Sunday, June 15, 2008

some other relevant facts

Oh yeah, I forgot to credit a couple sources on the last few posts. I'm sorry if I if forget to credit anyone's work. I'm pretty much in a frenzie for the last 6 years. Actually, what has been done to me is the way these head cases create suicide bombers. Yeah, I like the alleged high ranking al Qaeda prisoner in Guantanamo just got his chance for and inquisition (questioning) to get a trail. He would rather die he said. I just learned tonight the little special "Alice in Wonderland" technique that they have used on me. Was interesting because earlier tonight, I was convinced the whole thing is a fraud and that the towers were still there. But I asked in a way that at least left some dignity by saying, "did they rebuild the Twin Towers yet" but what I really wanted to know was if they really collapsed. As always I was ignored and I surfed off to a CIA torture website that mentions this "Alice in Wonderland" is designed to cause complete confusion in interrogated with just a small touch of reality or to replace with the weird. I don't have too much time to keep researching it but its a form of abuse over long period s of time. I've read the signature for CIA torture is deprivation, isolation, and self destruction. Well its a happening on a mass scale and the isolation aspect is keeping the truth from being told. MK-Ultra.

credit sources for past posts:
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin
Fahrenheit 9/11, by Michael Moore
"Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War" by Robert Greenwald

Oh yeah, not sure if I mentioned before but in perfect fashion as with the rest of the "opposite day" meanings that Bush writes, all counter-terrorist type words are understood has heavy surveillance and exploitation just like a terrorist would perform. His anti-torture law is for all prisoners except terrorists. To bring al Qaeda and the Taliban 'by any means necessary." He thinks its now legal. Everything that has been provided by this administration to help the USA is just smoke.

Naomi Wolf writes in "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" the process a tyrant uses to secretly to overthrow a democratic governemnt to become authoritarian, just like accomplished by Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy, Stalin in Russia, and something in Japan. They all began with a thought out state-imposed terrorist attack.
Germany used the Enabling Act like Bush used the Patriot Act for the warrentless invasion of privacy and to be ruler.
They all started out slowly and through manipulation and lying they controlled Parliament and even the courts, just like here. Naomi mentions similarity after similarity of word choices of the Bush Administration identical to Hitler. I want to get these 10 steps down but real quick I want to tell you about China. The country with endless human rights violations and lifetimes of oppression were getting it together finally and welcoming capitalism into their communist country. Oh yeah, Mr Bush, if a paper I did for my undergrad about China was one of the highest-level terrorists threats, you are completely bonkers. I barely remember it. But you son of a bitch, they have had that wall up a long time. Oh and I don't remember who said in George Tenet's book that "Iran is peaceful." It was more sincere, though, than all the hate you were throwing our way. So, you got CIA as Prime Minister in Iraq now huh. Iran knows you're looking to expand and you just annihilated their neighbors. They are scared to death. China will try to help the weak and bullied very secretly. You thought China gave them WMD so you pounded them with Earthquakes for a week. Then the poisonous sewage flooding.

Oh yeah, this is too much bullshit. You don't threaten me by killing people in the public eye. Was Russert bipolar by any chance and maybe not always medcompliant? I assume that's one of my non law breaking incriminations. They did the same "Alice in Wonderland" torture to Brittany Spears and I recently saw her saw in F-9/11 that she completely trusts the President's judgment. Its okay, we all did. Another guy being tortured is Andrew Gladney from 7up and Howdy sodas. I read he was bipolar and he abused prescription drugs. My perpetrators mention him one way or another somehow, as occasionally get with the abuse in chat.

What other celebrity did you kill and implied my blame. How can I commit a crime retard to get in trouble like that. Yeah, Mr Tenat hit that tag in his book, too. So what about the day, I guess it may have been around year three or four and I was screaming bloody murder in chat since programmed that way. You people completely suck. Then I started typing that I was wiping my own feces for new shade of eye shadow. Then next day, you interrupted daytime TV to say that you and Mr. Cheney do not condone torture. Well, that was a relief but then you left me there. Don't tell me you were/are the Monkey huh. What an ass,, Dude get a job. And there were several days in a row, that I couldn't think strait and you make me go to the gym so I don't look tortured? But then, ass-wipe, you poisoned me with the environment. Ever been bullied? huh,, Well just when the Army was chasing me with the weather machine.

So anyway, the Taliban is Hispanic huh. Even in the beards ands Muslims clothes I'l come back for more in a few.

Oh yeah, I had a passport because I was seeking authorization of Thwate security so that I could validate digital certificates on a faced to face level. Is there a black market value for it or something? I got the impression that passport possession incriminated me. Is that 3 or 4? Oh yeah, ya asss, an animal rights group that I was a member of 10 or more years ago, incriminated me as well. Don't worry Mr. President, I hate animals now, if that is any better. 3,, Rx confusion? that's 4. I will be back soon for more on the Taliban and al Qaeda.

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