Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cheney works decades at the White House with Republicans
Cheney Timeline

Republican White House
1969 - 1973
(Nixon Administration)
Cheney worked under Rumsfeld in three different positions.
1) Special Assistant Office of Economic Opportunity
2) White House Staff Assistant
3) Assistant Director of the Cost of Living Council
Ford taps (Skulls and Bones) Rumsfeld to be Chief of Staff and Cheney was Deputy. When Rumdfeld became Defense Secretary, Cheney took over as Chief of Staff for 14 months.

Road to Congress
(to make laws and policy)
1977 Cheney campaigns statewide, living out of a camper.
1978 Cheney explains to the Republican party why he still wants to run for office despite the
set back of heart attack.
Cheney elected as the Sole Congressman of Wyoming in the House. President Reagan's supporter in Congress.
1981 - '88 Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee
1983 Co-authored with wife,
Kings of the Hill: Power and Personality in the House of Representatives.
1988 Chairman of the House Republican Committee
1988 Cheney supports Reagan for the secret sales of weapons to Iran and the financial support of the Contrarevolucionnaires terrorist group during the Iran/Contra scandal in which we see Colin Powell testify. He serves as the VP of the Congressional Investigation Committee.
1988 Elected House Minority Whip (ensure parties' voting procedures and participation)
1989 - '93
Cheney worked as head of the Pentagon as the Secretary of Defense under President George Bush and invades Iraq in operation Desert Storm and Panama in operation Just Cause. Cheney was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by the President for his leadership during the largest military restructuring opportunities that presented themselves due to the end of the Cold War.
Just Cause ousted disobedient CIA operative General Manuel Noriega from Panama.
Cheney leaves politics
1995 "life-long" position promised to Halliburton as CEO for which he had no experience. Contracts are made with Iraq to provide repair equipment to oil fields should the need ever present itself.

2000 Cheney leaves Halliburton after conducting interviews for the apparently crucial Republican positioning but can't find the right candidate. He apologized but accepted the $33 millions in Stocks and Options severance package. If he still had the compensation, would he become insider trader during campaigning. The Iraq War was a Pre-9/11 plan, but maybe legal because the election one by CIA style cheating. All former whips grow to become masters of election fraud, don't they.

2004 Iran suffers an enormous earthquake killing 28,000 people. No wonder they hate us, ya fucktards. And China, and Myanmar.

Pre9/11 Planned Iraq War thoughts
what happened to bin Laden? The CIA says bin Ladem and Saddam are enemies that hate each other. Oh yeah, he's in Afghanistan and just thanked the USA for combined forces with the Taliban for removing the Soviets from the land. But I wonder, are they still their? That's the terrorist training capital of the world or maybe all the poppy plants add that criminal dark aura that's present at the Republic of Columbia. Oh maybe the 1,100 person jail I read Bush intends to put there for torture. Cause we know, bin Laden is al Qaeda leader, we are kinda the bosses or have jurisdiction of the Taliban, and Russia I'm not sure yet, but the citizens don't get to vote there these days so Putin has something very effective.

theres a bunch more but i cant type about this crap. i'm in hostile drug dealers, property damaging circle of gay bashers from the Iraq Liberation era: Neigherhood warfare. I can't stand one more minute. But I have to because the criminals that break the laws are in power with a new set of rules. Labour camps are hidden away in various military bases with some creative Selina (Aliens) type names nationwide, I'm thinking. The military teaches terrorism at Ft. Benning, Georgia - formerly the "School of the Americas" in Panama. The US Marines teach guerrilla warfare in in Republic of Columbia, where I was under the impression Bush provided billions maybe in "War on Drugs" grant funds for the creation of fumigation chambers and apparently to prune up the coca crops. What happened to all of the Mexicans illegally smuggled through next door. Did they graduate Selina camp and join the Taliban (Latina B), former Contras I'm betting.

1946 School of the America's erected in Panama for the Cold War. Operated by the US Army and the CIA.

Oh yeah, one of the documentary videos I've mentioned shows an invoice for the sale $380,000 worth of goods to the bin Ladens, by one of my current 'Alice in Wonderland" perpetrators, nicknamed "Monkey". Was that a plane?

Kings of the Hill: Power and Personality in the House of Representatives.
Explains how the controversial congressional leaders changed the House of Congress forever.
Henry Clay, James Polk, Thaddeus Stevens, James Blaine, Thomas Reed, Joe Cannon, Nicholas Longworth, Sam Rayburn, and Newt Gingrich

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