Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh, how the racing thought come pouring in,,

6/22/08 9am cst
Oh, I get the bumble bee cartoons now. Its not the saturation of pesticides in the earth's atmosphere and decreasing honey bee population that's the key issue here, not for me. And, I've read this stuff about the 'new' definition of torture for the fake 'war on terror' is now so narrow that this Administration, that is above the law, can perform heinous acts on mostly innocent citizens (since they don't get a trial or in many cases even a criminal charge). What about that is not torture? not to mention the endless physical and mental harassment. Why, Judge Jay Bybee, was the legal definition redefined? Were you kind of speculating a rush for the legal system maybe? You apparently have no idea what you're even saying. So, let me see if I can follow your train of distorted thought. If a training manual of the CIA that has 'Torture' in the title and is used to interrogate and torture suspected prisoners, why wouldn't that constitute legal torture for the prisoner that is more than likely innocent of suspected crimes. And anyway, they might be war criminals but they are not dumb because the manuals teach them how to hide the marks because it is illegal world wide. What about electric shock, water boarding, or 24/7 surveillance and scrutiny? Bybee knew that tough times were on the way and to ensure protection of his financial investments with a new narrower definition of torture he created. These three situations would never occur especially if there's even a slightest chance that this prisoner would come before a real justice system. Torture is the mortal sin of the world. The three requirements for the legal definition are: permanent impairment of a significant body function, organ failure, and death. Bush wants to open that torture prison in Afghanistan too. It sounds like Intent to me. What about this curse, dude? Did you all just get of the Nazi boat or something. Oh yeah, I read somewhere, that the nazis from East Germany went southwest to Cubas vicinity and I just figured it was the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. That's enough of this crap. Are appellate judges of the US Supreme Court appointed by the President, also? Let's hope Bush put him there.

Oh yeah, The US Army contract to Carlyle group when your dad was running the company there is a definite conflict of interest of not good old fashioned Insider Trading.

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