Sunday, May 10, 2009

didn't i tell u i'm not the one, you have the wrong person,,,

i'm not high-level al Qaeda like idiot David Addison may inform the ignorant nazis or something like that. I heard he is a fag basher, but I have no clue who that fucker even pretends to be. As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't believe a thing from any of them top-level nazis. And, i can't read or whatever because of the invisible torture, you nasty trash. You know, just fu*ck you people. They torture me and my family, even killed my sister, for what? For the crimes that they have commited through me, aka for me, maybe? They are the biggest shitbag loser junkies of the world. Is this heroin, junkies? Jeez. I thought I might have known how the shitbags think, as a nazi junkie. Rover and Chentaney ain't riding the gay train out of here like they planned - they already dumped Rummy and the Georges. I wouldn't bring the gay community into this real hate war and racewar, so that skankbag Karla can hop the fence for an 'idea whose time has come.' Plus look how bad he has presented me - unprotected anal sex in the basement bar. There's no telling what he'd do to others he has embedded with a 'V'-chip for target practice. Plus plus, poet trash, you created all the universal shame anyway, like any other targeted group you've strategically manipulated in the USA. Anita Bryant was possibly just an act with what nazis might call fake public hate [same effect, fyi]. That don't even have wings, dumbass Anita Bryant defense.

But, maybe Walt Disney wanted me to be a hero or something and the nazis had to trash the entire thing because of theft. Plus, I wouldn't have been so tortured through life if that fucker was doing me a favor or even knew me. Who wrote about Howard Hughes and said he looked like the nazi Disney or gave that incinuation? And, wrote that people don't understand how much the love the author does love, himself, or some nazi brain twisting message like that. Like you said years ago fu*ckbags, "Only the one that brings you torture can take it away", or whatever the stupid fu*ckin piece of trash quote lie was anyway. Who knows what you'd do to get your way, or escape war crimes. The media brought it up, get off me. But I would think you are still committing them with continued citizen surveillence via extensions of the warrentless wiretapping laws because of your al Qaeda and that secret 'ticking bomb' you fu*ckers have. That's going to get you illegal spies a cam into each person's home, via DTV very soon, huh?

See, if I secure my computers or something, then I become non-transparent, or less that way, I'd hope. But then i'd be tagged with a host of other new non-triable crimes for which they'd convict me, anyway. They wouldn't need proof to do it, either. Especially if they made the paper trail long and sensationalized enough. I'm not Usama, you fags, that which George Tenet was to divert me to. Gosh I hate nazis, tagging everyone else with the shitteater disease.

That's some party loyalty. Why do you fuckers ask for nonpartisan resolve when that's what your half of the crime comes from, like a 'leg' of hate into democracy which you are vehimently against, right conservative trash fuckers. Its about life, death, torture and free will. And, mind control by the nazi Republic is not allowed, so they force it on us

If I run because they are frying an disabled persons brains with electric shock, I become a fugative and a ton of new fu*ckin lies or justifications to torture the innocent would arise. FU*CKU. I react to torture stress because it is torture, dumbfu*cks. Laughing and stupid shit like that is also because its not funny that they are torturing my mom and all of our rights as USA citizens no longer exist for the sole reason of ripping us off - if not Hughes heirs, then our time, pain, and suffering. You're complete trash. Too bad they're not torturing you, huh? Wouldn't that be funny, stupid fuckin trash nation. I don't plan to get out alive dumbfu*cks, so I don't give a fuck, but you should rescue my parents that I never asked to move back from Florida retirement into this hell hole that shitbags took away from my parents without them even knowing. No-one knows in this house. You scumbags. I'm staying here to die, not by choice trust me, I hate every mother fucker in this backwards shiteating town. But, because if I run, it could only be worse and I can't come back then. Stupid fuckin trash. God damn, I hate you pure fuckin shitheads. Plus, why would anyone want to be in that US President job after all the threats to killme and they pretend as if I am Obama sometimes, or call me that name maybe, but they said he would be assassinated just like a Kennedy. You are a trash nation, ain't that right BigBushTrash?

wow i forgot what was important. i've been working on this since 9am-ish but they keep knocking the lapyop into hybernation that I turned off months ago.

Rover can NOT make this a gay rights fight then join the cause, because I wouldn't allow it. Fag, you are the AIDSTRASH hitman, Forget IT!

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