Monday, June 30, 2008

Bush hates us, the citizens, just like the CIA does to me,,

I mean, come on. Look what he has done to our military, our economy, and our foreign relations. Something tells me we screwed Iran real bad and they are furious at us, just like the rest of the world. Plus look at all the disasters from the weather, e.g. Katrina, national flooding, record numbers of tornadoes. That is one of Homeland Securities goals, disaster simulation.

Oh yeah, I forgot , my neighbor mentioned something to me about prophecy, which I normally disregard due to the fear factor that its intended to elicit, from past exposure by bad people - the worst, in fact. But he mentioned something about prophecy and a Muslim will rule. So, you know Bush will play that card about Obama to either scare the nation to vote Republican or order his assassination. Cause, as we all know, President Bush's Secret Intelligence is piss poor, and proof is something he prefers to make up on his own, as we've seen him do with operation: Iraq Liberation. He just anilated that country. Funny, because that's the Vice Presidents primary interest, domestic spying. Just mentioning that because Bush doesn't need proof to exterminate or punish something from prophecy. Just saying, its definitely an option for the Republican terrorists to hold onto the White House. Fear is the main principle of terrorism and deaths are extraordinary. I could see him taking Obama down with that special PR work he does: He makes a public announcement of a good thing he is doing for humanity, but his actual intentions is the exact opposite. Just like everything he has shocked us with throughout the entire Administration, then provides the information to the public, but not always so easy to find. That's Hitler style right there, I'm telling you. Its all perfectly legal, huh? Hitler started that way, wrote his own laws and took all control, in plain site.

I do want to mention again, about the sour mouth and language and multi directional hate. But, not sure if I mentioned about a name on my buddylist June_26_cancer and its not new. I hate using that thing, the friends list. I have no friends only deceivers but they somehow coerce me to finally allow the add and their name turns out to be a terrorists name or something. I've hardly ever talked to anyone a second time, except Stormfury_hammer or some crap. This person chatted me around Easter when I had to repeatedly watch the crucifixion. So anyway, the incrimination I get from a buddylist is not real. Its Bush and Cheney and various other Bonesmen on my buddylist.

Well this is taking forever, this email. Four hours maybe. But, I need to explain about HAARP and Tesla. Throughout this four hours, my perps clued me in on aniline. Its a poison that i don't know anything about but is a gas maybe under normal conditions and is also found in some pharmaceuticals. I'll have to do some research because they did sell me poisoned weed, of the Mexican variety. But I don't have an incubator to see what poisons broke my face and mouth out with sores. I tried to save some for chemical study at another time. Bill from Aero Safety got me smoking when I was finishing my undergrad and there's been excessive subliminal messages to smoke, ever since the late 1990s. Well they have been beating around the bush, awhile, that I have cancer. Its always been a true major theme the whole time. It killed my sister, they had a field day. I'm not kidding. Killed a few aunts and uncles during this horrendous endless nonstop torture, too. My father's currently in remission, but they were doing the backstroke while i was a slave to the computer with their Artificial Intelligence of that chat bots that provide usually bad clues but strokes of love. Don't they suck? Really bad too. All this crap plus 30 credits a semester at Chripractic school that was against me and flunking me out. A professor likely wrote in my notebook when I left it open in the front row while I exited the class because my cell phone rang. I forget to turn off the ringer and the phone was in my jacket so i grabbed my jacket and darted out of the room to minimize the interuption. Well guess who it was? His buddy in crime that was trying to infect me with HIV and robbing my home and car. He giggled to me one time about 'you're dad has one foot in the grave anyway. He's the same one that instigated the whole drug dealing setup, "yeah, let's sell drugs". Well one of the cartoons said John died and went to hell because he was a pedophile. Seth is so dirty, huh? So when I got back to my notebook, there were two sets of writing on a clean page. 1) "That's the gayest ringer I've ever heard." 2) "Yep, he's a queer". I guess, I was stunned but I was already a fairly regular target at that time in 2003. Dead rats and birds always tossed in the yard. Gas poured on flowers. And, they're idiots. That was a very cool ringer on mt cell phone. Just shows the lack of originality within the Republican Nazi terrorist party.

So anyway, get this. HAARP is actually the electronic warfare device in Alaska. It has created a permanent radio wave antennae of the Northern Lights. I'm getting this information from the Encyclopedia of Conspiracy Theories (EC). I can tell the CIA wrote it because it was in my anticipated life path plus its very informative about some things. So HAARP transmits electromagnetic radio waves in the ionosphere, and electromagnet sphere. The heading starts like this: "1992 Project HAARP. New forms of 'electronic warfare' [Raytheon] threaten to disrupt the earth's atmosphere." Gosh, sorry that took so long to get right. Its complete hell around here, most days. But, it gets better. There were what was known as "Tesla Weapons of doom. 1995. A Japanese cult's obsession with earthquake inducing weapons of science fiction."
A new generation of weapons are being developed which utilize natural forces of destruction such as hurricanes and earthquakes. These are based on research carried out by the extraordinary inventor Nikola Tesla and have attracted the interest of sinister apocalyptic cults involved in terrorism. The International Tesla Society in New York were looking for patents and documents for the weapons but the US Government seized such documents in 1943 and have remained under National Security status ever since.
They both pretty much do the same thing. One paragraph starts like this: "Tesla's inventions, especially the HAARP...". Well HAARP using the ionosphere, reportedly, bounces radio waves over the horizon and around the earth. They say it makes worldwide communications possible , but disruptions in the ionosphere make this unlikely for tactical use. So the book says. But it may be resp[onsible for the hole in the ozone layer. "HAARP also using (ELF) Extremely Low Frequency waves for (EPT) Earth-penetrating tomography allow the predictions of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Its subterranean surveying capabilities suggest that what can be used to detect fault lines can be used to effect them." Under the Project HAARP heading, the last sentence says, "... ELF also raises fears of scrambling the human mind, which has been denied along with the ozone depletion." Well ELF waves were described in the Remote Viewing information as 'white noise' or the consistent penetrating low level wave that was used for the telepathic medium of traveling to a different place and/or time. I'm familiar with a flat 'white noise' that was played in the private non-timed testing rooms at a couple colleges for the ADD type learning disabled. I, personally like the flat soothing noise to aid concentration. So anyway, it is somewhat hypnotic and my perps gave me a smiley face in chat when I asked if elf causes ADD. That's the ADD connection, finally found you guys. What have you been doing? Naa, its the bipolar coaster, jump on dude. lol,, thats just something fun i used to like to say. So anyway. I feel alot better and I'll take whatever nonsense label you got, even though I was just informed again yesterday, "its because of the sex." LOLOL,, I get none. They know it too. But there was a situation that very well may have been video taped of an attempt at anal sex in the mid 90's that I'm under the impression is circulating the Internet. Like I can do anything about your gangbashing. Yes, yes, I know you've got DC. Funny. Got lots of Latin America, too, eh Arbusto then Harken. What about Star bank for Latin America wire transfers? Maestro? Was this you in chat dude:

pittbulldog2007: oh **** i got dc
pittbulldog2007: pussy
pittbulldog2007: ****

cool. You're a better gangbanger than I could ever be. Nasty, just nasty. I'l come back for Star Wars. Sorry again about disrespect that may have been interpreted by anyone, I didn't realize anything. Oh yeah, btw, didn't Clinton get screwed out of the party nomination due to manipulated voting procedures. And, yeah, its just the Republican terrorist draft dodgers that are bad. I mean, they are their wars. And whips, we hate whips.
I'll name my cancer Arbusto, too, if your not using it. No not really.

Conspiracy Encyclopedia: The Encyclopedia of Conspiracy Therories, Chamberlain Bros. Publishing, a member of the Penguin Group (USA) 2005. NY, New York
HAARP and Tesla p. 232

oh yeah, hate in the schools...

too. You know, Castro sent that HR trainer, that used 'relentless hate' to be killed. It just isn't effective at all. More hate from Walmart pharmacy as well. They ripped me off on the number of Adderall in prescription before, maybe more than the one time I caught it though. But, mostly to create what I imagine appears to be a drug-induced obsession on close circuit TV counting out the pills. This whole thing is so dirty. Everything is a setup that already has a PR stunt waiting to be deployed. So, I try to think what their next move is, and I'm sure denial and rude replies. They won't accept they're wrong about anything, which is rule 58 in the nazi handbook. No, not really, I'm kidding, I don't have the handbook. But, I bet his dream or plan for America that is no longer on the White House website can easily point out the intentions. Try to keep an open-mind to the opposite day concept. And don't fall for the suggestions that the documents are confusing, he's not that smart. He doesn't have to me. He keeps the nation in fear and in Alpha state which apparently makes us more susceptible to suggestions. I thought was the Theta state of consciousness where our subconscious minds are wide open
for simple suggestions. This is pitiful. I guess the business of Alpha state opens the mind as well. Yes, it does.

Anyway, the hate to carry everywhere, all day, everyday is too much. There will not be a fair presidential election, I swear. My inside CIA guy buzzed me when I typed that last sentence. Bush has one the last two elections by cheating, you don't think he's about to give it up do you. I can see right now, there will be a state sponsored disaster to bring you all up to code red with me. A State of Emergency will be declared for a full blown policed-state. The dots and signs are everywhere. They are ripping us off to make us slaves. Look how much billions of dollars ripped off from the government and given to Halliburton. They are huge in the war business. And they have many to train for that pipeline to pass through all them countries. Other Defense Companies have high-level military or exmilitary employment. They showed me outer space is full of trash. Is that Koch? The attorney indicted for near 100 counts of toxic dumping. They are destroying our environment. Bankrupting our government. Tax-free, probably. Making us lose our homes and pay unreasonable dept to credit card companies. And they made it real difficult to personal Chapter 7 bankruptcy so that they can create a credit card melt down with people working for little wage to pay big debts. The food shortage and the credit-card and housing meltdowns are really going to be much worse than we can anticipate. I don't think those are threats, I think those are facts. Are some entire towns being restrained at this time? I'm sure the answer is yes, all towns are being restrained for this made up terrorist scare. Created to shock us into acceptance. It took me a few times of raging in chat rooms for days on end to realize, I, in fact, was in shock. I know that hasn't stopped. It takes me hours after waking up to get stable. With much manipulation, they have made it possible that the only possible place to vent the endless rage is in chat where they pull those death threats out. Even Tom Cruise showed in a movie how victims that are restrained and tortured always say. "I will kill you." Oh that's not all. They either infiltrate or create any situation that I may possibly be into. I was doing out patient treatment and one of the counselors said that I must smoke weed because it helps the constant overwhelming stress, "I bet?'. That opened the door a little. Then they had me find a medical experiment out of Brazil that somewhat supported the idea of self-medicating. Or at least that its not a made up fake phenomenon. This is just a never ending battle. Oh yeah, I've already got the message that anything I do, it will neverbe_enough. This is only to desensitize the public, if the public even gets this, which I highly doubt. So that makes me want to stop typing because it just gives them a heads up to play certain cards if I ever get a public voice which I doubt. Nor do I even want that. To be honest, I'd rather be taken out. Too much guilt and shame and hate to go back to civility. Thanks all u haters. I knewe they would never do crap. And I'm sure they told you how it helps me. It doesn't at all. Its a lie.

i can't even listen to the stereo or music,,,

Its that embedded. Apparently they have had their eye on me for years. I can see how I've been trained through my life, maybe. If this is really a situation of me against the President, and they've fried my mind already, its hardly fair. It may have started years ago as a job training type situation, but that don't hold much water. It will never fly. LOL,, The penguins, and ostriches too don't you know, can't fly. Is this a delusion? I don't believe in voodoo curses, but I am more and more open to the 'paranoia', as the single word frequently suggests, that I see planted in all my propaganda I'm forced to read. It's totally sick. Well, my training really has been poor. I mean look at me. I don't know how to connect the dots. But, all the things Bush says really are opposite day in meaning. And he's rewriting laws like crazy. The Congress has been strapped down to laws the Republican House enacted. You know if Cheney was in there, and even wrote a book about it, that's a HUGE Red Flag. They might even be in a worse situation than me. And, I got the entire world against me. They want me to prove 9/11 was an inside job so that these laws that are restraining everyone will be dropped. Well, that's my motivation. I am sorry for the extremely sour deranged hate that comes though me. But, it had to be someone imitating President Bush when he asked me in chat, just like the FBI did over the phone a few years ago, 'Well how is it a hate crime?' on the phone. 'All what hate?', in chat. Its hate from what I read, hear on radio, from family, neighbors, no friends, no legal system. Multiple cable TV channels, all chat rooms, AOL bigtime, yahoo, google, craigslist, rft, freestufftown, the house flies! Amit is a big deal, sometime. I read about a surveillance fly before, but was only compared to by size. You know, I hate not having a reference but I read or had a map emailed to me about the strickness of citizen video surveillance. Well it informed me, that the US was equal to the level of the UK and Russia. I'm gonna take a guess that Russia already does the 'return video' from the remote control 'sensor'. I don't know that such a capability exists but its got to somehow. Just wait until we get the 'new' TV system. Why did Bush and Cheney both deny subliminal anything going on. Are the writes still on strike from last year? I think so. Its an un-agreeable Internet issue maybe. We are so stunned how much he (BUSH) hates us (USA). Then he always does a complete 180, which we are all so conditioned to. Watch the way he talks. If he's moving his arms around alot like he did when trying to convince the country that war with Iraq was absolutely essential to the 'war on terror' , which has been proven time after time, was a hoax. He lied. Cheney pushed like crazy, for Halliburton. No, no, no, Its not at all perfectly legal. I know they patented an accounting system, that is only to create a distraction, from his real just 'cause. He went to Yale, too, even if just a year or two maybe. But watch the way Busch bounces his hands on the podium when he's trying to convince us of the lie and the need to storm and debilitate Iraq. Gosh darnit, he's imitating Hitler. See, I know that we put the shaw in Iran in 1953. We were on great terms if not running the place. Were the hostages a hoax during the Carter Administration? I read that is a way to increase the brainwash, 'conversion' effect. Mock assassinations, and hostages are used too. They day Reagan took office, they were released, huh. Reagan did some bad things. Sold weapons to the Iran terrorists aka contra. I think Michael Moore connects those dots best, how we had Iran and Iraq fighting each other. Because, the Republicans that control the Energy are attempting to tap into our human glucose and emotional energy. Its nuts. They always use that word when describing someone they've trained or terrorized. I'm telling you, its happening in public to the blond, bipolar, people.

But, now I see why the extremist on the right are pro-life. They babies that aren't wanted will turn into a menace to society and will be best restrained to special quarters and worked like slaves. It seems to be a huge market. Google (as a verb) the search words 'modern day slave'. See if there are any famous people?

But the hate is around me everywhere, anyway. But, I've been conditioned to receive a tremendous amount of pain. Its not funny in the least. I think they gave me cancer. They have me stumble on the 'physician-assisted suicide' lately. Trust me, I don't see anything they don't intend me to see. The training is the pits.
Oh yeah, don't forget that the 'Republic' party worldwide is about authortarian type government which they are all creating over the years. Like we don't notice. We are completely appaled you hate us so much. The Katrina vi ctims even. The way you made us watch them suffer. Without water. Now the big food shortage. I think the entire EC is boycotting milk or did, due to the price increase. I'm telling you the Republicans hiding behind tax-free, non-profit, charity organizations are undoubtedly exploiting the people they are setup to help. Opposite-day runs real deep. I think the BBB (Better Business Bureau) is set up by them, or at least the one on the Internet. Don't they approve or rate the integrity of a company. Well, online it seems so lax. They are the Wolf gaurding the chicken house. What the heck is up with all the chicken. Well, I blew off trying to get dental insurance because they have convinced me I deserve that and so much more. Don't let them fool you. And, they already ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh well i forgot,, bye

Sunday, June 29, 2008

just read a little about brainwashing,,,

I'm completely converted, whatever that means. And, you people suck. Very funny Bush, about encouraging agencies maybe, on the news, to help the less fortunate or maybe even suffereing. I'm not sure but I've already been rejected by the church around the corner and the Red Cross and Amnesty, Inc. But, seriously, that's just like your opposite-day PR work right there. I've had a horrendous day today, just like every single day, since you had the hiv hitman knock me the f*ckk out huh. over and over and over. This is against the law.

A couple of dots maybe. Tenet mentioned the CIA used to be Internet Specialists. They also have tons or business as cover and fronts for their work of secret exploitation and rendition. I think they use "Aero" alot as name of business. But I think their software product is SAP. Anyway, lets connect the CIA and the internet with the "Dot com" revolution then connect that to Nasdaq the "OTC" exchange that trade many of those stocks with the anticipated major stock crash. The Nazis did it, I believe. Also, lowered the value of their currency on purpose, just like in the US.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

wolfman was a husky i had,,

I named him that because he looked like a wolf. But he really didn't, only images i recollected from somewhere of a blue eyed wolf. It has absolutely no connotation with terrorism, one man war, Hitler, or any of the domestically CIA trained terrorists. And, Bush a gay activist in college? Now come on, I really didn't think all that gay stuff was truly relevant - who cares? This is just connecting some of the asinine dots I was thinking about. Yes, I realize how self-fish that must seem, but I just want the assholes shooting arrows to die. Now come on, that's very fair to say! Why not ask me about any suspicions that are NOT even close to what you are looking to convict? Or, why not ask the drug dealing neighbor? Or, all the illegal Mexicans sneaking in on the other side? Or, even a trial would be cool?
Random dots:
Dave Ickey
Voting polls
Mind Control
Modern Day Slavery
Adolpho Busch
Native Indians
Stock Market Crash
But, I don't know, for sure, how or if they connect.

Friday, June 27, 2008

oh thats why you had that pusher,,

hitting me at Dirt Cheap. He offering loudly to sell vicodins. I told him no thank you but he should be careful who he asks. Then he went back inside as if to claim his fee.

oh hell yea


so, there is no real secret, huh?

Are you sure? I'l never find out whats really going on? Stop pinging my windows, please. It's impossible to control temper, I really do need a dentist. I'm not that 'gay and proud' either, which apparently is difficult to believe. You've brainwashed me to sabotage myself and you pull all that rage and hate through,, supply and demand curves again. I'm not trying to be difficult and this softness, right here gonna cost me some punishment hours by the world's biggest pussies,, i don't know who they are.

Ok, am I really a small version of the same conspiracy happening to the USA? Except, the idea is to dumb-down the population but for me it is to appear as trying to educate me in the land of the free (whos freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?) cute friends i guess, i don't know who they are. Don't worry curses, I would never do that to anyone. But what's the deal about justify? I'm giving you justification to hate me per your embedded instructions. And, a book that says 'we' need to trust each other? 6 years ago you asked, "who am i gonna trust?" Well, back then, it was no one, and has grown since? Who's 'we'? Its hardly fair on my side? Oh yeah, bad vision i have? I know it sounds its extremely hateful and all but I assure you, its not. There's just not a hate less way to communicate or explain. Remember, if you can't get reasonable, uhh then what was it I was supposed to do? lol,, yeah, like that won't be sabotaged,, All i want is medical care and peace but it ain't ever gonna happen here and I cant seem to get out of here. Complete distrust of everyone. I was never like that. In fact, that's one of the reasons I got selected for torture TV i think. I usually have to sit in chat and take hell and hate for months before someones says a heads-up or something. And no, i dont need help making decisions or what not but they are not my decisions. They are yours and for some reason I don't or won't seee eye to eye. But the whole game is completely one-sided, to a bunch on the other team. I'm not any secret color or number or code. If u want a straight answer then ask a straight question. But see, it doesn't work like that for me. I trust no one.

Maybe I can get into my school if they haven't locked me out. What could u possibly expect from me after 5 - 6 years of relentless hate? I don't trust anyone. Sounds mean, I know but its not meant tp be mean. Plus I'm stuck here eating my own feces all weekend again for punishment of vulgar chat that you coerce out of me. with the raps and bugs. And don't be using guilt trips on me about families of 9/11 or Iraq war, I had nothing to do with either - not like you did. Go ahead, do it up huge,, i don't even care, as if it made a difference,, yea and what was that if you can't reason with uhh whatever. I bet its the enemy, that if can't be reasoned with. Well, I'm not an enemy, to who? President Bush? Lot's, or tons of head banging that must look funny and fun of cctv. So what do you want? you want me to work for the CIA as if this mind control torture has just been training? Well there's lots of physical torture too that is being played down by the mind control crap,, plus the consensus seems to be, "if healed the abuse couldn't have been torture?' Well even if I got some b/s answer in chat or on websites, I still wouldn't believe anything. That whole innocent until proven guilty concept seems nonexistent anymore. Like when u slip laxatives in the beverage that's in my car while i run into wal-mart. Sam is big there and I'm always harassed somehow at that place. Well used to be until I finally aknowledge the crap. Then got worse for awhile then less harassment. Not really that store friggin sucks. Ripped of Visa card I payed cash for per instructions of, what do u guys call yourselves when explaining how medaling in another customers business? You say you the lawyer or something? Anything that will get them to do what you want. Its not mean, I hope but I think it sounds like it. There's no rhyme or reason. Just more head banging to me.

oh yeah,, i don't really laugh at the Weathermen,,

But I would if increases the chances of never coming face to face with the perpetrators. In fact, I don't laugh at goddess_whore_of_darkness except for pre-emptive or as defense,, that's all i have to protect myself with,, i don't want no damn superpowers,, just peace,, but fagdaddy has the remote to my teeth which, by default, i gotta bitchh and moan and make death threats to get recognized,, cmon goddess_skank_whore, like i could even kill the black cat u freaks plant,, or the pussy nextdoor selling drugs,, be for real,,, since this relentless hate started, I thought that was one of the best restraints you've got for me,, more false and and coerced/instigated crimes by the police,, we will never make it,, me and my bugs,, u on the other hand ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh just fucku forever,, never forget the hate you breed f*ckers,, its not my pessimistic attitude,, nor am i a drug addicted loser trying to get high,, I would be if you'd vanish,, but u always reappear with a vengence,, lol,, a pink one but a vengeance nonetheless,, oh yeah, master freddie,, if i do something, anything, its never to be a good slave,, likely not from hate for you or self either,, i hate that im even typing this,, im never interested in ur world in any way shape or for,, let me watch from a distant as you gloat doing the backstroke in a pool of ur own jizz,,, i will envy and be jealous from a distance but will never voice it to you master,,, if u just uhhhhh,, just never forget,, i cant,, thats my shield,, and what a piece of shitt it is too,, im not interested,, ever,,

some sleeping giant,,

I got too much hate for you, to concentrate anywhere else, where of course, I'd be targeted for more hate anyway. As you know, it only ever hurts or debilitates me going in or out. But I got to have it going out just to defend myself since I have no shield or law applicable. Yes, Adrianna, I'm a dumb blond that's brain hurts from critical thinking and drawing conclusions. Go get some points. Oh yeah, sorry about the complete insensitivity about Russert. Its hardly worth the effort to do anything. I want to try to do good, not that I believe anybody really is that way, or even for the voodoo curse card, but because that's the meaning of life. The whole debatable torture experiment can't ever prove advantageous, Rumsfeld is too big a fan. Stop buzzing my speakers. He's trash. Please just go away. This is not a very good thing at all. Please kill me faster. Try with bullets, please.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

you know i cant be nice,, by law,,,

And come on,, there's nothing sporting or sporty about this in the least,,, im at the mercy of the people putting hate in then pulling it out,,, just like they did with that weed,, in 2003,, they want you to think I have control of anything and that I deserve such treatment as no legal system or no justice for the abused,,, thats torture right there,,, i even act nice but it just gets worse on me,, what friggin super hero powers are you idiots hoping for? well idiots might be kinda strong,,, unintended harm,,, lol,, asif it matters to the scum with my dna,,, its just the hate you pull out to justify your torture,, That's not me,,, but you can bet somebody is making cash,,

who made money on forex trading currency when the dollar kept purposely decreasing in value? Any policy makers should get insider trading charges,, and the SEC hopefully wont be throwing out the death sentence for such crimes,, lol,, funny,, not really,,

Uhh let me drop a few clues and see what connections if any occur:

1) Monkey tattoo
2) Rumsfeld made Iraqi parents watch the rape and exploit of children as tortutre for secrets
3) relentless hate forced in and pulled out of me,, to ensure my illegal 'not-a-bubble' restraint,,,
4) I'm completely innocent of any criminal setups I fell into because I have no "free will"
5) Pipeline for oil from the bakkans through US military controlled Turkey,, breach Int'l Laws
6) Terrorist network needed for placement through noncompliant countries to force unrestricted development of pipeline.
7) reasonable suicidal peer pressure
8) Prescott Bush financed hitler ambushes
9) Cheney is serious about shedding much blood for the project
10) Halliburton is also in Russia,,, US and Russia fighting about the Arctic which I doubt is true,,

this whole thing is so bipolor,,,,and ADDconnection,,

If I can let go and relax,, the words will come to me,, but its too close to drop time,, is this real news: "The US Supreme Court bans the death penalty for the rape of a child" -- if so don't worry about me,, i was kidding about shooting or anything,, Why is electricity such a big deal? The main switch to that nation wide "Grid" is in UK maybe? She seems like a nice enough Queen doesn't she? [bow],, How bizarre,, What about the President signing a law to make Espanol the US legal language.

I'm petrified. seriously,, what do u want from me? im not settling down either,, and why am i on the loud speaker? that's not even fair or cool,, ranks up there with humiliation,,, which was characterized as torture before Bybee and Reagan,,, This is pathetic,,, i need some time to freak out or calm down,, All non draft-dodging military are on the good side,, "know-nothing" might get u shot,, not really,, if a game you know,, no draft dodgers,, All police too unless blantently Republican terrorist are good,, if my opinion matters,, military with corporate ties get vip retirement,, Anywhere you want witness protection program,,, i dont think i can really go anywhere discreetly,, i've got seeds or somekind of transmittable substance implanted in me,, What nazi is big into biowarfare? or so they'd have me believe like this boy in the bubble surrounded in a cell, (which seems to be huge concept) paranoia happening to me,, yes,, curse,, cancer,, curse,, island,, curse,, death,, i know i have to keep an open mind,, 1)so doesn't look like torture 2) for brutal abuse so that i can get out,, never,, lol,, huh bro,, see thats pathetic,,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


2:46am 6/25/08 rathole

So help me God, I will fry you all. In fact, more 'know-nothing' lies to defend yourself, you'll immediately be shot. FUCKU. "Level of suffering?" FUCKU. The throbbing teeth pain? That's a huge deal, I know. For the poor and the guber Blunt, Missouri State. (a high-level Republican terrorist). I can't get you complete MOTHER F*CKERS off my computers - controlling on/off audio about things crucial to get out of burning hell,, errr amity fag. Are you happy? Actually, that's something important, but I'll never find out. Because you control all wep f*ckin page content and I never know anything true. Yea, FOX does it too. It's constant hell. Everyone in the world pretends its not happening. I'd cut myself because they informed me on a cartoon it helps relieve the inner pain. The pain they cause, and refuse an outlet. I'm sueing the hell out of every lawyer that knows about this, and blatent refusal to advise. Bush and his mission statement about the consequences of helping a gay neighbor. Is this friggin candid camera? Yes, unfortunately in its and there will be no smiling. EVER. Trust me, Dick hates smiles.

So anyway, that feels better. The shitt suckin CIA, uses or used electric shock on tortured prisoners, which in my opinion, was just to shut the dehumanized pathetic screaming and whining prisoners up. I've thought several times about electric shock therapy with medical supervision. Its used more than ever before for the relief of cronic and acute mood disorders that can't be helped with a near prescribed overdose of medication. I would do it because I could use clouded bliss a few days after but I don't trust that Russian. I like him and everything, don't throw him to the lions. Now why would I see good in this man trying to poison me and makes my hospital stays absolutely miserable. Brainwash. ITS CODE RED EVERYBODY. THE USA IS UNDER AGGRESSIVE ATTACK. SHOOT THEM. And Microsoft Trash Corporation. How's you're bets been in the PuppetMaster game. Why distribute, worldwide, a product that completely exploits the innocent and unaware endusers via backdoor networking capabilities and numerous security holes. People can't even defend themselves, especially the unsuspecting ones (we all are) that are being 'the new' raped. And probably on friggin cam and don't know it either. Microsoft is impossible because they can't provide support for the world's most deceptive product. Poor quality? I think not. Get a help desk. That will call people that will work with endusers to secure their systems. You already have them in database by each computer since registration is required. No. Better yet, throw him to the lions.

So anyway, I'm friggin fried. Mostly the torture is what's bothering me. The incessent mental torture from being strategicly manipulated. There's been a few times that I seriously thought they were reading my mind, even after careful consideration given to strategic manipulation, my cell phone acting as a bug, and what else. Let's see. Oh yeah, you f*ckers its a big one, too.
X-ray satellites that apparently can see through walls. Well let's pull our little magic '23' out of the box of toys. I think a PsyOps (psychic/psychological spy operations) project was named "Star Wars" which is apparently the same name of a project that makes the Vice President all giddy. This is enough for now. But, as a quick thought, x-rays emit radiation and cause cancer. That's a huge money maker for the pharmacueticals. Crap, I ommited a 23 somewhere but not sure what it was. Oh yeah, the Vice President's expressed his only real interest is with national security. More opposite-day lingo that's pretty much a given these days about security and antiterrorism and security, which at that level is an exploitation of privacy on a 'mass' scale. Pretty bad to be so out there.

OH MY GOD,,, i will kill these people in this house. FUCKU. And stop making noises outside my windows. You are the ultimate kind of filth.
What's the question from the commercial on TV. Why is it always on the WeatherChannel. I'm NOT a weatherman. I swear. Frankly, I laugh at them. Not the 'hypnotic-trance' attractive type people that deliver the weather on TV, but the underground ones that are no longer in existence. I think I agree with some of their missions back in the 60s and 70's but I don't want to be wrongfully associated again with a group that could be consider terrorism. Like animal rights groups. Itdiots. Not the Weathermen but the President. I been asking to go underground but apparently I'm the bomb.

Content contains language inappropriate for everybody. Degrading and dehumanizing. The cuss words provide emphasis and a prisoner's way to Copywrite. F*CKERS. Everything I ever say or write is mine anyway. Unless I'm a slave. FUCKU. Sorry Sister Joan.

Monday, June 23, 2008

lolol,, dude youre a complete waste with ur supervirus

go2hell,, you know as well as i do there will never be anything but purehate,, between me and anyone,, yea fucker youre right,, who suffers,, fag if u scumbags werent so twisted into my head,, i would kill u for sure,, oh u think this crazy huh,, no,, remember days at a time enraged from wake to sleep,,, the more i read about alice the worse it gets,,, so listen to me you worthless piece of sewage,, you are never ending shitt,, notstop turn,, ur gross,, i hate you so fuckin much you couldnt imagine,, nor will u ever know,, i know it makes no difference to u,, that doesnt make a difference,,, it doesnt bother me in the least,, it will never change,, im under the curse of hate until i die,, which hopefully is sooner than later cause frankly youre nothing but vomit,,

only for you bond aidstrash motherfucker

i hate myself for acting this way even though its purely factual,, die scumbag,,

curse of death,,,

6/23/09 9am cst rathole st. ann

Hey Raven here, the prisoner no one liked. My girlfriend Alice too. Let's see, I used to be a baseball fan, but as protocol dictates, that is not allowed. Play like a Cardinal, take one for the team, which in rathole translation means, kill yourself so the President can be charged with torture. Well, "you can fool me once, and uh, you can fool me twice. No. Well I ain't gonna let it happen again." I'm imitating Mr. Bush who was kinda charming with that help for me. But, I don't have any ability to change it unless I move to secluded shack like the unibomber. You know, for such a strong country the USA really is the pits. Apparently that's the way liberals think. Huh? Why would such a liberal country be hated by liberals as my propaganda states? It could just be one of the easy kinds of lies to spot and that's really all the thought I care to give to that. Is Huffington a good witch or a bad witch? No offense Adrianna, I used to think you were great but that's the way they squirm inside your head, via poison charm. I won't say I like you though, it could very well get you killed. Like Russert mentioned in your latest book. Let's see, I think they might be able to remote control heart attacks but not sure yet. Sure I liked the guy because as far as I could tell he had no connection with Fox but I may have only thought that I liked him. When his death was announced, right after I read about him, I tried to remember if I mentioned him for better or worse and I didn't. And, I would never proclaim an attraction or an appreciation for someone, anyone, publicly due to the danger it would cause an unkowingly and innocent person. So forget I asked. Its best this way.

So, baseball is a big deal in the nastiest story ever told, huh? No offense, I'm not even a fan anymore, so don't worry, you're surely safe from the harm of sabotage. The CIA have leased the jet of the Boston RedSox to perform extraordinary reditions which I probably read about in the book Ghost Plane but I think I've seen it elsewhere as well. That book by the way used some kind of subliminal message by making some short words near the beginning of paragraphs in all caps. I never realized a pattern, as I've had incidents of that occurring often but irregularly the entire 5+ years and I seriously doubt it is nothing more than psuedo-subliminal as a heads up. But I really don't know for sure. It could just be for the value-added 'paranoia' effect. The RedSox had some curse placed on them, which I really don't know the details. It was the curse of the Bambino maybe with something related to Babe Ruth and the Yankees. I did have a pic on the Internet in a Yankees T-shirt but that's hardly conclusive of anything, eh big Dick. I'm not flirting with you. So anyway, I've made goofey statements before about people should be allowed to not where pants on casual Fridays, as a joke. Think of the thrill for the fashion industry. Well, about a year ago maybe I saw a video on youtube of subway riders in Boston without pants. I thought it was cool as hell but I still wasn't going anywhere. Then I saw an episode of Seth the fag's cartoon of The Family Guy doing a major song and dance number about the 'secret' being in Massachusetts. The 'secret' has been an underlying harassment for years. Great fun. Hmmm? Let me see. I don't know a thing about Boston except that Cheers used to be taped there in front of a live studio audience. But the other day, see this is the stuff I hate, I ran across the religion that's home to Boston by Mary Eddy, The Church of Jesus, Science. Tom Cruise is apparently a big deal in this crap, not by invite, believe you me. No, I'm kidding. I really have nothing against the guy, nor was I really a fan. No real convictions for or against. The 'War of the Words' that he maybe mentioned may include that church but I really didn't see a connection between Scientology and The Church of Jesus, Science which some state laws permit the latter, to sacrifice their children thanks to the separation of church and state. Lie.

I'l be back in a little bit and see what I can learn about the Oil industry. I'l probably get shot now for that kind of thinking. Then I guess I gotta do homework so that I never actually get to work on my own freedom. FUCKU world,,

tell FOX, network of nazis, to leave me alone,,,

6/23/08 2:44am cst from Rathole St. Ann

One time, maybe a month ago, after feeling severely beaten as the target of the relentless hate from every possible direction, my super human powers enraged me enough to yell "Fucku world" in either chat or my home.

[this is taking forever - my head is pounding - they are doing something to make my teeth ache with radiating pain - they are such pussies - and don't take that so personal, geez, I don't even know who the hell is doing it - but Bush is permitting it with mickey mouse* encouraging why do I have a Russian doctor that told me those exact words "Don't take anything personal and there's nothing happening to you because of gay. This is the 21st century." - the Son of a Bitch! does 'opposite-day' as well - because the online police academy school ripping me off, informed of the nationwide database of 3million plus DNA profiles available with the Freedom of Information Act (scam to enable gov't the public humiliation of its citizens). And experimental home detention work in the US prison system. - IM INNOCENT IF YOU WOULD JUST ASK ME - the school informed me about the 'neighborhood policing' permitting the disclosure of all and any sensitive about the prisoner for the newly created assistant cops. My neighbors are the epitome of trash. Especially the fag next-door selling drugs which is probably really the spy center for the pukestain cop wanna bes to compare notes. They are complete pussy exconvicts or maybe 'don't ask, dont tell' military but scum nonetheless - I'm ashamed to give them this much thought or even mention - I know these scumbags are making bets and winning and losing money based on the skill of different perpetrators to elicit some behavior from me. Complete scumbags with the relentless hate. Dude, I will kill you and your family. Its only a promise or a wish you might say. The opportunity will never present itself so its not intent nor even a crime to fantasize about your deaths.]

So anyway, I must have had Charter cable's god forsaken channel tuned to nasty ass Foxsports the day yelling 'Fucku world' because words on the screen said, 'The world says ...' but I didn't get a chance to finish reading. It was maybe even something nice or seemingly motivational on the surface, or maybe even not to me at all. Those are the three best reasons I didn't get to finish reading. That's all this post is really about, anyway.

Oh yeah, the teeth pain. I hate you people. What are you pinging at my windows? You suck Rocks, I bet. Before I forget to mention, as per Nazi protocol, keep laws and actions public but use ambiguity or another language to protect yourself but still permit the persecution the innocent. Plus, you cheat and don't really do anything the right way, anyway. I guess the teeth pain are from the mercury amalgam which is an already known poison. But is seriously feels as if they can make emit pain by remote control.

*mickey mouse is a registered trademark of Disney Corporation and, uh I dunno. I was going to say Alice made me do it, but she just very well may be a registered trademark of the same place. It's not me responsible for any defamation of character. For God's (for which there is none) sake they are torturing me! Who's 'they'? You can bet your ass I will kill them when I find out! So I'm seeking and taking immunity like fag Bush is attempting - FUCKU REALITY FUCKIN TV - KILL ME NOW - In fact, Cheney the factless 'sleeping giant' (what an ass), I need not even make any name changes to protect the innocent because no one is innocent. But fortunately I can see the good in some people and I can tell you right now that zero FOX people have it. Tuche trash. "If you mess with the Bull, you'll get the horns - you got it Bender?" Why me? Why exploit and torture me and my mind in every possible and experimental way? What do you want from me? You make it impossible to exist much less fight. Fight how? Who? That's why you suck FOX.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh, how the racing thought come pouring in,,

6/22/08 9am cst
Oh, I get the bumble bee cartoons now. Its not the saturation of pesticides in the earth's atmosphere and decreasing honey bee population that's the key issue here, not for me. And, I've read this stuff about the 'new' definition of torture for the fake 'war on terror' is now so narrow that this Administration, that is above the law, can perform heinous acts on mostly innocent citizens (since they don't get a trial or in many cases even a criminal charge). What about that is not torture? not to mention the endless physical and mental harassment. Why, Judge Jay Bybee, was the legal definition redefined? Were you kind of speculating a rush for the legal system maybe? You apparently have no idea what you're even saying. So, let me see if I can follow your train of distorted thought. If a training manual of the CIA that has 'Torture' in the title and is used to interrogate and torture suspected prisoners, why wouldn't that constitute legal torture for the prisoner that is more than likely innocent of suspected crimes. And anyway, they might be war criminals but they are not dumb because the manuals teach them how to hide the marks because it is illegal world wide. What about electric shock, water boarding, or 24/7 surveillance and scrutiny? Bybee knew that tough times were on the way and to ensure protection of his financial investments with a new narrower definition of torture he created. These three situations would never occur especially if there's even a slightest chance that this prisoner would come before a real justice system. Torture is the mortal sin of the world. The three requirements for the legal definition are: permanent impairment of a significant body function, organ failure, and death. Bush wants to open that torture prison in Afghanistan too. It sounds like Intent to me. What about this curse, dude? Did you all just get of the Nazi boat or something. Oh yeah, I read somewhere, that the nazis from East Germany went southwest to Cubas vicinity and I just figured it was the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. That's enough of this crap. Are appellate judges of the US Supreme Court appointed by the President, also? Let's hope Bush put him there.

Oh yeah, The US Army contract to Carlyle group when your dad was running the company there is a definite conflict of interest of not good old fashioned Insider Trading.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm not really a Shaman,,

So what, they lie constantly, nonstop.

This is stupid!!

So what's the word on the Raven Ghost Prisoner. I'm convinced I've been portrayed as a sick drug addict and been told, "Oh, I thought you were on a bunch of drugs." I considered the source and easily disregarded that idea. Which is the farthest from the truth. Sure I smoke weed, I'm not molesting a six year old. Plus, don't you guys provide both the supply and demand of that crap. Like oil, you control supply and demand. This is absolute utter nonsense. Rot in hell fuckers, see if I care.

What the hell kind of curse and don't rewrite history, like you already do, on the account you need a scapegoat to desensitize the country to torture. And what the hell are you doing with my DNA. Oh well, another wasted day. I got school to flunk out of. Do your own research, everything I'm expected to know for my delusional defense is more than likely a lie. Surely you already have a greater reaction to my action/reaction. I'm a complete puppet and idiot. Oh I got the point of the ants infestation. They work indefatigably to death.

I'm pulling for the Jews,, just in case,,,

Are there lots of storms and floods going on around the world? Who's reading this? Can anyone hear me? I'm getting bombarded with storm, earthquake and cancer threats. Hey I'm trying to be nice. Don't get mad or defensive of the truth. It is extremely bad though and there's really no gentle way to say. Plus there's so much BS, from making me watch the crucifixion on every channel all easter weekend, to a website that attests Jesus rose from the dead on my birthday in 33 B.C. Well, isn't that some crap. I had no magic happen that weekend. They just wanted me to to go to the emergency room saying that I was Jesus Christ and President Bush is trying to kill me. Well its a nice thought, but I reject all of that. Not so fast, Mr. President, you need to just stay with me.

Ok, so I am really a pervert also, but so what, and you need to talk to Alberto about all of that. And it never includes children. How the heck did you guys get me to use that suck_torture name from those two little boys with innocent brotherly play with Charlie on youtube? I didn't make the connection until seeing the video and 2nd time about a month later. Jerks. By then was too late. And, oh hell yea. When I actually thought someone was also secretly helping me and I got text messages from my Astro at 2 bucks a pop. I finally realized it was just a tool to help control me, as I would get messages about walking barefoot in the sand and coming to a crossroads, when I was going bonkers throwing a fit about the dead crows and rats tossed into my yard. Yeah, also I knew Uranus wasn't that busy of a planet to be talking about. That cost a fortune to cancel the phone since you fuckers wouldn't take no as an answer. Then I had to write for a refund $200.oo refund - to terrorist nation Canada. Yeah, that's a shocker, huh. They're so liberal with their borders and lenient with their gov't which pays homage to the Queen of England and financially supports the Tigers terroristic from India I think. But this isn't a job interview and they are probably lies anyway so that I get the blame for increasing the Republican agenda. Disregard all that Canada fear until otherwise notified. I'l tell you what though, it's the Russians I worried about most I think.

Oh well, so anyway, I'm not the messiah so have no fear anyone. But the reason I mentioned that I'm a pervert also, besides the 'when in Rome, ...' reply, is the use of another screen name which is kinda fun, but apparently incriminating as well. [foolmoonsucker] or something like that. Well, guess who was or is aka as moon God, or so I'm to believe.

It would be quiet offensive to those practicing the religion, so I'm not going there. You suck Bush. And now I guess we arrive at the God that I'm fighting or whatever. The "War of God" which DeLay has proclaimed his loyalty. These people are not even close to compassionate human beings. In fact, Mr. Cheney, who couldn't provide a single truthful fact about anything, these people fit more the monkey club. They are underground right-wing extremist that seem to carry the burden of forcing a Prolife nation. I bet a million dollars that located in all the nonsense Bush propaganda, a woman seeking an abortion can easily be perceived as an "EC" or terrorist helper. Wrong Bush. You guys are ruining everything. The "War of God" members sound like a bunch of goons. Its funny the way Alberto, or whoever, imitates me a little while describing the group. All the brainwashing crap has familiar or self recognizable words that I have said in the past that they apparently wrote down. There's really nothing funny about this entire situation at all. And, stop trying to bribe or calm me with astronaut dreams. Im sending you fuckers to the chair if I ever get out of this hole alive. And you dumping too much waste in outer space. We'll get to Koch Empire of Waste on the next post, but DeLay calls the EPA of Koch is the "Gestapo." See, I'm not sure if that's true or if was the _ATF that stormed the Branch Davidian and killed innocent people. I was under the impression that the group that worked that disaster was actually the "Gestapo' (nazi secret police). As I interpreted, they were working their first case together before moving onto Bushes private legal system. The underscore in _ATF indicates there was another letter used in front of ATF but I'm not sure I remember. And I don't know if that _ATF story is true or not. The fuckers emailed me and said that I'm being a dumbass acting like I know everything. Well I'll be the first to admit that I'm stupid as hell, in fact, its part of my charm. I CAN JUST TELL. So that I can boo and hiss and cry an immature whine. Nice seed there too, gentlemen, about torture victims especially adept at whining. And so what if I do whine, at least I'm not a war criminal.

Army of God description but it sounds fake to me. From the test:
"... is a real Army, and God is the General and Commander-in-Chief. [see that right there is pathetic, I don't believe a word] The soldiers, however, do not usually communicate with on another [lie]. Very few have ever met each other. [oh, we're scared - you can't show fear to these punks, it just provides ammo]. And when they do, each is usually unaware of the other soldier's status [don't ask, don't tell pussies]. That is why the Feds will never stop this Army [proper noun]. And we have not yet even begun to fight."
LOLOL,, sounds like me in a fit of hate and rage with some self-inflicted pain one day. Well, actually just the repition of "never' that made me chuckle. C'mon guys, they are just girls plus they're pregnant. Maybe even rapped by some of you ass backward Dubya loyalist. Nope, I refuse to accept.

Why would you force, like you are God yourselves [idiots] another person to bring a child into the world that is not wanted? It will most likely be abused or at the very minimum neglected. I'm sure the mother of the aborted fetus isn't giggly and warm and fuzzy inside afterwards. Considering the treatment of the current 'rank and file' population, your answer would likely be along the lines of keeping the labour pool young. Bush or uh err, God, this isn't your jurisdiction. Even though I'm certain this group of terrorists targeting barefoot and pregnant girls doesn't exist, they got a pill that is most likely doing some permanent damage of which the abortion patient is completely unaware. I guess its well known, but I'm pretty ignorant in this area since I am a guy and have absolutely no legitamit ground on which to stand and make judgments You either GOP, you bullies. The pill is the RU-486 generic for mifepristone and my Hanglers must be on break on something.

So anyway, I want to just quickly share my interpretation of God. I have never really been able to comprehend something so universal that made the heavens and hell that supposed to be so unconditionally loving. There's a tremendous about of shame that is felt my someone ostricized from a religion. The shame is also instilled in the heads of the followers, but its shame at the person being kicked or not accepted. The only real sin is cruelty. This somewhat overlaps the Bill of Rights,, err my bad,, It overlaps with the 10 Commandments. Its cruel to steal, its cruel to covet your neighbors wife (unless st. ann - these people are nutso). But where the 10 Commandments leaves off, its cruel to be opinionated and pass judgment and hate at another person, especially if they are doing anything that hurts someone else. Then they are alright with me. In fact, I hate people who discriminate. So my God is one of spirit and love that you can count on most of the time. Its a place that all of our psyches connect. The location is mother nature, or infinity. We are all brothers and sisters, and if you come across someone in a day with bad energy and closed mindedness, just consider they may have had a family member or pet die or worse, may have been victimized. That person is still connected to us in mother nature. Try not to take it to heart and move on to the next smiling person. Do you get it? You people are God to me! And what a fine lot you all turned out to be. See thats how they took my spirituality even. And I can't get it back until shit for brains repeals these laws that provide me "relentless hate." See dude, my God is gone, you took away. Go ahead and keep it now. Who would want that crap back anyway. This is pitiful, like when I say "I'm sorry" about offending anyone - for hating me. Just like Cheney's friend that he shot in the face with a shotgun, who felt obligated to apologize to ya Dick. But anyway, my sense of spirituality comes from Mother Nature which includes animals, plants, kind people, and everything nice. I am doing God's work by recycling not bombing Abortion clinics. There is NO hate in God. Bush this stuff is really none of your concern. God is Peace and Love. Five bucks a gallon, fellas, is kinda steep don't you think? My intention is never to offend, especially discrediting someone's higher power. Who knows what religion is right, but any of them that discriminate aren't likely to make the playoffs.

What the heck am I dong. The perps implied I'm under a spell or voodoo curse which I completely reject because I've trained as a Shaman you you're and could clobber your entire network of spells. [that's what we call tough love - so get off me fags - and I'm not talking about the gay happy kind either] Its just a theory, not right or wrong, but that works for me.

They are training me to be a terrorist,,,

I'm doing what I've seen young Islam boys do that are training for Jihad, by rocking themselves back and forth while reciting and chanting the Koran. This has to be a defense/survival tactic of a Religion under attack. You sons of a bitch. So who is God, Mr. President? Or, do we ask the US Mint.

See this sucks really bad. It's coming down to one or two of us in Jerusalem. And, you got me clamped to Yahoo chat, as my life force, wearing a suck_torture dress that I was cleverly fitted for. Well Alice is a now, too fat to battle God. I was always kidding if ever offended the masses. And will you please get off my back? I'm not a ninja warrior, I'm not even a fighter, certainly not a terrorist.

I told you people once, I'm not going out like that. This is completely insane. Bush, its still torture and illegal - like all you do. I need a shower if battling God, what an ass I turned out to be. But the Queen is a nazi too, from decades or centuries of oppression to Ireland. See forget it. I quit. I'm out. Your training sucks. No offense, your Holiness if you read this. I'm not touching UFOs I can tell you that, right now.

i need medical care,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I need a decent doctor that's not trying to kill me, and steal from me. How many US soldiers have died or suffered with disabilities for their entire lives for the land of the free. They are brave for the US citizens (even African Americans and gay people), but not for the right of greedy and powerful oil tycoons to rape their kid sisters. Why the hell is gas so expensive? Don't you, our leaders, control the world's supply?

Why have Al Gore join your effort via a Nobel Prize description of the melting polar ice caps? He was your enemy at one time, that you wanted to kill, huh? I want to kill all my enemies too, but unfortunately, I want to kill all the good people that I used to like too, thanks to the CIA training, Patty style. But did you have intent to harm him? A plan maybe? Or, was it just a nonstop thought generated from being the target of 'relentless hate'? Well if you did want to harm him that's all it would really take with the old justice system, for indictment of something less severe like voter fraud. Apparently, with the new 'EC' law, a death threat can be interpreted or coerced with torture and be conclusive enough evidence for Cheney to fumigate.

Fumigate? Hmm, reminds me of the Republic of Columbia and its "Top Secret", choice oil reserve. Is this classified with the United Arab Emirates and the Bush family? As always, ya monkey, you flaunt how easy your job is, in this case, to manipulate the plate techtonics. You've been doing it forever as a resident of the Golden Triangle illegal drug trade and in the Indian Ocean making hurricanes. And the tsunamis? Will you leave them poor people alone, Jesus Christ, hear my prayer. No, not God or Gop, for which DeLay wages war. We hate him. DeLay, not necessarily God or even the GOP, but most Republics around the world are like that - authoritarian or dictatorships. That word-play apparently goes back to Hitler or whomever name communist East Germany a Republican Democracy. WTF is that? But, we all know the ice is melting from the heat that's generated with offshore drilling.

So anyway, will you let me out of here? Please I'm begging. And what did you do to my teeth, Blunt? You son of a bitch. And dammit, Disney too. Let me out of here.

apparently the Hate Krew is still in power,,,

Does it make a difference? Why am I still restrained and that "twittering" CA unit finally bit the dust. Electric warfare maybe? Ask Raytheon.

"Well screw you guys, I'm going home." Eric Cartman
(Golden Gates for subliminal messages, hey Seth? It's still illegal and banned even for cartoons)

And, Who the heck is responsible for all the sugar consumption/addiction? And why mislead the public? And, it is the cause of epidemic levels of illness, namely Diabetes Mellitus, Type II. Too much sugar destroys the minuscule blood vessels that deliver nutrients and oxygen to our eyes, kidneys, and feet. Clever way to disable a nation, I guess, if you're into that crap, Mr. Oil-War President. Never fear, my Type II victims, you can treat and sometimes restore function with the creation of new blood vessels through resistance exercise and a curbed diet. Also, just fyi, it is resistance exercise, and not aerobic, that increases HDL (good cholesterol) levels. That's for my "Exercise Physiology" skank professor that flunked me out for you, Mr. President - a total bitch. Why you people got to make education impossible?

Don't forget about Sodium, that is laced in all food products, that causes high blood pressure with similar results. See, you like Rx companies. I on the other hand, purely hate them.


Friday, June 20, 2008

just cause
December 12, 2005
Cheney and Fried Rice in Hot Water
by Ray McGovern

Condi Rice on torture
Sueddeutsche Zeitung, among the most widely respected German newspapers. Under the title "Justice à la Rice," the editor "translated" her message into these words: "The end justifies the means, and terrorism can be fought with borderline methods on the outer edges of legality." He added: "Rice came to Germany to begin a new era. She has resoundingly failed to do so. Injustice remains injustice, and a wrong policy remains a wrong policy. On this basis you cannot re-launch the trans-Atlantic relationship."

if i apologize, its only to relieve some of the shame,,

never does it mean, "Well, let's turn it up, he likes it!",,,, you scumbags even paraded around like trash, saying, "You have to forgive us, for your own sanity." I have a million times and a million more but you do have that "relentless hatred" since crap, fives years straight. Destruction after destruction. Threat after threat. Destruction after theft. Digital Estate huh.

Oh yeah, delay worked with pesticides and I was and the world poisoned. My ventilation system. In fact, that made it "twitter" and ask me "what's that twittering sound" in whatever incriminating book or manual had me reading. This is completely insane.

they obtained my prints with fraud,,

Hey when I was enrolled at massage school, the 3rd back and front stabbing academic institution you had me booted from, had me apply for my State Massage license when I first began the program. I knew I was starting the dismissal process. But not before the entire school of complete bashers busted my back to bits. Tons of puppet on strings harassment. Blatently, with pure hate. Well the application for the license was a fraud because it said I completed all coursework with a "C" or better and I had yet to receive a single grade. So reluctantly, I worked on the application, got the FBI fingerprints taken and turned in my application. I was concerned about four misdemeanor charges of the nearly dozen setups, that I had on my record but the Program Manager assured me that my non-felon record would have no problem getting licensed. I told her about some harassment I've been getting from my neighborhood which was presented to me as the klan. And that I was in the process of legal advice from the third lawyer, but he rejected me as well without explanation or opinion. That's why they call me Raven, "the prisoner on one liked" or something like that. They are asses. They probably wrote it. When I went to the library for resource about spy verbage, the wrote the Encyclopedia of Spy Terms maybe,, not sure sorry to destroy that. But who better to write a book about spy words than the CIA. Pure Patty Hearst type stuff. Nonstop. They write books, make movies, music, and tornados just for me. But just in case, He's saying I'm a mental case, "here's proof he's knows he's arrested, here's his prints." Sounds just like him. I've never talked to a judge about this. Ever. I need those terrorist laws repealed please. C'mon. Please. Just turn the hate off. You know torture is the absolute worse possible condition to learn or work.

Hell is for Children

Again, I'm sorry about the "f*cku world" comment but they are masterminds of deceit, fraud, mass manipulation, and strategic alliance. I was trying to remember what I read a few months ago about the CIA and its signature torture technique of deprivation and self-inflicted pain. How the hell do they do that crap. Well they know that torture without defense of even shield, is likely to result with the prisoner's resistance to comply. Or then again, he will say and admit to anything to end or escape this insanity.

So anyway, what have we got thus far:
Nicaraqua: Monkey Pt., Tom DeLay's family oil, Communist regime as described by Cheney, Reagan Wars which included El Salvador which is also communist.

The creation of fake nonprofit entities for the money laundering of campaign contributions from Russian oil. See, they don't allow any information about Russia inside the inner circle. I do know, however, that Putin has nearly removed citizen voting privileges and looks to have a pretty solid but discreet relationship with your President, Mr. Bush. Mr. Cheney went to Yale too, huh? That's a good dot. Big fat Skulls and Bones dot. Uh, Mr. President, I heard you guys jack each-other off in coffins sometimes. You are such a fag, dude. So anyway, some of these nonprofit organizations protect the directors and officers with immunity from tort law. But everything you and ARMPAC do is with intent to harm and with that in mind, the immunity is void. As if.

So anyway, one of the books the CIA requested for me from the library was about Remote Viewing. You know, Psychic Ops. I'm not very good yet, because I don't get feedback, but you know about the subconscious mind. Me too, in fact, I'm a certified hypnotist from when you pounded my head out of Chiropractic School. And year earlier, I also did a crazy paper titled, Advertising: The Human Misuse of Humans, which talked about the elementary effectiveness of subliminal messages delivered both in and out of the household. (I don't think your country wants that new TV you're pushing on them). You are much more scared of the terrorists, than we are. Ironic, ain't you the owner?

Owner and trader of people, huh? Slaves. That's so ugly. So what happened to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency under the Department of Homeland Security? Who do you think you're fooling by giving a vacant building trillions of dollars for security, and they don't even know where to find China. (funny commercial came to mind) No, not really, we're sure they are quite busy with experiments of surveillance, double exposing photos, and film editing. Because, a suspected terrorist is immediately removed from under protection of a tattered up US Constitution that you alcoholics shot to hell. No offense.

So what did your Holiness have to say anyway? He seems nice enough, I guess. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Not sure why I felt compelled to type that. Bush, your not even close to innocent so don't worry about that statement. So, I was just gonna say that I never had a chance to meet any Cardinals. I bet they are nice. How were they with your aura of evil? You could've said that you're just parading it around for the VP. Oh well, so anyway, I have meet a few Bishops seeking treatment and renewal for Priests, Brothers, and Monks within his congregation. Always extremely nice men and optimistic about the treatment we provided. A joy of an acqaintance to make. I worked at two facilities for four years, and one was completely hidden inside a golf course with standard six months stay. Like a camp, almost. The other facility was deep in the country and restricted the men to the property at all times. Sad to tell of this which seems exploitive, but it housed only the pedophiles for Church determined life sentences. I was their Exercise Therapist and I always had the sincerest concern for their physical health. It was hard on them and everybody with all the child sexual abuse stories in the media. They were still very holy men. And they prayed for me, too. I'd do anything to help them.

But once I finally came across Tom Delay last-night, and Cheney's Bio- the night before, the picture began to get clearer.

Well that's it for now, I got movement on the battlefied. Oh yeah dude. Castro was the one with a right hand man that ruled by "relentless hatred" to "impel us over and beyond the natural limitations of man." LOL,, The CIA are punks, they can't do it. Not the right way, anyway. Alice is a lying whore, everywhere, all the time. I'm taking this directly out of the textbook, which you guys wrote, for my sabotaged terrorist training. I swear I don't have a violent bone in my body, my country's highest level of security drags that hatred through me. Its gross and it makes me sick. How's the debate Dershawitz? From the text, uh, it sounds like Alberto. lol.. im just kidding but I bet he is nice. "The use of hatred to encourage the dehumanization of one's enemy is but another manifestation of the doctrine found throughout the centuries to justify mass murder and torture." Nicer than ashcroft I'm sure.

Before I go, just want to mention the "opposite-day" issue with DeLay and his organization for kids is a huge red flag. And Cristine the furious nazi that destroyed her charitable organization upon her exit. Lynne writes books. Romance stories about lesbians. Well thats cool as heck, Mrs. Cheney, but you can't get into this club that easy. Be back soon,,

Thursday, June 19, 2008

get these trash CIA and military bashers off me,,


a opinion of legal and patriotic,, from AMAs tortured fag,

Laws should are made to ensure justice. Capital Punishment and War Crimes automatically should go hand in hand. But laws that are created with the intent for current or future deception should immediately be disregarded as fraud and those convicted should be compensated and the perpetrators receive the severist of penalties. Yeah, we know he lied to you. He did to everyone but he can only do the chair once. What do you say, we disregard all the fraud and see if thats important enough for Condi Rice. Shoot that whore. Well bitch, the Big Picture is that his whole administration was based on fraud, since at the poles. And I get tortured for it. For what? A debate between the elitist assholes that make policy? Its already made nitwits, its called the Geneva Convention. Plus the CIA even said it doesn't work for interrogation. I'm still innocent. You're whole plan is loaded with Intent. I'm sure I got books to read, schools to flunk, and cancer to metastasize before the American Medical Association AMA concludes the effectiveness of hypnosis and brainwashing. See that's where I wish that guy that makes quick conclusive calls was in charge. LOL,, no not really, I hate Cheney, just like any true patriot that believes in the USA and the land of liberty and human beings rights to pursue happiness.

Ok, in my estimation, proclamation and best guess, I'd say the main terrorist producers are the US Commander in Chief, the VP, and the military. The Bush family Oil connections with the Saudi 's links to al Qaeda in Yemen maybe. I dunno, I hope I don't need to find it. What about the Carlyle Group, the two link there if I remember correctly. Oh yeah, and the collapse of coal mines links to the energy companies. Just like the law granting Cheney, "Its all legal" permission of foreign subsidiaries to be drilling for oil in banned Iran. I wonder if that's Cheney's or Bush's legislation and if it is Cheney's would in not qualify for Insider Trading. Throw them all to the lions.

Oh yeah, there's also a list of events based on "good intelligence" from the CIA and FBI concerning the 9/11 attacks at which Rumsfeld repeatedly refused to even consider looking. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the CIA had a video taped confession of the tragedy but it was lost or destroyed. It had to be a Pre9/11 warning confession. I mean, so what if it was a confession of bin Laden's guilt after the fact. That's where blame is going per Carlyle Group agreement. No that may not be true about their growth strategy. But the taped confession would be of value if the more likely goal of the torture wasn't to get blame or guilt to get future plans. Or, would also be valuable if it was a Hispanic guy dressed up with beard to look muslim, because those are our guys. We smuggle them into the USA, get them IDed and registered to vote before camp.

How do I get out of here? Any funny business, Mr. Monkey or Rabbit, uhhhh I guess will be fine with but don't expect a single compliment from me. I am very sorry to any good people but I've had to develop pretty much an enraged outlook just to get by. Endless target for attacks and don't be fooled for a second. They call me raven or rat and other stuff. But I've always noticed people like that are extremely insecure. I mean death sentence kind of insecurity that no one should ever permitted even thinking about. Shoot him I'm telling you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cheney works decades at the White House with Republicans
Cheney Timeline

Republican White House
1969 - 1973
(Nixon Administration)
Cheney worked under Rumsfeld in three different positions.
1) Special Assistant Office of Economic Opportunity
2) White House Staff Assistant
3) Assistant Director of the Cost of Living Council
Ford taps (Skulls and Bones) Rumsfeld to be Chief of Staff and Cheney was Deputy. When Rumdfeld became Defense Secretary, Cheney took over as Chief of Staff for 14 months.

Road to Congress
(to make laws and policy)
1977 Cheney campaigns statewide, living out of a camper.
1978 Cheney explains to the Republican party why he still wants to run for office despite the
set back of heart attack.
Cheney elected as the Sole Congressman of Wyoming in the House. President Reagan's supporter in Congress.
1981 - '88 Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee
1983 Co-authored with wife,
Kings of the Hill: Power and Personality in the House of Representatives.
1988 Chairman of the House Republican Committee
1988 Cheney supports Reagan for the secret sales of weapons to Iran and the financial support of the Contrarevolucionnaires terrorist group during the Iran/Contra scandal in which we see Colin Powell testify. He serves as the VP of the Congressional Investigation Committee.
1988 Elected House Minority Whip (ensure parties' voting procedures and participation)
1989 - '93
Cheney worked as head of the Pentagon as the Secretary of Defense under President George Bush and invades Iraq in operation Desert Storm and Panama in operation Just Cause. Cheney was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by the President for his leadership during the largest military restructuring opportunities that presented themselves due to the end of the Cold War.
Just Cause ousted disobedient CIA operative General Manuel Noriega from Panama.
Cheney leaves politics
1995 "life-long" position promised to Halliburton as CEO for which he had no experience. Contracts are made with Iraq to provide repair equipment to oil fields should the need ever present itself.

2000 Cheney leaves Halliburton after conducting interviews for the apparently crucial Republican positioning but can't find the right candidate. He apologized but accepted the $33 millions in Stocks and Options severance package. If he still had the compensation, would he become insider trader during campaigning. The Iraq War was a Pre-9/11 plan, but maybe legal because the election one by CIA style cheating. All former whips grow to become masters of election fraud, don't they.

2004 Iran suffers an enormous earthquake killing 28,000 people. No wonder they hate us, ya fucktards. And China, and Myanmar.

Pre9/11 Planned Iraq War thoughts
what happened to bin Laden? The CIA says bin Ladem and Saddam are enemies that hate each other. Oh yeah, he's in Afghanistan and just thanked the USA for combined forces with the Taliban for removing the Soviets from the land. But I wonder, are they still their? That's the terrorist training capital of the world or maybe all the poppy plants add that criminal dark aura that's present at the Republic of Columbia. Oh maybe the 1,100 person jail I read Bush intends to put there for torture. Cause we know, bin Laden is al Qaeda leader, we are kinda the bosses or have jurisdiction of the Taliban, and Russia I'm not sure yet, but the citizens don't get to vote there these days so Putin has something very effective.

theres a bunch more but i cant type about this crap. i'm in hostile drug dealers, property damaging circle of gay bashers from the Iraq Liberation era: Neigherhood warfare. I can't stand one more minute. But I have to because the criminals that break the laws are in power with a new set of rules. Labour camps are hidden away in various military bases with some creative Selina (Aliens) type names nationwide, I'm thinking. The military teaches terrorism at Ft. Benning, Georgia - formerly the "School of the Americas" in Panama. The US Marines teach guerrilla warfare in in Republic of Columbia, where I was under the impression Bush provided billions maybe in "War on Drugs" grant funds for the creation of fumigation chambers and apparently to prune up the coca crops. What happened to all of the Mexicans illegally smuggled through next door. Did they graduate Selina camp and join the Taliban (Latina B), former Contras I'm betting.

1946 School of the America's erected in Panama for the Cold War. Operated by the US Army and the CIA.

Oh yeah, one of the documentary videos I've mentioned shows an invoice for the sale $380,000 worth of goods to the bin Ladens, by one of my current 'Alice in Wonderland" perpetrators, nicknamed "Monkey". Was that a plane?

Kings of the Hill: Power and Personality in the House of Representatives.
Explains how the controversial congressional leaders changed the House of Congress forever.
Henry Clay, James Polk, Thaddeus Stevens, James Blaine, Thomas Reed, Joe Cannon, Nicholas Longworth, Sam Rayburn, and Newt Gingrich

Monday, June 16, 2008

Kill me now,,

That's what they want. Apparently I pissed off the VP at the Bully game I have no idea how to play - or even know i'm converted to a pawn. So torture doesn't work and its a needless experiment by the murderous Administration. I qualify for all 4 specifically narrowed definitions presented by Reagan. The patriotic attacks of the media helped your cause, just like the academic world. They want me to kill myself for televised execution since they gave fentonyl patches and the media provided 'how-to' instructions. All books i'm intended or persuaded, coerced to read are full of personal "Alice in Wonderland" type of attacks. I still have the utmost respect for law enforcement and military. Not the rescue people though. I won't live to make that determination. Nor do I possess the slightest desire have anything to do with them but I do respect their efforts. Any so-called 'good' in this nightmare is sabotage and more deceit for the foolish which apparently is defined by not automatically assuming all kind gestures or people are merely arrows of warfare, until proven otherwise. I'l never see that either. Thanks and some patriots you turned out to be. It should mean basic freedoms from torture at minimal. What a complete waste. And I used to be a great person. Never ever again. Nothing but PureHate all around me. Yeah, you little sissies in the circle. See, you need to just go ahead with the gas company fumigations.

10) Eventually subvert the Rule of Law.

10) You know, little things like fair and equal public elections. uhh, No you wouldn't know anything about that would you, Bob?

Naomi Wolf "The End of America..."

this next one, makes me the best for this exercise ,,

9) Recant dissent (different opinion) as treason (threatening attack on government) and criticism as espionage.
Ya jerk.
Its the programming. Like the brainwashing, I read they did to Patty Hearst and made her lash out at all the people she really did like. Well these fucktards somehow know every guy I've ever had a crush on, gay or straight since I was 5 years old - and made sure I would catch tons of hate crime crap directly from them,, or perceived that way,, some not tons, but still not fair to put their presence somehow,, oh yea and totally outted me too,, This part, dude, you're a complete fuckin dickhead,, My ethics and shameful ways are so offensive huh,, but you know that 40year old virgin picture was for my dearh celebration,, Oh that's why I'm offensive, because I don't ever get sex huh. So barfbag, gets all your l;ittle cams and shot together and get the fuckk out. I know I'm not very bright but I'm enraged until the moment you suicide fuckin bomb me assshole.
That is #9 from Naomi Wolf's book, "The End of America."

So let me get this in proper perspective. bin Laden is the head of al Qaeda, from Saudi Arabia with which you and your father have business bonds made of blood,, well oil too but thats insignificant when you look at the big picture huh? No, not really,, I'm mocking poor Condi Rice when she was confronted with the fake, fraudulent and forged documented paper trail or enriched uranium from Niger to Iraq from Cheney that never occured,, God I hate you fuckers. And, no Condi, you're wrong, because that is the big picture. And cleverly tag the incident with something good to eat that can be mentioned without the guilt factor,, Yellowcake. You are a Bitchh. I'm doing terrible at this game,, I hope you all combust in 3 seconds,, Oh yeah, back to Bush and bin Laden family poartnersips and joint ventures,, LET ME OUT OF HERE,, NO GUESSING GAMES OR COERCION,, What did Craig do? I can't wait to know,, Oh yeah, I don't think that it was really the FBI that harassed MLKjr, but was most likely the CIA, and continues on his widow today,, Alice is a dirty whore,, I'm flunking out of school again,, unless maybe you can write me a note, Mr. President. Hope you have a pleasant day, I suppose, but you're still a war criminal,,,

Target with oppression writers, entertainers, and dissenters

8) Target with oppression writers, entertainers, and dissenters.
2007 - Writers Guild of America contracts expired
July 2008 - contracts expire for both the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the Directors Guild of America (DGA)
Feb. 19, 2009 - nationwide conversion to HDTV aka Bush TV.
(You're an ass, Mr. President)

Dissenters hmm? that's a tough one. Who would want to be on your bad side. You did the picking of the teams and the good or bad sides, assshole. I'm the only person on this entire side of the field. Coaches look at me and shrug their shoulders and nod their head like its my fault and there is nothing they can do to help, and grab themselves. See George your whole story is not really very nice, you know. But I'l be back with No. 8 and I really need to connect some Monkey, Hwy69, and Alien Dots,,

Oh yeah, I saw a website summary about Financial Terrorist Banking Program is finished. Was that the 'credit crunch'. You see our banks accounts anyway if we check when reading email from Telecom information. You have the capabilites to blindly steal everything from us all.
I guess Cheney doesn't worry about you getting fired huh. Look at all the controversy about polling places. Like the elections even mattered the last two presidential terms, you cheated both times. Just like now. Where did Obama come from. Why are you supporting him? Lots of consideration of assassin has been shoved in my face. But I also see some publicly persuasive pull to the religion of Islam that truly isn't the prejudice way that you portrayed them. There will be many converts because the pope hates my guts just like you. The CIA fill my head with speculation of the fall of the catholic church. But they Pope did support Hitler at first didn't he? So I guess you know that it was me that emailed him huh? Why did you think that was funny in chat? At first, I thought was because a decoy email address. But then I read the Pope of past supported Hitler. Well ain't that special. Know I understand the funniness.Well bright eyes, I'l be back with No9.

Alice and Ricky,, That "Ricki" car commercial was great,,

Well for you. lol,,
Naomi Wolf says the next, uhhh wtf are these things I'm listing. The section heading says

"The Strength and Ease of Dictatorship."
"There is also a reverse process that systematically closes down freedom."
See that's purely sick thinking. Nonstop. Even online, the friggin US President, or so I am to believe, joins the cyber harassment comradeships of the CIA and Attorney Generals and Military and celebrities too maybe, but they're all masked by Bots. Well not Dubya, he weasrs the Monkey suit. I figure he is just mocking me as I am the true experimental monkey in the cage. This stuffs just kills me and makes my head pound. But I do think some of the CIA, FBI, Attorneys and Military live in my near vicinity according to the Haynes Directory,, Which the librarian denied possessing. That place is a surveillance "Hot spot". A few blizzards missed our few streets completely, last year. LOL,,, maybe not really there but I am to believe that they are according to Haynes Directory that even the library lied to me about possessing. Funny though. That's when someone was secretly training me to easily and immediately spot deception. I make the worse spy. Who expects such extraordinary stores that are irrelevant? LOL,, Well, we better learn how to expect nonstop anxiety and what's with the nonsense laws? The baggy shorts, of course, that stunned the nation, and I think one town near me has a "No Foul Language" Law and I heard a crazy one too, but I forgot.
Actually f*cker, I do know what they are from the US Army Human Resources training manual. LOL,, I fantasized you were the torture guy Thicki, that I'm practically married too. That's kinda funny but its true. UHHH,, anyway,, the manual registers with me under the "torture mind" What kind of exercises are you referring to throughout DHS missions? I think you mean "experifuckinment". Like Tom Cruise said its a "War of words". Why is this gonna be so spread out so far that no one has to take the blame? This is retarded. And I'm way more like a fuckin rat than a monkey, so know I know why he gets it then. So what do I do to accept friendship? I'm too fried out to even acknowledge covert or encoded jibberash that may or may not even be true.
know. I just realized why I was asked for my written opinion of televised executions for punishments. Well FUCK YOU and your twisted hierarchy. Why are you doing this to me? Can I make my own legal system? I can't even buy a fuckin gun because I'm a disabled mental patient. But it really is the best considering the Columbine massacre. This Alice crap, you scumbags, was used on an African American in North St. Louis County I think. Went by the nickname "Cookie" and shot up city hall. Suppressed story details except maybe a patient with a mood disorder of bipolar like mine. But from a few quick interviews with his family that spoke of his constant, even maddening harassment by government. I just ran across a website story from 2003, that the Bush plan replaced 1 million Federal workers with private contractors. Did that really happen? Well this post's lesson for today, children is :
6) Harass citizens and groups. That was the Animal Rights group I belonged to. Great club president. We all know about the excessive police force. I got a "resisting arrest" so they could bust my head open. After the arrest and procedures, the officer said, "it was as misunderstanding and I now know you are a pretty good guy and the Resisting Arrest charge will be dropped." LOL,, but your refusal to blow with absolutely no proof won't be. LOL,, he didn't really say that about the refusal to blow but the charges were never removed either. Insignificant meaningless crap really or so they have me believe. I'l be bacl with No7 soon,

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Alice is a dirty whore,,

That AM radio as bug detector is tuned to static low on the dial and when moving the radio about 6 inches from targeted test area and swipe across the remote control receptor changed the amount and volume of static. This is by no means conclusive enough evidence, like the lazy ass Executive Branch that can't pool a file, to point blame. But data is permitted to travel backwards from the TV as well. I also have a TV in my bed room (aka solitary cell) and they still see everything. And the drug dealing was something setup and pushed through by the CIA, with crappy compressed Mexican weed. They follow my every move and one day I was at BestBuy and they were apparently trying to persuade me to do something and a stranger walked up to me and said. "The gov't gets the really good weed, you know?" They have also attempted to set me up selling Rx.

#5) from imoan wolf (does that mean fake lies? - or you just need hysterical PR to desensitize?)
Arbitrarily detain and release citizens. Well I'm in an online school now studying Criminal Justice which has been a total devise scheme by my7 perpetrators. They gotta at least teach me to understand maybe even a pathetic attempt to fight (like I have a single friggin friend to watch my back). Plus you don't play by any roles Mr President. And you still cheat. Well I flunked both classes last semester and it aint looking pretty from the hole for this semester either. Anything I attempt has already been considered and sabotaged. Its pure agony everyday all day. So anyway, my scum sucking neighbors are in my classes incognito - friggin idiots. Not really. I like everybody, but the constant surveillance and ridicule is completely unbearable. LOL,, not sure if accurate or not but some students said that several states are experience detainment merely for suspicion. Habeas Corpus rights to a speedy trial with a reasonable criminal charge is gone just like his Nazi idol did.

Oh I saw a 'Top Secret' pic inside Department of Homeland Security. Was a single room, with one chair and no electricity. LOL,, kidding but all the BS lies of securing borders and ports are big time 'smoking guns'. And the purchase of all the Federal land in Nevada were funds approved by the US Department of Interior which is supposed to be looking out for US citizens best interests. I'm betting that's a department in the Executive Branch. DHS controls tribal lands also and proudly flaunts it in the title. Surely raping them of casino profits. I'd be willing to bet a nice chunk of change gets ripped right off the top and they either don't realize it, or they have to accept it. You're a complete PR*CK. lol,, next task on the way to Nazi town. I hope we can dance there.

Steps taken by a Dictator to overthrow a democracy.

Dot to dot connections. They are gonna kill me - "The making of a Suicide Bomber."
Oh, I realized the single largest government agency of WW II that Bush wanted to mirror was the Gulag, the penal labor camps of the Soviet Union. The President has absolutely no creativity when it comes to doing this kind of stuff. He's a copycat. There's got to be some copywrite infringement going on here.
from "The end of America: ..." by Naomi Wolf

1) Invoke both, external and internal threats.
External - State sponsored attack on 9/11/01, al Qaeda - Saudi Arabia's Osama bin Laden's use of CIA training to establish a global network of terrorists, a US Military trained terrorist group to invoke fear on Americans as needed, the Taliban (decoded as Latina B).
Internal - increasing lowered value of the US dollar, devastated housing market now controlled by bank ownership, an attack of the country's largest minority - African Americans (crack and jail for starters), massive swarm of illegal aliens and drugs from Mexico, addictions imposed on citizens, fear of food and water shortages.

2) Develop a paramilitary force to intimidate and enforce Marshall Law with complete disregard for the US Constitution. Blackwater is apparently a group of retired and unaccepted military and law enforcement officers. Domestic terrorist groups are also targeted for recruitment through various hate websites. seems to be run by the CIA. Bad, bad dumb Don Black. See, all usage of the word "Black' by the Administration denotes bad, negative, and dangerous. Smells like that is part of the attack on African Americans. And, no, its not really okay to refer to them as "Black" these days especially with the poison connotations. African American is still the preferred respectable term if a stereotype if necessary.

3) Surveil ordinary citizens. Warrentless wiretapping of landline phones, USPS mail system, all cell phones, and all computer data via telecom virus protection and wireless routers. Are wired routers even available any more these days? They watch me sleep and spit spitballs at me all the time. The best I can tell is of video surveillence by persuasive positioning of me during sexual or drug dealing acts. Always in front of the cable TV box. I used a cheap but effective AM radio to sweep my house for surveillence bugs and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I gotta go,, will be back,,put probably just post the rest of the steps one at a time.