Tuesday, May 19, 2009



So Hollywood’s taking over after all, huh? SWEET JESUS MARY LOVE LORD ABOVE MOST HIGH. Happy 420, your Higghest! They have completely brainwashed me and converted my mind to zero [the good ones] by bombardment of relentless hate without an outlet. It’s a waste of resources to torture me, for 1) it has never been effective for anyone involved, and 2) they didn’t use the ticking bomb evidence before 9.11, anyway. Ask Alberto Gonzalos, he may very well vouch for me to get justice, since it is his job after all, but we first need to lock up some of these nutcase greedy thieves. Decades of preparations include making and breaking laws, making and falsifying documents, and media propaganda for some Nazi-ish agenda. Mr. Gonzalos should rise up to save his people from torture in the slave labor camps that are edited out of ‘google earth‘ which is merely a CIA front company. They have tried to turn this top-level security [SAP] Enemy Combatant catastrophe into school with a curriculum of learn by doing since I’m stupid with ADD, that in fact, the CIA itself created. Congress banned psychological or mind control torture after worldwide complaints in the 1960’s and ‘70’s, concerning the terrorism and torture “School of the Americas” in Latin America.

Funny, the video “No End in Sight” says that the leaders that forced this country into a fraudulent or a self-fish greedy battle have no combat experience for the post-war efforts in Iraq which really doesn’t even make sense but those particular leaders have plenty of experience in management and control of troops. I think Rumsfeld worked in the defense twice, and once maybe as Cheney’s assistant when he was the secretary. Cheney has created National Guards any and everywhere including Nicaragua, Saudi Arabia, and apparently the Texas Air National Guard that permitted George Jr., and James Bath skate though. This was the same Bath, I guess, that provided handling of funds for both Bush and bin Laden, I think. I’m also reading about a political party or some rebels, maybe, called Baathist located with Saudi Arabia that may b e related as well. Does something fishy here tell us that might be Carl Rove, I wonder? I just thought how ironic for this video to lie about the lack of military expertise or experience cleaning up the messes they make. I’ron’ic. EnRon? ChevRon? What does this crap mean? I can feel them electrocuting me because my tongue ring is burning my tongue and I used to take it out because of that but now I have to keep it in since it reminds me what they are doing to give me a headache. That burnt flesh smell isn’t always apparent plus they wouldn’t want to make it too obvious since they are trash Nazis. Ask Colin Powell if they are criminally corrupt?

In “A Question of Torture”, Alfred W. McCoy mentions that Bybee’s stipulations for mental torture were described as follows:

“These were labeled as questionable techniques as prepared by Bybee, his deputy Yoo, and VP counsel Addington in a 50 page memo that Gonzalos implied gave ‘sweeping legal authority’ for harsh interrogations.”

[forget the fact that these are the same people, that are on the other side, too. Don’t they manage the terrorists organizations, via the Saudi Arabian National Guard, the Safari Club, and the School of the Americas in Ft. Benning, Georgia, or something in Pakistan. What’s up with the pipeline in the country Georgia? The enhanced interrogations are only used on non-terrorists, certainly they do not torture their own. The innocent people, like a video I saw of a innocent taxi driver named Dilawar, maybe, that was beat to death, and me. I’m completely innocent of everything, even knowing what is happening. This embarrassing as hell insane torture debate is, again, humiliating and dehumanizing to us all and needs to stop immediately. We are proving to the entire world that we, the land of freedom and liberty, are the idiots that the Bush and Cheney team wanted us to become. Shoot them all, or what about them lions? A lie, I’d no less expect? ]

Back to the book

“By carefully interpreting key words in the UN anti-torture convention [not Geneva think?] and its parallel congressional legislation USC $$ 2340 - 2340A, Bybee concluded that Federal law limited the crime of torture to “acts inflicting, and … specifically intend to inflict severe pain or suffering, whether mental or physical.” To constitute torture under US Statute, the physical pain must, he said, “be equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as 1) organ failure, 2) impairment of bodily function, and 3) death. Invoking both Reagan’s four part reservations from 1988 and Clinton’s ratification in 1994, the author says …” [but I serious doubt there’s much connection to Bybee’s narrow 3 injury definition.] “Bybee apparently assumed the intent of the interrogator, to cause pain or elicit information, was key in determining human rights abuses. “ [I guess the information doesn’t need to be true since the prisoners being interrogated are probably innocent, anyway. There are not hundreds of thousands of prisoners in Iraq, I hope? With the illegal lack of due process in a country that has no infrastructure or judicial system at all. Many don’t have running water.]
“Bybee limited psychological torture, that Congress banned decades ago, anyway, to acts the include the following three factors: 1) ‘specific intent’ to cause 2) ‘prolonged mental harm …such as post-traumatic stress disorder’ solely by 3) committing one of the four forms of mental torture (with threats or drugs) specified in the 1994 law. [I’m not sure what that law is but it must refer to Clinton’s ratification. I’m usually not able to find accurate info when I need to look something up that I have never seen before, so I won’t attempt at this time. - but I qualify for all three of those!

[Addington huh? Addison’s disease and JFK, me and terrets or whatever, my moms lobotomy and the Kennedy’s daughter. Sounds like thyroid disease and cancer like my aunt Mary Janette, the baby.]

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