Monday, June 30, 2008

i can't even listen to the stereo or music,,,

Its that embedded. Apparently they have had their eye on me for years. I can see how I've been trained through my life, maybe. If this is really a situation of me against the President, and they've fried my mind already, its hardly fair. It may have started years ago as a job training type situation, but that don't hold much water. It will never fly. LOL,, The penguins, and ostriches too don't you know, can't fly. Is this a delusion? I don't believe in voodoo curses, but I am more and more open to the 'paranoia', as the single word frequently suggests, that I see planted in all my propaganda I'm forced to read. It's totally sick. Well, my training really has been poor. I mean look at me. I don't know how to connect the dots. But, all the things Bush says really are opposite day in meaning. And he's rewriting laws like crazy. The Congress has been strapped down to laws the Republican House enacted. You know if Cheney was in there, and even wrote a book about it, that's a HUGE Red Flag. They might even be in a worse situation than me. And, I got the entire world against me. They want me to prove 9/11 was an inside job so that these laws that are restraining everyone will be dropped. Well, that's my motivation. I am sorry for the extremely sour deranged hate that comes though me. But, it had to be someone imitating President Bush when he asked me in chat, just like the FBI did over the phone a few years ago, 'Well how is it a hate crime?' on the phone. 'All what hate?', in chat. Its hate from what I read, hear on radio, from family, neighbors, no friends, no legal system. Multiple cable TV channels, all chat rooms, AOL bigtime, yahoo, google, craigslist, rft, freestufftown, the house flies! Amit is a big deal, sometime. I read about a surveillance fly before, but was only compared to by size. You know, I hate not having a reference but I read or had a map emailed to me about the strickness of citizen video surveillance. Well it informed me, that the US was equal to the level of the UK and Russia. I'm gonna take a guess that Russia already does the 'return video' from the remote control 'sensor'. I don't know that such a capability exists but its got to somehow. Just wait until we get the 'new' TV system. Why did Bush and Cheney both deny subliminal anything going on. Are the writes still on strike from last year? I think so. Its an un-agreeable Internet issue maybe. We are so stunned how much he (BUSH) hates us (USA). Then he always does a complete 180, which we are all so conditioned to. Watch the way he talks. If he's moving his arms around alot like he did when trying to convince the country that war with Iraq was absolutely essential to the 'war on terror' , which has been proven time after time, was a hoax. He lied. Cheney pushed like crazy, for Halliburton. No, no, no, Its not at all perfectly legal. I know they patented an accounting system, that is only to create a distraction, from his real just 'cause. He went to Yale, too, even if just a year or two maybe. But watch the way Busch bounces his hands on the podium when he's trying to convince us of the lie and the need to storm and debilitate Iraq. Gosh darnit, he's imitating Hitler. See, I know that we put the shaw in Iran in 1953. We were on great terms if not running the place. Were the hostages a hoax during the Carter Administration? I read that is a way to increase the brainwash, 'conversion' effect. Mock assassinations, and hostages are used too. They day Reagan took office, they were released, huh. Reagan did some bad things. Sold weapons to the Iran terrorists aka contra. I think Michael Moore connects those dots best, how we had Iran and Iraq fighting each other. Because, the Republicans that control the Energy are attempting to tap into our human glucose and emotional energy. Its nuts. They always use that word when describing someone they've trained or terrorized. I'm telling you, its happening in public to the blond, bipolar, people.

But, now I see why the extremist on the right are pro-life. They babies that aren't wanted will turn into a menace to society and will be best restrained to special quarters and worked like slaves. It seems to be a huge market. Google (as a verb) the search words 'modern day slave'. See if there are any famous people?

But the hate is around me everywhere, anyway. But, I've been conditioned to receive a tremendous amount of pain. Its not funny in the least. I think they gave me cancer. They have me stumble on the 'physician-assisted suicide' lately. Trust me, I don't see anything they don't intend me to see. The training is the pits.
Oh yeah, don't forget that the 'Republic' party worldwide is about authortarian type government which they are all creating over the years. Like we don't notice. We are completely appaled you hate us so much. The Katrina vi ctims even. The way you made us watch them suffer. Without water. Now the big food shortage. I think the entire EC is boycotting milk or did, due to the price increase. I'm telling you the Republicans hiding behind tax-free, non-profit, charity organizations are undoubtedly exploiting the people they are setup to help. Opposite-day runs real deep. I think the BBB (Better Business Bureau) is set up by them, or at least the one on the Internet. Don't they approve or rate the integrity of a company. Well, online it seems so lax. They are the Wolf gaurding the chicken house. What the heck is up with all the chicken. Well, I blew off trying to get dental insurance because they have convinced me I deserve that and so much more. Don't let them fool you. And, they already ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh well i forgot,, bye

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