Monday, June 23, 2008

tell FOX, network of nazis, to leave me alone,,,

6/23/08 2:44am cst from Rathole St. Ann

One time, maybe a month ago, after feeling severely beaten as the target of the relentless hate from every possible direction, my super human powers enraged me enough to yell "Fucku world" in either chat or my home.

[this is taking forever - my head is pounding - they are doing something to make my teeth ache with radiating pain - they are such pussies - and don't take that so personal, geez, I don't even know who the hell is doing it - but Bush is permitting it with mickey mouse* encouraging why do I have a Russian doctor that told me those exact words "Don't take anything personal and there's nothing happening to you because of gay. This is the 21st century." - the Son of a Bitch! does 'opposite-day' as well - because the online police academy school ripping me off, informed of the nationwide database of 3million plus DNA profiles available with the Freedom of Information Act (scam to enable gov't the public humiliation of its citizens). And experimental home detention work in the US prison system. - IM INNOCENT IF YOU WOULD JUST ASK ME - the school informed me about the 'neighborhood policing' permitting the disclosure of all and any sensitive about the prisoner for the newly created assistant cops. My neighbors are the epitome of trash. Especially the fag next-door selling drugs which is probably really the spy center for the pukestain cop wanna bes to compare notes. They are complete pussy exconvicts or maybe 'don't ask, dont tell' military but scum nonetheless - I'm ashamed to give them this much thought or even mention - I know these scumbags are making bets and winning and losing money based on the skill of different perpetrators to elicit some behavior from me. Complete scumbags with the relentless hate. Dude, I will kill you and your family. Its only a promise or a wish you might say. The opportunity will never present itself so its not intent nor even a crime to fantasize about your deaths.]

So anyway, I must have had Charter cable's god forsaken channel tuned to nasty ass Foxsports the day yelling 'Fucku world' because words on the screen said, 'The world says ...' but I didn't get a chance to finish reading. It was maybe even something nice or seemingly motivational on the surface, or maybe even not to me at all. Those are the three best reasons I didn't get to finish reading. That's all this post is really about, anyway.

Oh yeah, the teeth pain. I hate you people. What are you pinging at my windows? You suck Rocks, I bet. Before I forget to mention, as per Nazi protocol, keep laws and actions public but use ambiguity or another language to protect yourself but still permit the persecution the innocent. Plus, you cheat and don't really do anything the right way, anyway. I guess the teeth pain are from the mercury amalgam which is an already known poison. But is seriously feels as if they can make emit pain by remote control.

*mickey mouse is a registered trademark of Disney Corporation and, uh I dunno. I was going to say Alice made me do it, but she just very well may be a registered trademark of the same place. It's not me responsible for any defamation of character. For God's (for which there is none) sake they are torturing me! Who's 'they'? You can bet your ass I will kill them when I find out! So I'm seeking and taking immunity like fag Bush is attempting - FUCKU REALITY FUCKIN TV - KILL ME NOW - In fact, Cheney the factless 'sleeping giant' (what an ass), I need not even make any name changes to protect the innocent because no one is innocent. But fortunately I can see the good in some people and I can tell you right now that zero FOX people have it. Tuche trash. "If you mess with the Bull, you'll get the horns - you got it Bender?" Why me? Why exploit and torture me and my mind in every possible and experimental way? What do you want from me? You make it impossible to exist much less fight. Fight how? Who? That's why you suck FOX.

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