Sunday, June 15, 2008

Alice is a dirty whore,,

That AM radio as bug detector is tuned to static low on the dial and when moving the radio about 6 inches from targeted test area and swipe across the remote control receptor changed the amount and volume of static. This is by no means conclusive enough evidence, like the lazy ass Executive Branch that can't pool a file, to point blame. But data is permitted to travel backwards from the TV as well. I also have a TV in my bed room (aka solitary cell) and they still see everything. And the drug dealing was something setup and pushed through by the CIA, with crappy compressed Mexican weed. They follow my every move and one day I was at BestBuy and they were apparently trying to persuade me to do something and a stranger walked up to me and said. "The gov't gets the really good weed, you know?" They have also attempted to set me up selling Rx.

#5) from imoan wolf (does that mean fake lies? - or you just need hysterical PR to desensitize?)
Arbitrarily detain and release citizens. Well I'm in an online school now studying Criminal Justice which has been a total devise scheme by my7 perpetrators. They gotta at least teach me to understand maybe even a pathetic attempt to fight (like I have a single friggin friend to watch my back). Plus you don't play by any roles Mr President. And you still cheat. Well I flunked both classes last semester and it aint looking pretty from the hole for this semester either. Anything I attempt has already been considered and sabotaged. Its pure agony everyday all day. So anyway, my scum sucking neighbors are in my classes incognito - friggin idiots. Not really. I like everybody, but the constant surveillance and ridicule is completely unbearable. LOL,, not sure if accurate or not but some students said that several states are experience detainment merely for suspicion. Habeas Corpus rights to a speedy trial with a reasonable criminal charge is gone just like his Nazi idol did.

Oh I saw a 'Top Secret' pic inside Department of Homeland Security. Was a single room, with one chair and no electricity. LOL,, kidding but all the BS lies of securing borders and ports are big time 'smoking guns'. And the purchase of all the Federal land in Nevada were funds approved by the US Department of Interior which is supposed to be looking out for US citizens best interests. I'm betting that's a department in the Executive Branch. DHS controls tribal lands also and proudly flaunts it in the title. Surely raping them of casino profits. I'd be willing to bet a nice chunk of change gets ripped right off the top and they either don't realize it, or they have to accept it. You're a complete PR*CK. lol,, next task on the way to Nazi town. I hope we can dance there.

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