Wednesday, May 6, 2009

i am not a study, experiment, student, etc. willingfilly,, lol i hate them,,

That's my most important point. Nothing is allowed or approved. Who besides Richard Helms would think the best way to do human biowarfare testing would only work without informing the unwitting targets? Screw you! Its illegal as hell and it is never for the benefit of man, or science, or politics. Plus, your hallmark excuse for your blatently illegal work, is for the targeting, and I guess annilation, of a political enemy. The whole premise is based on irrational, immature, and intolerable qualifiers. How does one that tries to help abused anaimals, all of a sudden become a heinous person deserving of secret public mental torture. Oh yeah, its US Special Forces school. See, now I 'get it" because schooling of a target is always special. Plus, these are man-made illnesses. I'm curious if the man-made illness factor is part of the control group or uhh, the placebo? Yea, yea, that's what I want to know? Is that control group factor apparent or no? Not to the patient you are ripping off, huh? So Mr. Genius Helms, how accurate can your experiments be for the man-made mental illness? I thought we were calling it interrogation? See, we are imbeciles.

What's up with the closings of all the mental institutions and programs in Iowa, Florida, and Texas? The prison populations doubled with many man-made targets of mental illness.
I'm going to copy and paste some info about electricity and brain manipulation from this website:
The author used three different books from where these statements were taken and are indicated at the end of each paragraph with the initials and page numbers. Bluebird [BB] by Colin A. Ross MD, a leading Canadian psychiatrist; Mind Controllers [MC] by Dr. Armen Victorian; and A Nation Betrayed [NB] by recovered mind control victim Carol Rutz.

Non-Lethal Weapons

That such weapons have been used can be in little doubt. When the deployment of Cruise missiles at American bases in the UK was at its height, women peace campaigners staged a series of highly publicized peaceful protests outside the perimeter wires. In late 1985, the women in the peace camps at Greenham Common began to experience unusual patterns of illness, ranging from severe headaches, drowsiness, menstrual bleeding at abnormal times or after the onset of menopause, to bouts of temporary paralysis and faulty speech coordination. Electronics Today[76] magazine carried out a number of measurements, and in December 1985 published their report which concluded: “Readings taken with a wide range of signal strength meters showed marked increases in the background signal level near one of the women’s camps at a time when they claimed to be experiencing ill effects.” They noted that if the women created noise or a disturbance near the fence, the signals rose sharply. MC 201

The evidence in hand suggests that the technology to produce ‘voices in the head’ does exist. The Department of Defense has already acquired the technology to alter consciousness through various projects and programs. A patent discusses methods and system for altering consciousness. The abstract from once such program states: “Researchers have devised a variety of systems for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave rhythms and thereby alter the state of consciousness of the individual subject.”[77] Silent subliminal messages [were] “used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully.[78] MC 203, 204

A US State Department report suggested it was possible to induce a heart attack in a person from a distance with radar.[79] MC 172

By 1974, Stanford Research Institute had developed a computer system capable of reading a person’s mind by correlating the brain waves of subjects on an electroencephalograph [ECT] with specific commands.[80] The concept of mind-reading computers is no longer science fiction. Neither is their use by Big Brotherly governments. Major Edward Dames of Psi-Tech said in April 1995 on NBC’s The Other Side program: “The US government has an electronic device which could implant thoughts in people.” Dames would not comment any further. MC 172

The latest development in the technology of induced fear and mind control is the cloning of the human EEG or brain waves of any targeted victim, or indeed groups. With the use of powerful computers, segments of human emotions which include anger, anxiety, sadness, fear, embarrassment, jealousy, resentment, shame, and terror, have been identified and isolated within the EEG signals as ‘emotion signature clusters.’ Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured. Then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesized and stored on another computer. Each one of these negative emotions is separately tagged. They are then placed on the ‘Silent Sound’ carrier frequencies and could silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being. MC 205

The entire non-lethal weapon concept is literally a Pandora’s Box of unknown consequences. MC 179

Non-lethal weapons is a broad category which includes devices for beaming various kinds of energy at human targets in order to temporarily incapacitate them, or to control or affect their behavior. Non-lethal weapons research has been conducted at universities on contract to the CIA, and has overlapped with research on hallucinogens and brain electrode implants. BB 103

In 1991, Janet Morris, one of the main proponents of non-lethal weapons, issued a number of papers.[71] According to one paper, US Special Operations Command already had a portable microwave weapon. “US Special Forces can cook internal organs.[72] Another concept was ‘Infrasound’ using acoustic beams. Laboratories were developing a high power, very low frequency acoustic beam weapon projecting non-penetrating acoustic bullets. Already, some governments have used infrasound as a means of crowd control. Very low frequency (VLF) sound, or low frequency RF modulations can cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains. “Some very low frequency sound generators can cause the disruption of human organs and, at high power levels, can crumble masonry.”[73] MC 176-179


G.H. Estabrooks is the only mind-control doctor who has publicly acknowledged the building of Manchurian Candidates. In his book Spiritism,[45] Dr. Estabrooks describes experiments done to create multiple personality.[46] [47] In his book Hypnotism,[48] Dr. Estabrooks states that the creation of experimental multiple personality for operational use in military subjects, whom he refers to as super spies, is ethical because of the demands of war. BB 159, 162 [and they say its a comedy]

In a 1971 article in Science Digest,[49] Dr. Estabrooks claimed to have created hypnotic couriers and counterintelligence agents for operational use. “By the 1920’s not only had they [clinical hypnotists] learned to apply posthypnotic suggestion to deal with this weird problem [multiple personality], but also had learned how to split certain complex individuals into multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes.…During World War II, I worked this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I’ll call Jones.…I split his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a ‘normal’ working Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps (which was in on the plot) and became a card-carrying party member.…Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American and was ‘imprinted’ to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp. It worked beautifully.” BB 167-169 [what an ass, I'd say]

The Mind-Control Doctors

In the second half of the 20th century, mind-control projects resulted in extensive political abuse of psychiatry in North America. Many thousands of prisoners and mental patients were subjected to unethical mind-control experiments by leading psychiatrists and medical schools. Organized academic psychiatry has never acknowledged this history. The network of mind-control doctors involved has done a great deal of harm to the field of psychiatry and to psychiatric patients. BB, pg. K

The work of the mind-control doctors did not occur in a vacuum. The importation of Nazi doctors to the US through secret programs like PAPERCLIP is part of the context. Mind-control experimentation was not only tolerated by medical professionals, but published in psychiatric and medical journals.[24] The climate was permissive, supportive, and approving of mind-control experimentation. BB 1

[i saw an ad offering 'free mental patients' - which really is harrassment since the spooks do 'war of words' with secret psychological torture since the CIA say I'm free. They think a nonlie makes a different compared to the millions of lies. But, I don't think so. Its a way to fund unethical illegal experiments to gain some nazi persuasive reaction. People are only screwed up because of the CIA , which very appropriately was renamed the George W. Bush Intelligence Agency. - so the taske home message is that people don't have to have a mental disorder to begin with because that's their specialty.]

Dr. William Sweet[25] participated in both brain electrode implant experiments and the injection of uranium into medical patients at Harvard University. The 925-page Final Report. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments[26] tells the story of the radiation experiments, and their linkage to mind control. BB 1

Martin Orne is one of the leading experts on hypnosis of the 20th century.[27] [28] For about 30 years, he was the editor of The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Dr. Orne is one of two psychiatrists professionally still active into the late 1990’s who is a documented CIA mind-control contractor (along with Dr. Louis Jolyon West).[29] BB 121, 124

heres another good site that i haven't looked at yet

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