Friday, June 20, 2008

Hell is for Children

Again, I'm sorry about the "f*cku world" comment but they are masterminds of deceit, fraud, mass manipulation, and strategic alliance. I was trying to remember what I read a few months ago about the CIA and its signature torture technique of deprivation and self-inflicted pain. How the hell do they do that crap. Well they know that torture without defense of even shield, is likely to result with the prisoner's resistance to comply. Or then again, he will say and admit to anything to end or escape this insanity.

So anyway, what have we got thus far:
Nicaraqua: Monkey Pt., Tom DeLay's family oil, Communist regime as described by Cheney, Reagan Wars which included El Salvador which is also communist.

The creation of fake nonprofit entities for the money laundering of campaign contributions from Russian oil. See, they don't allow any information about Russia inside the inner circle. I do know, however, that Putin has nearly removed citizen voting privileges and looks to have a pretty solid but discreet relationship with your President, Mr. Bush. Mr. Cheney went to Yale too, huh? That's a good dot. Big fat Skulls and Bones dot. Uh, Mr. President, I heard you guys jack each-other off in coffins sometimes. You are such a fag, dude. So anyway, some of these nonprofit organizations protect the directors and officers with immunity from tort law. But everything you and ARMPAC do is with intent to harm and with that in mind, the immunity is void. As if.

So anyway, one of the books the CIA requested for me from the library was about Remote Viewing. You know, Psychic Ops. I'm not very good yet, because I don't get feedback, but you know about the subconscious mind. Me too, in fact, I'm a certified hypnotist from when you pounded my head out of Chiropractic School. And year earlier, I also did a crazy paper titled, Advertising: The Human Misuse of Humans, which talked about the elementary effectiveness of subliminal messages delivered both in and out of the household. (I don't think your country wants that new TV you're pushing on them). You are much more scared of the terrorists, than we are. Ironic, ain't you the owner?

Owner and trader of people, huh? Slaves. That's so ugly. So what happened to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency under the Department of Homeland Security? Who do you think you're fooling by giving a vacant building trillions of dollars for security, and they don't even know where to find China. (funny commercial came to mind) No, not really, we're sure they are quite busy with experiments of surveillance, double exposing photos, and film editing. Because, a suspected terrorist is immediately removed from under protection of a tattered up US Constitution that you alcoholics shot to hell. No offense.

So what did your Holiness have to say anyway? He seems nice enough, I guess. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Not sure why I felt compelled to type that. Bush, your not even close to innocent so don't worry about that statement. So, I was just gonna say that I never had a chance to meet any Cardinals. I bet they are nice. How were they with your aura of evil? You could've said that you're just parading it around for the VP. Oh well, so anyway, I have meet a few Bishops seeking treatment and renewal for Priests, Brothers, and Monks within his congregation. Always extremely nice men and optimistic about the treatment we provided. A joy of an acqaintance to make. I worked at two facilities for four years, and one was completely hidden inside a golf course with standard six months stay. Like a camp, almost. The other facility was deep in the country and restricted the men to the property at all times. Sad to tell of this which seems exploitive, but it housed only the pedophiles for Church determined life sentences. I was their Exercise Therapist and I always had the sincerest concern for their physical health. It was hard on them and everybody with all the child sexual abuse stories in the media. They were still very holy men. And they prayed for me, too. I'd do anything to help them.

But once I finally came across Tom Delay last-night, and Cheney's Bio- the night before, the picture began to get clearer.

Well that's it for now, I got movement on the battlefied. Oh yeah dude. Castro was the one with a right hand man that ruled by "relentless hatred" to "impel us over and beyond the natural limitations of man." LOL,, The CIA are punks, they can't do it. Not the right way, anyway. Alice is a lying whore, everywhere, all the time. I'm taking this directly out of the textbook, which you guys wrote, for my sabotaged terrorist training. I swear I don't have a violent bone in my body, my country's highest level of security drags that hatred through me. Its gross and it makes me sick. How's the debate Dershawitz? From the text, uh, it sounds like Alberto. lol.. im just kidding but I bet he is nice. "The use of hatred to encourage the dehumanization of one's enemy is but another manifestation of the doctrine found throughout the centuries to justify mass murder and torture." Nicer than ashcroft I'm sure.

Before I go, just want to mention the "opposite-day" issue with DeLay and his organization for kids is a huge red flag. And Cristine the furious nazi that destroyed her charitable organization upon her exit. Lynne writes books. Romance stories about lesbians. Well thats cool as heck, Mrs. Cheney, but you can't get into this club that easy. Be back soon,,

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