Monday, June 16, 2008

this next one, makes me the best for this exercise ,,

9) Recant dissent (different opinion) as treason (threatening attack on government) and criticism as espionage.
Ya jerk.
Its the programming. Like the brainwashing, I read they did to Patty Hearst and made her lash out at all the people she really did like. Well these fucktards somehow know every guy I've ever had a crush on, gay or straight since I was 5 years old - and made sure I would catch tons of hate crime crap directly from them,, or perceived that way,, some not tons, but still not fair to put their presence somehow,, oh yea and totally outted me too,, This part, dude, you're a complete fuckin dickhead,, My ethics and shameful ways are so offensive huh,, but you know that 40year old virgin picture was for my dearh celebration,, Oh that's why I'm offensive, because I don't ever get sex huh. So barfbag, gets all your l;ittle cams and shot together and get the fuckk out. I know I'm not very bright but I'm enraged until the moment you suicide fuckin bomb me assshole.
That is #9 from Naomi Wolf's book, "The End of America."

So let me get this in proper perspective. bin Laden is the head of al Qaeda, from Saudi Arabia with which you and your father have business bonds made of blood,, well oil too but thats insignificant when you look at the big picture huh? No, not really,, I'm mocking poor Condi Rice when she was confronted with the fake, fraudulent and forged documented paper trail or enriched uranium from Niger to Iraq from Cheney that never occured,, God I hate you fuckers. And, no Condi, you're wrong, because that is the big picture. And cleverly tag the incident with something good to eat that can be mentioned without the guilt factor,, Yellowcake. You are a Bitchh. I'm doing terrible at this game,, I hope you all combust in 3 seconds,, Oh yeah, back to Bush and bin Laden family poartnersips and joint ventures,, LET ME OUT OF HERE,, NO GUESSING GAMES OR COERCION,, What did Craig do? I can't wait to know,, Oh yeah, I don't think that it was really the FBI that harassed MLKjr, but was most likely the CIA, and continues on his widow today,, Alice is a dirty whore,, I'm flunking out of school again,, unless maybe you can write me a note, Mr. President. Hope you have a pleasant day, I suppose, but you're still a war criminal,,,

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