHICH ACCORDING TO MEDIA FILTH IS EXTENDED FOR BEING A PUSSY - BUT THATS THEIR JOB _ TO MAKE ME THAT WAY - FUCKU] FUCKU FUCKU BUZZ EVERYWHERE FUCKU.

So anyway, I bet Dershowitz and Wolfowitz are some nasty dots that need connecting. Well, lets see, Dershowitz apparently said torture needs to be public maybe FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU,,, Britney Spears was public you trash.

Why am i hear doing this if that ft lady sang? FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU - still forgot about me huh. Well, FUCKu you are complete trash. FUCKU. Theres nothing but PURE FUCKIN HATE HERE,, The trash has something inside of me and I can't run or go anywhere. FUCKU FUCKU FUCKU ID KILLU,,


uhh the 1969 moon landing was a hoax,,

That's the word from the George W. Bush Intelligence Agency. Or they wanted me to pass that on or something. I don't really know or have opinion, but that's the impression I get.

Did you guys know that Christopher Columbus was a convicted prisoner that was granted freedom if he would test the hypothesis of sailing off the flat world. Yeah, I didn't know that either. They lie so much. I mean come on, its their jobs. The sons of a bitch. I like the way Nixon called everyone that. Funny.

Fay is getting big. Do we have any Arks? Its not my fault. Go2hell. With the utmost respect, I promise. Guess who I grew up watching on the silver screen? Funny.

oh yeah, the CIA lost torture tapes?

Dude, are you lying to us about anything? Do you want to tell us anything before I get a team? Are you sure? Please, say anything you want to get off ur chest. The command that has been dribbling down the chain, is to shoot at the first sigh of lie and denial. Kinda scary. Accept the arrest with dignity and take the 5th Amendment right.

So anyway, wasn't that lost tape or tapes of CIA interrogations the one of the confessions of 9/11. Was that before or after the event? If before, that pretty much pins you, huh. If after, who cares.

i forgot something maybe very important for my delusion,,

But, I can't remember it, so FUCKU will have to do.

my bad, i just remembered. See dude, I get angels. And, You know I forgot all about that for years, too. I used to work with men of the church, during periods if renewal. Was like a midlife recharge kinda thing. Get it out of the gutter, Bush. Jeez, I swear you are the dirtiest person in the world. Get your own world, will ya. I'll be taking this one. Youre killing everybody with 'the new' kind of guerrilla brigades spread across the world to lead the war on terror. [more like creative it - this is one of my best sellers right there, hope common knowledge. And hey, its not me dividing for all to fall. Talk to the idiot pulling the strings. And stop acting like you try to keep me from chat - is this where you introduce the cast? jeez,, see, its what you have programmed me to do. I have no free will, which i know sounds amazing and fun at the White House but its torture every minute.

So anyway, that was the manual Cheney took to Nicaragua, huh. When he was Secretary of Defense, at which time he reorganized the military to a much trimmerr, more mobile, and less authoritative version, like guerrilla camps. Hey we want to see footage of the inside of Camp X-ray at Guantanamo but without prisoners. What kind of toys. And what, Bush. Its so funny that you have a drug czar in your Cabinet. Well, not the gay happy kind of funny, but that we are so blatantly lied to. And, you got all kinds of dictatorships down in Latin America and Caribbean which is so shameful to us. I have a book called Political Terrorism [not incriminating cause not read which u can watch and see in bed even huh] and it talks of the nonstop kidnapping by the CIA. [call the CIA pervs or perverts, they love it. Anywhere u want to say it, they will hear it.] And, just terrorized them countries, overthrowing their governments and economies. Its a shame. But Cheney talks about making friends with the natives as his favorite approach to Guerrilla warfare, didn't he. See, he mumbles all the time and we don't know what the hell he is saying between "in fact" and "conclusive" comments.

But, I have a cousin that I look alot alike, maybe you got his DNA on accident.

What the hell have these fuckers been doing the last decade if they haven't been teaching me the rules. I'm not a terrorist so as far as I'm concerned, there are no rules I'm breaking. But thanks to Allen Dershowitz, the CIA records all all interrogations, its on video, plus smoking weed. How would I know I'm on pretend house detention. They act like friggin terrorists though, I tell you that. GOG I HATE MY FUCKIN LIFE. DUDE IM INNOCENT. UHHHHH,, ok fine. Take DC, ya cheater. The MO Supreme Court was strike 10, anyway. Ima pray and wish for the Blonds then. You have to share my prayer time about you with good. Scary to you isn't it, Damian. So why did you want me to use the word Raven so badly in a chat ID?

Oh yeah, Feith's incentive program doesn't work on the innocent that have not been charged, Dumbest. High five, Condi. Was fun that night I shaved your head and you were crying. You really have been a lady through the entire thing. Now show us what you got and shoot Cheney in the face and make him apologize. Can you believe that crap. That's what they've pretty much done to me, so screw you guys. I'm just kidding Condi, and we can just pretend we never high-fived. Dumbest will never know. Sorry to the Fay victims. See? can you believe that crap? I WANT A FUCKIN TRIAL and i am suing the fuckk out of you. How about those rules you complete disgrace to humanity. Now don't go getting all mad at that, George. Its kind of an upgrade with no cusswords. I did that just for you, 'just cause' you're special. Right and wrong is partisan isn't it? Oh yeah, kidnapping and mock killings were specialties of the CIA like their signature torture of deprivation and self inflicted pain. You think I'm being rude and stuff but that's not me. It never was before slime ball, and you been following me around long enough to know that. ^5 Con. Night. Happy 420. Oh self defense nonsense i forgot. For permission to torture. That's really to far out there and I don't want to embarrass anyone from Mexico, I have a feeling Human Rights violations by the USA to them are horrendous. But self-defense excuse for torture next week, maybe. FUCKU. I'm broke. No car. No life. No rights. Are you kidding me. What the hell is going on?

taliban and al qaeda do not qualify for Geneva protection,,

Well, the "War Council" made up some nonsense why these people don't qualify as POWs. Uh huh, new rules. I'd hate to be one of those people and stuck in an illegal black hole. Wrong is wrong is wrong, no matter what.

The author Philippe Sands mentions an article written by Doug Feith in the 1980s title "Law in the Service of Terror", in his book Torture Team. It was a piece included in the inaugural issue of a conservative publication, The National Interest.

The Geneva Conventions were agreed to in 1949 as part of the post-WWII settlement to create new rules-based global order. They are four treaties to establish International Law standards and Common Article 3 was the core since it appears in all four. It states the 'rules' [there they are] requiring anyone who was not taking an active part in hostilities to be treated humanely, in all circumstances. All circumstances meant all and anyone meant anyone. The author continues to describe that Common Article 3 prohibits cruel treatment and torture as well as "outrages upon personal dignity." That meant no humiliating and degrading treatment. The Third Geneva Convention (treaty) deals with POWs and stated that they had to be protected against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity. They were entitled to their respect for their persons and their honor, in all circumstances (article 14). Any form of torture or cruelty was expressly forbidden (article 88). There are no exceptions to the customary rule reflected in Common Article 3, not even necessity or national security. The person who violates this agreement is an international outlaw, liable to prosecution in many parts of the world.

The military field manual FM 35-52 expressly prohibits the use of force, all acts or violence and intimidation, including "physical or mental torture, threats, insults, or exposure to inhumane treatment as a means of or aid to interrogation." It was well known that such questioning techniques yielded unreliable results.

See, for me, I just don't know what you want or why you are destroying me. I guess one of you inner-circle 'player by the rules' was pouring gas around my back door tonight. See, you are complete fuckin trash. How about a real trial with real legal advice? Maybe even a criminal charge. Dude, I am not the asshole you think I am but thank goodness you guys know the rules and play by them.

Bush stated that although Geneva was applicable as a matter of law, the Taliban fighters were not entitled to prisoner of war status under the Geneva Conventions because they hadn't followed the Geneva rules. The US couldn't hand out POW status to fighters that didn't obey the rules. That would undermine the incentive system that was wisely built into the Geneva Conventions. Bush said Common Article 3 didn't apply to any suspected terrorists, whether Taliban or al Qaeda. Bush was excited and proud of himself because he figured no one at Guantanamo could rely on Geneva.

Oh, btw, I really mean no disrespect to the paid haters. Its work at lest and we are in a depression with all the energy being hoarded. But, if the rules I still don't understand because I'm not either or any breed of terrorist, make you an enemy of the state then I don't respect so that we are not friends. But, then that's crazy cause that would put me in the non rule following terrorist cayegory, if i was in fact a friggin terrorist. So, what are the rules when your stupid as fuckk plan doesn't work?

Doug Feith had a small speech that was written in Torture Team that contains a couple sentences of importance.

"Obeying the Geneva Conventions is not optional. The U.S. Constitution says there are two things that are the supreme law of the land - statutes and treaties. The Geneva Conventions are a treaty in force."

Save the Fay flood victims if they're not dead yet. I will be back soon.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

LOL,, fucku

fucku idiots,,,,

Ohhh Fay? that's for me, I didn't realize,,

Ok, its obvious to idiots maybe. What do you think, Beck, me and my team lay at the pool and smoke weed all day? I'm kidding, what a grandeur delusion, huh, that you're speaking to me. I'm supposed to be paranoid too, right? See, that's mental illness they are tagging to me. But, I'm supposed to believe this abusive, exploitive delusion is my only path to freedom? What torture category would that fall into? Did you close that bank account that I posted for Gates? See, I'm broke because I spent my disability check on a new laptop on the tax-free day for the purchase of school supplies day, and was hoping to start an income generating online store or something at least since they have maxed 2 small credit cards and robbed my bank accounts and won't let me work. Hell, they won't even let me drive. They were always pouring crap down the gas tank. The nasty fuckers always sneaking around here looking for feces to eat. Its never ending disgust, with their 24 hour scrutinized surveillance. For what????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anyway, I can't even use the piece of crap HP with Vista because its insecure out of the box, prick. Plus, the WiFi router and satellite combo allow all messages and web cams to be monitored monitored, scumbags. Just like cookies from website visits. They don't really do that for our conveniences. They use the same type of excuses for GPS tracking capabilities of cell phones. Years later we learn of the audio bugging capabilities. See, the secretive

FUCKU mother fucvers,, u are torchuring me,, duh,, Beck, what the fuckkk u want? do what puswdsasy? FUCKU WORLDE,, U ARE TRASH,, NOTHING WILL EVER FUCKKIN CHANGE THAT,, U ARE TRASH,,,,,,,,,,, WRONG IS WRONG,, THE CIA is TRASH,, ITS TORTURE,, they robbed my banks,, im suing commerce and US Bank idiots, yea i didn't think you were talking to me pusssy,,

and the rest of u fuckkks,,, Patriots huh,, YOU ARE COMPLETE TRASH,, NO MATTER WHAT,,


Assertive statement
When you put bugs in my bed, I get enraged and become furious.
I'd appreciate if you don't put cock roaches in my bed anymore, so that I may at least die with dignity, ya trash. What a puss!

Torture Team by Philippe Sands
The War Council
- a tight-knit group of senior Administration lawyers like Alberto Gonzales, counsel for George W. Bush; David Addington, counsel for Dick Cheney; Jim Haynes, counsel for Don Rumsfeld; John Yoo, Office of the Legal Counsel, Justice Department; and Tim Flanigan, deputy to Gonzales.

GOAL: "plot legal strategy in the war on terrorism", according to Jack Goldsmith, former Special Counsel for Haynes.

December 2, 2002 - Action Memo - "Counter-Resistance Techniques"

Pentagon chain of command
1) Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, 2nd time
2) Paul Wolfowitz
3) Doug Feith, Under Secretary of Defense

Other significant players:
General Richard "Dick" Myers, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff and most senior U.S. military official.

*Lieutenant Colonel Diane Beaver, Staff Judge Advocate at Guantanamao

*Major General Mike Dunlavey, Army head of interrogation at Guantanamo

*General Tom Hill, Commander of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM, responsible for all U.S. military activities in South and Central America.

*Lieutenant Colonel Jerald Phifer, three pages of 18 new interrogation techniques.

*indicates paper trail memos attached to the Action Memo approved by Rumsfeld with notation, "However, I stand for 8 - 10 hours a day, why is standing limited to 4 hours a day? D.R."
[think how damaging an accidental laugh or smile or even sexual arousal would]

Comments I thought particularly interesting:
"The President has a right to receive advice from his Attorney General in confidence and so do other executive agencies of government" Ashcroft argued.
[what about the innocently prosecuted, undesirables that get no rights of legal advice]

Whoopi says to grab everything you no longer use or need and donate what you can to the flood victims. She spoke with a sense of urgency a few days ago. Please help if you can.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

what doctors and lawyers are supervising?

Screw you. Do they know about all the sneaky crap u do that I don't mention and if i do its considered drama and weak crap? DO THEY KNOW? They use people like my family or give me the impression of their approve. BULLSHITT. This is nothing but str8 up lies. You aren't interrogating me. For what? You know everything about me, plus all the lies you have created with false documents approved by idiot Rumsfeld. And, military persons that follow rules that are wrong aren't patriotic, they are wimps - not even close to men. And, fucku. go2hell. whatever. You are trash.

Interrogating for what? Confess to what? I don'y know anything about the false documents, how can I confess? If not interrogating, why the mental torture and secret poisoning? Why a prisoner? What crime? FUCKU FUCKU.

Doctors with cartoon phd? Lawyers from the same schools? FUCKU.

This is all completely wrong,,,

My tortured existence can't think or plan anything. I said shoot him. I have to do things right this time, huh? 2nd chance for what? Its really not that obvious to me. I don't know what I'm even doing, uhh this time. Or last time, what or when ever that was. I can't plan or do anything. SHOOT ME YOU FUCKIN WORTHLESS BARFBAGS.
Dude you are insane and tweaked out. There's nothing about drama I'm into. I don't even like the word. I surely wouldn't be judging an innocent person being tortured and exploited by the government. Frankly, I don't judge anyway, prick face. I wish i wouldn't have reacted to Glenn Beck, that was most likely not even messing with me. Remember nitwit, I'm not allowed to know any truth about myself, which is extremely discomforting. Then to be bullied and tortured for so long with any retribution in sight. I'm kept guessing about everything, everyday and never get any closer to justice. This country is a complete waste from your sabotage, destruction and hate. And, every time I think I might be on the right track for a few days, revelations are then presented to change what I may have been so sure about.

There are many suffering besides me from selfish actions you have taken as our leader. Why do you hate us so much. Well, maybe we should play some 'truth or dare.' Thank goodness we have the freedom of information act. Is this really my hearing? ha, no dignity for that shackled that can easily be kicked, huh. And, walk around like the stud you are as if on that carrier. Actually, there are tremendous numbers of people suffering 'just cause' of you. I got email saying I'm supposed to impeach you. Type as much bad George Bush stuff as you can. well, tada you are impeachable. Wise strategy since you knew you were to do more dmage than Nixon. Anyway, this is kinda meaningless like the topic. I just hope I can figure out what I should do then develop an executable plan, but I've got alot to read which may or may not be a diversion. Who can tell with the endless double speak? Do you eat your mom with that filthy mouth? I'm kidding, but Prescott and Dorothy were solid figures in the family planning committee. We have a Nazi ruling and destroying America. Can you at least get sick and die since can't impeach. And, you have sabotaged our country's best selling point, Liberty. What is that Statue of what? Big bluish green lady as gift from the French. Take your stupid lying bull crap laws off me dude.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

why are thse idiots still in my life?

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention under the 1st Amendment about this idiots intercepting and redirecting all emails, allowing what can and can NOT come up in search results and websites i view. Web 2.0 is the nazi of technology like the EPA is of gov't so Delay said. Its all Internet harassment too which is against the law, in MO. I want a real trial where i can call witnesses and prove abuse. This is pitiful, the go between are the shitsuckin trash that enemies me. Pussies.

Bill of Rights violations,,

I was informed that I had no legal rights or protection while target of hate and abuse.

Bill of Rights

Amendment I
Freedom of religion, speech, of the press, and right of petition.
Many times when the perpetrators enraged me to yelling and screaming, Fox always played a commercial about Jesus and they always told me I better pray to God, which both they knew didn’t work for me. Speech limited phone calls that I was permitted to make by perpetrators and everyone was forced to lie to me. When I told Fox news at a broadcast in front of a store at Christmas time that I am an American citizen that was framed as a terrorist and I’m being tortured, they completely disregarded me. I’ve been under the impression for the last 5 or 6 years that I have no protection of the law or any available assistance.

Amendment II
Right of People to bear arms not to be infringed.
Assumed unable to purchase a gun since I was on the list of Enemy Combatants.

Amendment III
Quatering of troops.
I’ve never been military, I have mental disability.

Amendment IV
Persons and houses to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures.
My home and my car were broken into frequently, often to steal medication or just to steal something of importance to me.

Amendment V
Trials for crimes: just compensation for private property taken for public use.
They have taken the destruction of my mind, heart, and soul for public use and exploitation.

Amendment VI
Civil rights in trials for crimes enumerated.
Never an arrest, trial, or Miranda rights.

Amendment VII
Civil rights in civil suits.
I have the right from prosecution until I’ve been found guilty of a crime. I have the right to be treated humanely and to a speedy trial. I have the right to not be tortured because it’s the worst of war crimes for my disability or sexual orientation.. I have the right to pursue guidance without my goals being sabotaged.

Amendment VIII
Excessive bail, fines, punishments prohibited.
Restrained by a physical residential circle of military personnel to watch me and a 24-hour video surveillance and scrutiny. St. Ann police used unnecessary brutality when cornered me and arrested after slamming down to the ground. It was a prepared situation just like everything I currently do. People have been briefed on how to mistreat any situation with me. They have ripped me off by suggesting I need some product they market on the Internet for the information that will set me free. One item was a self-defense package when they had what seemed like tons of KKK people targeting me with hate. The Self-Defense crap may have even incriminated me in a group or terrorists by that name in the Republic of Columbia. He probably lied. The CIA people have poisoned me with pesticides on marijuana they indirectly sold me. I had some sores on my face and in my mouth. I think they were responsible for the bone spur that caused me so much pain since I’ve never used much pain medicine plus to suffer too. They would steal the meds. They tried to infect me a few times, or sent me HIV positive people in hopes that I would somehow get infected. They have made sure I get nothing but complete hate from most people including the four schools they had me booted from.

Amendment IX
Reserved rights of the people.
I have no rights or protection from any abuse that apparently is required to avoid guilt of another for same charge I never got.

Amendment X
Powers not delegated, reserved to states and people respectively.
The powers not delegated by the US Constitution or prohibited by the states, are reserved for the states or the people.

1983 lawsuit: A civil suit brought under Title 42, Section 1983, of the U.S. Code against anyone who denies others their constitutional right to life, liberty, or property without due process of the law.

Basic elements of due process:
A law creating and defining the offense, an impartial tribunal having jurisdictional authority over the case, accusation in proper form, notice and opportunity to defend, trial according to established procedure, and discharge from all restraints or obligations unless convicted.

Also, I read about a law that said its illegal for the President to target a sole American here or abroad. Ashcroft wrote new hate crime law in 2001 or 2002 that removed the listing or protection due to disability or sexual orientation so that I couldn't use hate crime charge, I guess.

They have my two small credit cards maxed out and my student loans that I booted from the schooling are about to go into default. No car. No friends. No life or pursuit of happiness.

Monday, August 18, 2008

oh yeah, they target family too,,

the sons of a bitch, had my aunt held up with a gun at a bank she worked at which wa obviously my perps because assbackwards fox news got the story,, I won't tell u what they did do other members,, a poor bipolar single mom they were pimping out to their Mexican invaders. They truly are scum. No offense god father if that is real. I wouldn't want you harmed but who created HIV? And c'mon, the CIA introduced crack cocaine [hey tina bush], addicted many soldiers to heroin in Vietnam and Korea, and the Russians in Afghanistan. Bush is in trouble,, nah thats doubtful. But I think I got a confirmation on the Meth intro by cia or military a day ago maybe,, Soccer moms use it. Anyway, Hitler gave it to the Nazis and seems like a tactic of the CIA. Hey CIA, I'm not mad. lol,, as if it mattered,, why do i get cancer crap or explosive laxatives and nothing good like LSD,, hey it would help the stress and shock,, Thank you for your time and may you all be Blessed.

oh wow,, I guess I do like penguins,,

I forgot I'm really into birds,, exotic especially,, and domestic,, I've never had as a pet,, But, anyway yes a penguin is a bird and I do like them,, I used to have a small video file I would run on the desktop of an old piece of crap laptop. The connection where the adapter hooked to the laptop was a single prong glove type of connection. Well the shitsuckin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lets just try to be nice,, At least until provoked. on the 9 day stretch, I understand, not that anything expected that I know off before or after. I mentioned an outstanding ticket that may have been confirmed. Oh well its neither here nor there and doubtful its 9 either.

So anyway, the CIA on a course of electronic warfare against an innocent civilian, apparently experimental everything, or they would sue the crap out of you. Well they apparently kept interrupting my electric signal so that I would keep pushing and twisting contact for the current to again flow freely. Well, they caused me to destroy that Hewlett Packard.

The video of the penguin file was maybe just 30 frames but was one penguin pushing another in water though the breaking ice as ir passed. No big deal. Kinda cute but I realized they set that up. I don't know how, 24 hour surveillance probably helped. But I was rejecting penguins because i realized it was a setup. And now it makes even more sense as if one penguin was bullying another for the whole Bush bully theme they have been forcing down my throat. I read a little about Alice and Wonderland tonight but I kept misbehaving so they had to keep freezing up my browsers so I couldn't work. They don't really do that often or as aggravating I guess, I dunno. I really don't give a shitt either. But I would like to see the site that the search summary described as the first UFOs were spotted the year Alice in Wonderland was released maybe and another one about the poor victim that carried around ll his hate and rage all the time and never had to. That will surely be an eye opener. Anyway, thats over for awhile.. Its alot on the Internet with Mind Control Ms. Grace and you truly are a lady, I just wanted to remind all these other jerks of that fact. A pretty lady.

So anyway, I'm really not a bad person. I didn't purposely bash anyone not provoked. I put a link on this blog that was at first books about George H W Bush then changed the link to show the owners new addition which was a book about Obama. I didn't read the book and I( don't know if I share any opinions about the book so I do apologize if I screwed you guys up. I know the news said one day that Obama would keep the same Cabinet that Bush had and that was pretty scary but sometimes they do certain little stories just for me when I'm near the TV. Its actually quiet flattering but they always pursue the paranoia effect. Which I refused to accept and would tell the doctors, "Well there really are people sabotaging my life." And no one anywhere would or could do anything even if i convinced them I wasn't nuts which most crap stories made me sound like. Im telling you people there are cams on the satellite dishes attached to houses, or so they always made me believe. Whats is Russia video surveillance like? in all households?

Well thanks for the nice weather dr z,,

But hey don't let the handlers fool you. After they hypnotize4d me to like them, they began firing arrows of hate from everywhere. But i still liked them. Then the pussies would get all bent out of shape. Mostly I had no idea what they were doing. I'm not a friggin drug dealer man. The dude that tried to infec t me with HIV persuaded me 'yea, lets sell drugs.' He was a decent bud at the time that later cut my throat who still harasses me to this day, or maybe just by their pretend delusions. Shoot that mother fucker. And, no way, he (Alice) had to carry the anger and rage because you wouldn't let legal action after, duh Gump, finally realize eh, Sarge. I'm just disgusted with the people. Now they want nice which, as i learned before, isn't really acceptable. I don't even know who the scumbags are but its always taken personally or deserving of some payback. They're trash. They have acted like my family, teachers, neighbors, fellow students, and past coworkers. I don't believe enough of the b/s to list names because I have no proof and they just might get killed. I doubt it, but I would hate if they were stalked and killed for torturing, mostly cause the victim wants to pull the trigger. But I think the whole free information act is fucked,, and I want a real court, not mad hatter and the retarded bunny as my judge aqnd jury which this pretty much is. I'm completely helpless. 9 days,, so what maybe i could be dead,, i remember 40 days countdown to hwy 40 construction, i didnt think I was gonna last another 5 minutes. Trust me, I have no free will which is illegal as hell plus charging me for crimes that dumbfuckk AI created dossier of my life,, Full of lies just like everything. weee,, thanks bye,

hardly is it even self defense,,,

Guess what, I'm hypnotized with conversion training. This is, or I mean the nasty tahoo chat was the place i was trained to spit that shit up,, No body would listen plus they all knew some shitt about me that i didn't even know,, and talk about some fuckin trash people,, im not sorry for that just like the pinkie girls have no remorse for the endless day after day, hour after hour,, You know you got it on video,, this is just meaningless,, just like my entire life,, as a puppet,, always having me bullied,, i can't stand that,, then throw it all in my face as the 40yo virgin,, dude u aint my fuckin family,, unless you really did test some biowarfare back in the days when that was what the CIA did, at least in Vietnam and South Korea. I think I got the impression that Vietnam covered up Korean War atrocities. Nixon was chummy chummy too with the Red Chinese Communist that were supposedly attacking troops nextdoor that got the 300 bombs dropped.

Anyway, for some reason I was thinking that the Iraq War was actually hiding some atrocity in Afghanistan, maybe. But The Korean War was years before Vietnam, but was a continuation of a political process, wasn't? Having a Super Power Ally between China and Japan, maybe. I dunno really. Umm Nixon did warrant less wiretapping and impeach, same thing here plus Country wide mind control, with drugs, theta waves, sugar, fluoride, and hate that we continue to accept.

That anger isn't really self defense as much as its simply reaction. Sometimes I use as self defense to ward off hate attacks (seems to not really work well), I've used anger to test tooth torture and its for sure the scumbags spying on me. There's other things. Like poison weed they've sold me. Hell they had me selling it I assume they have made on video? Maybe not. Then what the hell are you talking about Howard Hughes that screwed you over? Or maybe not,, that's what I reasoned after my grandfather told me he made his weath with a patent on an oil drill. Whatever other nonsense you super spy AI profile came up isn't true. Dude, do you ever hear my speak Chinese in the last 8 years? Or converse with a Chinese person? Or, the gay thing,, Like i invited you fuckks into my life anyway,, and, what did daddy always ay was private, God, and emotions? well his shitsuckin CIA deep boys can bang bang bang whatever they want out of you,, They even mocked the puppet the control by a teacher at Allied College. Never ending,, Bill W. got me smoking,, from aero security,, thats old I am gonna leave that alone,,

Oh well, I hope I don't offend the mostly decent people I come across,, Its just nonstop attack like comes out of me,, Like they moved the shitweed through me,, had people pulling it at the school,, I think they shot the school meth dealer or wantd me to start selling it,, Just like they were doing in my town St. Ann when all the illegal mexicans were sneaking through,, Hopefully not to slave camps,, You suck nush,, Oh well they would let me post cause i was being a cry baby as always,, thanks for you help, handlers,, that can't get 5ft without dropping me,, see its not supposed to be like that,, code is sabotged and bad,, plus im disabled,, I couldnt work a high stress job like that,, But I probably wouldnt be disabled without all the mind torture theyve been doing my entire life,, ya jerk,, people will want to kill u, u know?

Antenna are buried in the Artic...

In inclined layers so that effective theta waves are produced acording to the IEEE. These are the radio waves that transmit a hypnotic state and assist the mass hypnosis phenomenon occurring by the Republicans.

The Best Pharmaceutical for Children Act of (BPCA) 2002

These are probably just lies to keep me shackled. Maybe not, I hope this is beneficial truth.

Lauren Hammer Breslow summarized this Act which allows a six-month exclusivity agreement to those that agree to perform drug tests on pediatrics.

From what I can understand, pharmaceutical companies have been reluctant to test medication on children so as not to have a history of child abuse, tort liability, and face scientific and ethical challenges imposed by pediatric testing. Well, in 1998, the FDA began to require pediatric testing in new and already marketed drugs.

There was a Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of (FDAMA) 1997, in which the six-month exclusivity clause was applied for pediatric drug testing on a volunteer basis. The Best Pharmaceutical for Children Act of (BPCA) 2002 provided the six-month exclusivity clause as an agreement for conducting the pediatric drug tests. Both times, Congress tried to address the mounds of information available about the safe and efficient use of medication currently used on children.

The exclusivity clause allows for a six-month extension for patent to include childhood safety or exclusive right to the patent.

Republican Nazis strike again.

if the poor fool only knew,,,

they you trash fuckks wouldn't be able to be so infuckinhumane,, that would be a shocker,, Id rather be the Raven that dont make it,, I mean it u fuckin scum mother fuckers,, if shitt like u gotta hang around me forever it aint worth it buttfuck,, i mean load,, fucku u for good,, thats my final goodbye,, i hope to never see nor read of u again,, fucku i hate u,, would rather die than know gamerfag,,., fucku,,