Saturday, June 14, 2008

the G-Cans project beneath Toyko, Japan

Guinness World Records 2008 reports as largest storm drain, designed to prevent flooding of the city's waterways. It consists of a huge water containment tank, 40 miles of tunnels, and turbine pumps capable of moving 200 tons of water per second. They know all about weather warfare, or more appropriate for the current US Administration, sewage warfare. What an ass.

Oh yeah, Bush's Grand daddy used to finance the Nazi regime. Big bankers they are too, with all that oil. I got the impression early on that there was, in fact, no Illuminati but there were a group of bankers. The Illuminati myth is just to keep them untouchable, I'd say.

Definition of terrorism = acts of violence and disaster or the constant threat of violence and disaster to gain political power.

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