Thursday, June 26, 2008

you know i cant be nice,, by law,,,

And come on,, there's nothing sporting or sporty about this in the least,,, im at the mercy of the people putting hate in then pulling it out,,, just like they did with that weed,, in 2003,, they want you to think I have control of anything and that I deserve such treatment as no legal system or no justice for the abused,,, thats torture right there,,, i even act nice but it just gets worse on me,, what friggin super hero powers are you idiots hoping for? well idiots might be kinda strong,,, unintended harm,,, lol,, asif it matters to the scum with my dna,,, its just the hate you pull out to justify your torture,, That's not me,,, but you can bet somebody is making cash,,

who made money on forex trading currency when the dollar kept purposely decreasing in value? Any policy makers should get insider trading charges,, and the SEC hopefully wont be throwing out the death sentence for such crimes,, lol,, funny,, not really,,

Uhh let me drop a few clues and see what connections if any occur:

1) Monkey tattoo
2) Rumsfeld made Iraqi parents watch the rape and exploit of children as tortutre for secrets
3) relentless hate forced in and pulled out of me,, to ensure my illegal 'not-a-bubble' restraint,,,
4) I'm completely innocent of any criminal setups I fell into because I have no "free will"
5) Pipeline for oil from the bakkans through US military controlled Turkey,, breach Int'l Laws
6) Terrorist network needed for placement through noncompliant countries to force unrestricted development of pipeline.
7) reasonable suicidal peer pressure
8) Prescott Bush financed hitler ambushes
9) Cheney is serious about shedding much blood for the project
10) Halliburton is also in Russia,,, US and Russia fighting about the Arctic which I doubt is true,,

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