Friday, June 27, 2008

so, there is no real secret, huh?

Are you sure? I'l never find out whats really going on? Stop pinging my windows, please. It's impossible to control temper, I really do need a dentist. I'm not that 'gay and proud' either, which apparently is difficult to believe. You've brainwashed me to sabotage myself and you pull all that rage and hate through,, supply and demand curves again. I'm not trying to be difficult and this softness, right here gonna cost me some punishment hours by the world's biggest pussies,, i don't know who they are.

Ok, am I really a small version of the same conspiracy happening to the USA? Except, the idea is to dumb-down the population but for me it is to appear as trying to educate me in the land of the free (whos freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?) cute friends i guess, i don't know who they are. Don't worry curses, I would never do that to anyone. But what's the deal about justify? I'm giving you justification to hate me per your embedded instructions. And, a book that says 'we' need to trust each other? 6 years ago you asked, "who am i gonna trust?" Well, back then, it was no one, and has grown since? Who's 'we'? Its hardly fair on my side? Oh yeah, bad vision i have? I know it sounds its extremely hateful and all but I assure you, its not. There's just not a hate less way to communicate or explain. Remember, if you can't get reasonable, uhh then what was it I was supposed to do? lol,, yeah, like that won't be sabotaged,, All i want is medical care and peace but it ain't ever gonna happen here and I cant seem to get out of here. Complete distrust of everyone. I was never like that. In fact, that's one of the reasons I got selected for torture TV i think. I usually have to sit in chat and take hell and hate for months before someones says a heads-up or something. And no, i dont need help making decisions or what not but they are not my decisions. They are yours and for some reason I don't or won't seee eye to eye. But the whole game is completely one-sided, to a bunch on the other team. I'm not any secret color or number or code. If u want a straight answer then ask a straight question. But see, it doesn't work like that for me. I trust no one.

Maybe I can get into my school if they haven't locked me out. What could u possibly expect from me after 5 - 6 years of relentless hate? I don't trust anyone. Sounds mean, I know but its not meant tp be mean. Plus I'm stuck here eating my own feces all weekend again for punishment of vulgar chat that you coerce out of me. with the raps and bugs. And don't be using guilt trips on me about families of 9/11 or Iraq war, I had nothing to do with either - not like you did. Go ahead, do it up huge,, i don't even care, as if it made a difference,, yea and what was that if you can't reason with uhh whatever. I bet its the enemy, that if can't be reasoned with. Well, I'm not an enemy, to who? President Bush? Lot's, or tons of head banging that must look funny and fun of cctv. So what do you want? you want me to work for the CIA as if this mind control torture has just been training? Well there's lots of physical torture too that is being played down by the mind control crap,, plus the consensus seems to be, "if healed the abuse couldn't have been torture?' Well even if I got some b/s answer in chat or on websites, I still wouldn't believe anything. That whole innocent until proven guilty concept seems nonexistent anymore. Like when u slip laxatives in the beverage that's in my car while i run into wal-mart. Sam is big there and I'm always harassed somehow at that place. Well used to be until I finally aknowledge the crap. Then got worse for awhile then less harassment. Not really that store friggin sucks. Ripped of Visa card I payed cash for per instructions of, what do u guys call yourselves when explaining how medaling in another customers business? You say you the lawyer or something? Anything that will get them to do what you want. Its not mean, I hope but I think it sounds like it. There's no rhyme or reason. Just more head banging to me.

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