Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm pulling for the Jews,, just in case,,,

Are there lots of storms and floods going on around the world? Who's reading this? Can anyone hear me? I'm getting bombarded with storm, earthquake and cancer threats. Hey I'm trying to be nice. Don't get mad or defensive of the truth. It is extremely bad though and there's really no gentle way to say. Plus there's so much BS, from making me watch the crucifixion on every channel all easter weekend, to a website that attests Jesus rose from the dead on my birthday in 33 B.C. Well, isn't that some crap. I had no magic happen that weekend. They just wanted me to to go to the emergency room saying that I was Jesus Christ and President Bush is trying to kill me. Well its a nice thought, but I reject all of that. Not so fast, Mr. President, you need to just stay with me.

Ok, so I am really a pervert also, but so what, and you need to talk to Alberto about all of that. And it never includes children. How the heck did you guys get me to use that suck_torture name from those two little boys with innocent brotherly play with Charlie on youtube? I didn't make the connection until seeing the video and 2nd time about a month later. Jerks. By then was too late. And, oh hell yea. When I actually thought someone was also secretly helping me and I got text messages from my Astro at 2 bucks a pop. I finally realized it was just a tool to help control me, as I would get messages about walking barefoot in the sand and coming to a crossroads, when I was going bonkers throwing a fit about the dead crows and rats tossed into my yard. Yeah, also I knew Uranus wasn't that busy of a planet to be talking about. That cost a fortune to cancel the phone since you fuckers wouldn't take no as an answer. Then I had to write for a refund $200.oo refund - to terrorist nation Canada. Yeah, that's a shocker, huh. They're so liberal with their borders and lenient with their gov't which pays homage to the Queen of England and financially supports the Tigers terroristic from India I think. But this isn't a job interview and they are probably lies anyway so that I get the blame for increasing the Republican agenda. Disregard all that Canada fear until otherwise notified. I'l tell you what though, it's the Russians I worried about most I think.

Oh well, so anyway, I'm not the messiah so have no fear anyone. But the reason I mentioned that I'm a pervert also, besides the 'when in Rome, ...' reply, is the use of another screen name which is kinda fun, but apparently incriminating as well. [foolmoonsucker] or something like that. Well, guess who was or is aka as moon God, or so I'm to believe.

It would be quiet offensive to those practicing the religion, so I'm not going there. You suck Bush. And now I guess we arrive at the God that I'm fighting or whatever. The "War of God" which DeLay has proclaimed his loyalty. These people are not even close to compassionate human beings. In fact, Mr. Cheney, who couldn't provide a single truthful fact about anything, these people fit more the monkey club. They are underground right-wing extremist that seem to carry the burden of forcing a Prolife nation. I bet a million dollars that located in all the nonsense Bush propaganda, a woman seeking an abortion can easily be perceived as an "EC" or terrorist helper. Wrong Bush. You guys are ruining everything. The "War of God" members sound like a bunch of goons. Its funny the way Alberto, or whoever, imitates me a little while describing the group. All the brainwashing crap has familiar or self recognizable words that I have said in the past that they apparently wrote down. There's really nothing funny about this entire situation at all. And, stop trying to bribe or calm me with astronaut dreams. Im sending you fuckers to the chair if I ever get out of this hole alive. And you dumping too much waste in outer space. We'll get to Koch Empire of Waste on the next post, but DeLay calls the EPA of Koch is the "Gestapo." See, I'm not sure if that's true or if was the _ATF that stormed the Branch Davidian and killed innocent people. I was under the impression that the group that worked that disaster was actually the "Gestapo' (nazi secret police). As I interpreted, they were working their first case together before moving onto Bushes private legal system. The underscore in _ATF indicates there was another letter used in front of ATF but I'm not sure I remember. And I don't know if that _ATF story is true or not. The fuckers emailed me and said that I'm being a dumbass acting like I know everything. Well I'll be the first to admit that I'm stupid as hell, in fact, its part of my charm. I CAN JUST TELL. So that I can boo and hiss and cry an immature whine. Nice seed there too, gentlemen, about torture victims especially adept at whining. And so what if I do whine, at least I'm not a war criminal.

Army of God description but it sounds fake to me. From the test:
"... is a real Army, and God is the General and Commander-in-Chief. [see that right there is pathetic, I don't believe a word] The soldiers, however, do not usually communicate with on another [lie]. Very few have ever met each other. [oh, we're scared - you can't show fear to these punks, it just provides ammo]. And when they do, each is usually unaware of the other soldier's status [don't ask, don't tell pussies]. That is why the Feds will never stop this Army [proper noun]. And we have not yet even begun to fight."
LOLOL,, sounds like me in a fit of hate and rage with some self-inflicted pain one day. Well, actually just the repition of "never' that made me chuckle. C'mon guys, they are just girls plus they're pregnant. Maybe even rapped by some of you ass backward Dubya loyalist. Nope, I refuse to accept.

Why would you force, like you are God yourselves [idiots] another person to bring a child into the world that is not wanted? It will most likely be abused or at the very minimum neglected. I'm sure the mother of the aborted fetus isn't giggly and warm and fuzzy inside afterwards. Considering the treatment of the current 'rank and file' population, your answer would likely be along the lines of keeping the labour pool young. Bush or uh err, God, this isn't your jurisdiction. Even though I'm certain this group of terrorists targeting barefoot and pregnant girls doesn't exist, they got a pill that is most likely doing some permanent damage of which the abortion patient is completely unaware. I guess its well known, but I'm pretty ignorant in this area since I am a guy and have absolutely no legitamit ground on which to stand and make judgments You either GOP, you bullies. The pill is the RU-486 generic for mifepristone and my Hanglers must be on break on something.

So anyway, I want to just quickly share my interpretation of God. I have never really been able to comprehend something so universal that made the heavens and hell that supposed to be so unconditionally loving. There's a tremendous about of shame that is felt my someone ostricized from a religion. The shame is also instilled in the heads of the followers, but its shame at the person being kicked or not accepted. The only real sin is cruelty. This somewhat overlaps the Bill of Rights,, err my bad,, It overlaps with the 10 Commandments. Its cruel to steal, its cruel to covet your neighbors wife (unless st. ann - these people are nutso). But where the 10 Commandments leaves off, its cruel to be opinionated and pass judgment and hate at another person, especially if they are doing anything that hurts someone else. Then they are alright with me. In fact, I hate people who discriminate. So my God is one of spirit and love that you can count on most of the time. Its a place that all of our psyches connect. The location is mother nature, or infinity. We are all brothers and sisters, and if you come across someone in a day with bad energy and closed mindedness, just consider they may have had a family member or pet die or worse, may have been victimized. That person is still connected to us in mother nature. Try not to take it to heart and move on to the next smiling person. Do you get it? You people are God to me! And what a fine lot you all turned out to be. See thats how they took my spirituality even. And I can't get it back until shit for brains repeals these laws that provide me "relentless hate." See dude, my God is gone, you took away. Go ahead and keep it now. Who would want that crap back anyway. This is pitiful, like when I say "I'm sorry" about offending anyone - for hating me. Just like Cheney's friend that he shot in the face with a shotgun, who felt obligated to apologize to ya Dick. But anyway, my sense of spirituality comes from Mother Nature which includes animals, plants, kind people, and everything nice. I am doing God's work by recycling not bombing Abortion clinics. There is NO hate in God. Bush this stuff is really none of your concern. God is Peace and Love. Five bucks a gallon, fellas, is kinda steep don't you think? My intention is never to offend, especially discrediting someone's higher power. Who knows what religion is right, but any of them that discriminate aren't likely to make the playoffs.

What the heck am I dong. The perps implied I'm under a spell or voodoo curse which I completely reject because I've trained as a Shaman you you're and could clobber your entire network of spells. [that's what we call tough love - so get off me fags - and I'm not talking about the gay happy kind either] Its just a theory, not right or wrong, but that works for me.

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