Monday, June 23, 2008

curse of death,,,

6/23/09 9am cst rathole st. ann

Hey Raven here, the prisoner no one liked. My girlfriend Alice too. Let's see, I used to be a baseball fan, but as protocol dictates, that is not allowed. Play like a Cardinal, take one for the team, which in rathole translation means, kill yourself so the President can be charged with torture. Well, "you can fool me once, and uh, you can fool me twice. No. Well I ain't gonna let it happen again." I'm imitating Mr. Bush who was kinda charming with that help for me. But, I don't have any ability to change it unless I move to secluded shack like the unibomber. You know, for such a strong country the USA really is the pits. Apparently that's the way liberals think. Huh? Why would such a liberal country be hated by liberals as my propaganda states? It could just be one of the easy kinds of lies to spot and that's really all the thought I care to give to that. Is Huffington a good witch or a bad witch? No offense Adrianna, I used to think you were great but that's the way they squirm inside your head, via poison charm. I won't say I like you though, it could very well get you killed. Like Russert mentioned in your latest book. Let's see, I think they might be able to remote control heart attacks but not sure yet. Sure I liked the guy because as far as I could tell he had no connection with Fox but I may have only thought that I liked him. When his death was announced, right after I read about him, I tried to remember if I mentioned him for better or worse and I didn't. And, I would never proclaim an attraction or an appreciation for someone, anyone, publicly due to the danger it would cause an unkowingly and innocent person. So forget I asked. Its best this way.

So, baseball is a big deal in the nastiest story ever told, huh? No offense, I'm not even a fan anymore, so don't worry, you're surely safe from the harm of sabotage. The CIA have leased the jet of the Boston RedSox to perform extraordinary reditions which I probably read about in the book Ghost Plane but I think I've seen it elsewhere as well. That book by the way used some kind of subliminal message by making some short words near the beginning of paragraphs in all caps. I never realized a pattern, as I've had incidents of that occurring often but irregularly the entire 5+ years and I seriously doubt it is nothing more than psuedo-subliminal as a heads up. But I really don't know for sure. It could just be for the value-added 'paranoia' effect. The RedSox had some curse placed on them, which I really don't know the details. It was the curse of the Bambino maybe with something related to Babe Ruth and the Yankees. I did have a pic on the Internet in a Yankees T-shirt but that's hardly conclusive of anything, eh big Dick. I'm not flirting with you. So anyway, I've made goofey statements before about people should be allowed to not where pants on casual Fridays, as a joke. Think of the thrill for the fashion industry. Well, about a year ago maybe I saw a video on youtube of subway riders in Boston without pants. I thought it was cool as hell but I still wasn't going anywhere. Then I saw an episode of Seth the fag's cartoon of The Family Guy doing a major song and dance number about the 'secret' being in Massachusetts. The 'secret' has been an underlying harassment for years. Great fun. Hmmm? Let me see. I don't know a thing about Boston except that Cheers used to be taped there in front of a live studio audience. But the other day, see this is the stuff I hate, I ran across the religion that's home to Boston by Mary Eddy, The Church of Jesus, Science. Tom Cruise is apparently a big deal in this crap, not by invite, believe you me. No, I'm kidding. I really have nothing against the guy, nor was I really a fan. No real convictions for or against. The 'War of the Words' that he maybe mentioned may include that church but I really didn't see a connection between Scientology and The Church of Jesus, Science which some state laws permit the latter, to sacrifice their children thanks to the separation of church and state. Lie.

I'l be back in a little bit and see what I can learn about the Oil industry. I'l probably get shot now for that kind of thinking. Then I guess I gotta do homework so that I never actually get to work on my own freedom. FUCKU world,,

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