Monday, June 30, 2008

Bush hates us, the citizens, just like the CIA does to me,,

I mean, come on. Look what he has done to our military, our economy, and our foreign relations. Something tells me we screwed Iran real bad and they are furious at us, just like the rest of the world. Plus look at all the disasters from the weather, e.g. Katrina, national flooding, record numbers of tornadoes. That is one of Homeland Securities goals, disaster simulation.

Oh yeah, I forgot , my neighbor mentioned something to me about prophecy, which I normally disregard due to the fear factor that its intended to elicit, from past exposure by bad people - the worst, in fact. But he mentioned something about prophecy and a Muslim will rule. So, you know Bush will play that card about Obama to either scare the nation to vote Republican or order his assassination. Cause, as we all know, President Bush's Secret Intelligence is piss poor, and proof is something he prefers to make up on his own, as we've seen him do with operation: Iraq Liberation. He just anilated that country. Funny, because that's the Vice Presidents primary interest, domestic spying. Just mentioning that because Bush doesn't need proof to exterminate or punish something from prophecy. Just saying, its definitely an option for the Republican terrorists to hold onto the White House. Fear is the main principle of terrorism and deaths are extraordinary. I could see him taking Obama down with that special PR work he does: He makes a public announcement of a good thing he is doing for humanity, but his actual intentions is the exact opposite. Just like everything he has shocked us with throughout the entire Administration, then provides the information to the public, but not always so easy to find. That's Hitler style right there, I'm telling you. Its all perfectly legal, huh? Hitler started that way, wrote his own laws and took all control, in plain site.

I do want to mention again, about the sour mouth and language and multi directional hate. But, not sure if I mentioned about a name on my buddylist June_26_cancer and its not new. I hate using that thing, the friends list. I have no friends only deceivers but they somehow coerce me to finally allow the add and their name turns out to be a terrorists name or something. I've hardly ever talked to anyone a second time, except Stormfury_hammer or some crap. This person chatted me around Easter when I had to repeatedly watch the crucifixion. So anyway, the incrimination I get from a buddylist is not real. Its Bush and Cheney and various other Bonesmen on my buddylist.

Well this is taking forever, this email. Four hours maybe. But, I need to explain about HAARP and Tesla. Throughout this four hours, my perps clued me in on aniline. Its a poison that i don't know anything about but is a gas maybe under normal conditions and is also found in some pharmaceuticals. I'll have to do some research because they did sell me poisoned weed, of the Mexican variety. But I don't have an incubator to see what poisons broke my face and mouth out with sores. I tried to save some for chemical study at another time. Bill from Aero Safety got me smoking when I was finishing my undergrad and there's been excessive subliminal messages to smoke, ever since the late 1990s. Well they have been beating around the bush, awhile, that I have cancer. Its always been a true major theme the whole time. It killed my sister, they had a field day. I'm not kidding. Killed a few aunts and uncles during this horrendous endless nonstop torture, too. My father's currently in remission, but they were doing the backstroke while i was a slave to the computer with their Artificial Intelligence of that chat bots that provide usually bad clues but strokes of love. Don't they suck? Really bad too. All this crap plus 30 credits a semester at Chripractic school that was against me and flunking me out. A professor likely wrote in my notebook when I left it open in the front row while I exited the class because my cell phone rang. I forget to turn off the ringer and the phone was in my jacket so i grabbed my jacket and darted out of the room to minimize the interuption. Well guess who it was? His buddy in crime that was trying to infect me with HIV and robbing my home and car. He giggled to me one time about 'you're dad has one foot in the grave anyway. He's the same one that instigated the whole drug dealing setup, "yeah, let's sell drugs". Well one of the cartoons said John died and went to hell because he was a pedophile. Seth is so dirty, huh? So when I got back to my notebook, there were two sets of writing on a clean page. 1) "That's the gayest ringer I've ever heard." 2) "Yep, he's a queer". I guess, I was stunned but I was already a fairly regular target at that time in 2003. Dead rats and birds always tossed in the yard. Gas poured on flowers. And, they're idiots. That was a very cool ringer on mt cell phone. Just shows the lack of originality within the Republican Nazi terrorist party.

So anyway, get this. HAARP is actually the electronic warfare device in Alaska. It has created a permanent radio wave antennae of the Northern Lights. I'm getting this information from the Encyclopedia of Conspiracy Theories (EC). I can tell the CIA wrote it because it was in my anticipated life path plus its very informative about some things. So HAARP transmits electromagnetic radio waves in the ionosphere, and electromagnet sphere. The heading starts like this: "1992 Project HAARP. New forms of 'electronic warfare' [Raytheon] threaten to disrupt the earth's atmosphere." Gosh, sorry that took so long to get right. Its complete hell around here, most days. But, it gets better. There were what was known as "Tesla Weapons of doom. 1995. A Japanese cult's obsession with earthquake inducing weapons of science fiction."
A new generation of weapons are being developed which utilize natural forces of destruction such as hurricanes and earthquakes. These are based on research carried out by the extraordinary inventor Nikola Tesla and have attracted the interest of sinister apocalyptic cults involved in terrorism. The International Tesla Society in New York were looking for patents and documents for the weapons but the US Government seized such documents in 1943 and have remained under National Security status ever since.
They both pretty much do the same thing. One paragraph starts like this: "Tesla's inventions, especially the HAARP...". Well HAARP using the ionosphere, reportedly, bounces radio waves over the horizon and around the earth. They say it makes worldwide communications possible , but disruptions in the ionosphere make this unlikely for tactical use. So the book says. But it may be resp[onsible for the hole in the ozone layer. "HAARP also using (ELF) Extremely Low Frequency waves for (EPT) Earth-penetrating tomography allow the predictions of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Its subterranean surveying capabilities suggest that what can be used to detect fault lines can be used to effect them." Under the Project HAARP heading, the last sentence says, "... ELF also raises fears of scrambling the human mind, which has been denied along with the ozone depletion." Well ELF waves were described in the Remote Viewing information as 'white noise' or the consistent penetrating low level wave that was used for the telepathic medium of traveling to a different place and/or time. I'm familiar with a flat 'white noise' that was played in the private non-timed testing rooms at a couple colleges for the ADD type learning disabled. I, personally like the flat soothing noise to aid concentration. So anyway, it is somewhat hypnotic and my perps gave me a smiley face in chat when I asked if elf causes ADD. That's the ADD connection, finally found you guys. What have you been doing? Naa, its the bipolar coaster, jump on dude. lol,, thats just something fun i used to like to say. So anyway. I feel alot better and I'll take whatever nonsense label you got, even though I was just informed again yesterday, "its because of the sex." LOLOL,, I get none. They know it too. But there was a situation that very well may have been video taped of an attempt at anal sex in the mid 90's that I'm under the impression is circulating the Internet. Like I can do anything about your gangbashing. Yes, yes, I know you've got DC. Funny. Got lots of Latin America, too, eh Arbusto then Harken. What about Star bank for Latin America wire transfers? Maestro? Was this you in chat dude:

pittbulldog2007: oh **** i got dc
pittbulldog2007: pussy
pittbulldog2007: ****

cool. You're a better gangbanger than I could ever be. Nasty, just nasty. I'l come back for Star Wars. Sorry again about disrespect that may have been interpreted by anyone, I didn't realize anything. Oh yeah, btw, didn't Clinton get screwed out of the party nomination due to manipulated voting procedures. And, yeah, its just the Republican terrorist draft dodgers that are bad. I mean, they are their wars. And whips, we hate whips.
I'll name my cancer Arbusto, too, if your not using it. No not really.

Conspiracy Encyclopedia: The Encyclopedia of Conspiracy Therories, Chamberlain Bros. Publishing, a member of the Penguin Group (USA) 2005. NY, New York
HAARP and Tesla p. 232

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