Thursday, June 19, 2008

a opinion of legal and patriotic,, from AMAs tortured fag,

Laws should are made to ensure justice. Capital Punishment and War Crimes automatically should go hand in hand. But laws that are created with the intent for current or future deception should immediately be disregarded as fraud and those convicted should be compensated and the perpetrators receive the severist of penalties. Yeah, we know he lied to you. He did to everyone but he can only do the chair once. What do you say, we disregard all the fraud and see if thats important enough for Condi Rice. Shoot that whore. Well bitch, the Big Picture is that his whole administration was based on fraud, since at the poles. And I get tortured for it. For what? A debate between the elitist assholes that make policy? Its already made nitwits, its called the Geneva Convention. Plus the CIA even said it doesn't work for interrogation. I'm still innocent. You're whole plan is loaded with Intent. I'm sure I got books to read, schools to flunk, and cancer to metastasize before the American Medical Association AMA concludes the effectiveness of hypnosis and brainwashing. See that's where I wish that guy that makes quick conclusive calls was in charge. LOL,, no not really, I hate Cheney, just like any true patriot that believes in the USA and the land of liberty and human beings rights to pursue happiness.

Ok, in my estimation, proclamation and best guess, I'd say the main terrorist producers are the US Commander in Chief, the VP, and the military. The Bush family Oil connections with the Saudi 's links to al Qaeda in Yemen maybe. I dunno, I hope I don't need to find it. What about the Carlyle Group, the two link there if I remember correctly. Oh yeah, and the collapse of coal mines links to the energy companies. Just like the law granting Cheney, "Its all legal" permission of foreign subsidiaries to be drilling for oil in banned Iran. I wonder if that's Cheney's or Bush's legislation and if it is Cheney's would in not qualify for Insider Trading. Throw them all to the lions.

Oh yeah, there's also a list of events based on "good intelligence" from the CIA and FBI concerning the 9/11 attacks at which Rumsfeld repeatedly refused to even consider looking. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the CIA had a video taped confession of the tragedy but it was lost or destroyed. It had to be a Pre9/11 warning confession. I mean, so what if it was a confession of bin Laden's guilt after the fact. That's where blame is going per Carlyle Group agreement. No that may not be true about their growth strategy. But the taped confession would be of value if the more likely goal of the torture wasn't to get blame or guilt to get future plans. Or, would also be valuable if it was a Hispanic guy dressed up with beard to look muslim, because those are our guys. We smuggle them into the USA, get them IDed and registered to vote before camp.

How do I get out of here? Any funny business, Mr. Monkey or Rabbit, uhhhh I guess will be fine with but don't expect a single compliment from me. I am very sorry to any good people but I've had to develop pretty much an enraged outlook just to get by. Endless target for attacks and don't be fooled for a second. They call me raven or rat and other stuff. But I've always noticed people like that are extremely insecure. I mean death sentence kind of insecurity that no one should ever permitted even thinking about. Shoot him I'm telling you.

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