Monday, June 16, 2008

Alice and Ricky,, That "Ricki" car commercial was great,,

Well for you. lol,,
Naomi Wolf says the next, uhhh wtf are these things I'm listing. The section heading says

"The Strength and Ease of Dictatorship."
"There is also a reverse process that systematically closes down freedom."
See that's purely sick thinking. Nonstop. Even online, the friggin US President, or so I am to believe, joins the cyber harassment comradeships of the CIA and Attorney Generals and Military and celebrities too maybe, but they're all masked by Bots. Well not Dubya, he weasrs the Monkey suit. I figure he is just mocking me as I am the true experimental monkey in the cage. This stuffs just kills me and makes my head pound. But I do think some of the CIA, FBI, Attorneys and Military live in my near vicinity according to the Haynes Directory,, Which the librarian denied possessing. That place is a surveillance "Hot spot". A few blizzards missed our few streets completely, last year. LOL,,, maybe not really there but I am to believe that they are according to Haynes Directory that even the library lied to me about possessing. Funny though. That's when someone was secretly training me to easily and immediately spot deception. I make the worse spy. Who expects such extraordinary stores that are irrelevant? LOL,, Well, we better learn how to expect nonstop anxiety and what's with the nonsense laws? The baggy shorts, of course, that stunned the nation, and I think one town near me has a "No Foul Language" Law and I heard a crazy one too, but I forgot.
Actually f*cker, I do know what they are from the US Army Human Resources training manual. LOL,, I fantasized you were the torture guy Thicki, that I'm practically married too. That's kinda funny but its true. UHHH,, anyway,, the manual registers with me under the "torture mind" What kind of exercises are you referring to throughout DHS missions? I think you mean "experifuckinment". Like Tom Cruise said its a "War of words". Why is this gonna be so spread out so far that no one has to take the blame? This is retarded. And I'm way more like a fuckin rat than a monkey, so know I know why he gets it then. So what do I do to accept friendship? I'm too fried out to even acknowledge covert or encoded jibberash that may or may not even be true.
know. I just realized why I was asked for my written opinion of televised executions for punishments. Well FUCK YOU and your twisted hierarchy. Why are you doing this to me? Can I make my own legal system? I can't even buy a fuckin gun because I'm a disabled mental patient. But it really is the best considering the Columbine massacre. This Alice crap, you scumbags, was used on an African American in North St. Louis County I think. Went by the nickname "Cookie" and shot up city hall. Suppressed story details except maybe a patient with a mood disorder of bipolar like mine. But from a few quick interviews with his family that spoke of his constant, even maddening harassment by government. I just ran across a website story from 2003, that the Bush plan replaced 1 million Federal workers with private contractors. Did that really happen? Well this post's lesson for today, children is :
6) Harass citizens and groups. That was the Animal Rights group I belonged to. Great club president. We all know about the excessive police force. I got a "resisting arrest" so they could bust my head open. After the arrest and procedures, the officer said, "it was as misunderstanding and I now know you are a pretty good guy and the Resisting Arrest charge will be dropped." LOL,, but your refusal to blow with absolutely no proof won't be. LOL,, he didn't really say that about the refusal to blow but the charges were never removed either. Insignificant meaningless crap really or so they have me believe. I'l be bacl with No7 soon,

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