Wednesday, May 27, 2009

what a disaster,,

what happened to the no cussing rule, i wonder? how clever of mind controlling bags of crap, plus i'm extraordinarily brainwashed by green nazi fags. that's not necessarily in reference to homegrown local circle or anything but it kind of very much is meant to be by the shitbag prowriter trash to mean that. i'd say they'de call anyone homegrown besides themselves, chaney and rover. It's not the green to symbolize new and clumsy nor the ENvirRonment friendly green that may be confusing to nonwonderlanders whacked on smack. the russians are coming, the russians are coming. nice 'leg' trash prowriter. i'm not read, im pink and i want to kill u biowarfare nazis. i'm not that humanitarian that anyone has to suffer for anything, either. What made that even tradable? none of your crap will ever fly.

[what an idiot i was a few days ago when i jotted that poem. what did you do to me?]

[of course no bad words ever meant towards the media, just in case. nor bad death wishes and hate - never intended for your golden ears to hear and glimmering eyes to witness, i'm telling you its straight up nazi. Fried brains? Come on give me a break, aberration trash. We Anne Frankers certainly honor and adore you media saviors, our first responder firemen-types. But not so fast Zimmerxxx. Its for your own good. They might take you to a secluded hospital far away and fill you with medicine, like i'm promised. What is wrong with me? What experiment? What are you doing to me? Why not at least let me do a cold read for the jesus part? I'm always too busy with penis envy, huh? so what, still better than murder plus I don't want to be a penis so its not that, envy.]

[what an idiot i was a few days ago when i jotted that poem. what did you do to me?]

We know the media are caught in a crossfire. Also, never ever anything bad to US Justices. NOTHING BAD TO ANYONE. We are being mass hypnotized and stalked and robbed. Oh, The Stepford Wives, I get the 'clone' thing now. Good for you, nazis.

[what an idiot i was a few days ago when i jotted that poem. what did you do to me?]

As far as the rest of the cool world i love you like God, but I'm not Jesus, as far

6/3/2009 9am

as the cheek turn, especially - and i can't fly. ohhhh. LOL. so what, "your nanaw has been dead five years" [SS]. The Pentagon made public that they dropped the Religion Operation or whatever. That's a relief to know, I was dreading that crucifixion you had planned or been advertising a lot. What were the Pentagon Papers? I've never been able to get a copy very conveniently. I saw there was a publicized project about Global Warming and the predicted effects worldwide on The Discovery channel, maybe. I think China was the first nation to suffer devastating effects. Well, the Global Warming is coming from the offshore drilling melting the polar ice caps - its got to be! I'm very sure the increase in hurricane velocity and destruction is from the drilling, as well.

So my video or reality show is banned from the USA because i'm vulgar but really because its illegal. I don't have a reality show. Not without a warrant. THE FRENCH ARE THE COOLEST. whats up with Kim, the nut, that always wants to throw-up his nuclear arms around in the air when i stand up to Busch. Oh, it was Cheney that wasn't going to admit the Sam Adams brewery WMD. And, the Orwell 'thought police' trash, uhh yeah, I think that's him, too - Chaney. [enhanced surveillance] And, to make me into a 'Butterfly Effect' prince to take back to the kingdom to be a cocksucker slave, i bet, with more than plenty of physical torture since you got it spreading across the lands. That's all new to me. Who is doing that in Burma? Give them poor people back their lives and land and conscience - we want different pain remedies anyway, you nazis. And, to know you scumbags are in the Rx industry, besides LSD and fentanyl. Chaney won't take blood pressure medicine, because it causes diabetes type II disabilities. The guy has had 4 or so heart surgeries or something. I think cholesterol medicine might do the same kind of thing or make the condition worse like AZT causes AIDS. [the medicine sold to cure is actually the culprit.

I think they did to Howard Hughes is the later stages of his life. Mr. Hughes was apparently barred from the USA also and I think he lived in Nicaragua for awhile while Chaney was building a National Guard with guerrilla tactics, I once read. He knew how important it was to the 'war effort' to get in close with the enemies through the locals and gain their trust. 'Just Cause' its easier to destroy them that way. People don't understand blatant betrayal and denial. Its very confusing when the victim is in shock, and they are stealing and continuously torturing and humiliating. But, I think they made Mr. Hughes sick, covertly. Jack Reel, maybe. The book talked about the other people in Mr. Hughes circle didn't like or trust him, Mr. Reel. But, I think they stole his medication and created unnecessary suffering which is anything when you're sick. I read he had AIDS like symptoms back in the early and mid 1970s, I guess. They also pretended to be him with me which I had never even met. I didn't know anything about him at all until January of this year. As far as I have always known, I'm not related. I'll come back to lifetime of torture later. Did Chaney to time for embezzlement by any chance, I started wondering?

I think I'll go for a drive and think some. So so sorry about the bad day yesterday - it was less painful that usual for some reason. That's like mind conversion, adaptation. But, its bad crap I don't want to adapt to. I want to have a fair non military non internet trial with an appropriate criminal charge and the freedom from religious persecution. I'm not with the father and son team Saudis, just in case. Its all too far fetched for an ignorant mentally tortured clueless homosexual. NOT MILITARY. Cause then you'll say like Dr Ahmad did when you guys set up that new psych appointment. He was yelling at me saying its my own fault for not being in a closet with my sexuality. Harassment is what I should expect he said. And, you had AA boot me from the group because of my bipolar meds. What does valproic acid do?

I'm going to go take a ride and think some. Emerson electric warfare, I think. Free Burma and the Philippines and maybe Egypt, too. Surely many more with Chaney membership of Arab Emirites Club, the head Dick. just guessing but look what the Nazi did to Latin America? OK City jail, by any chance? man i'm an ass for all these accusations but at least they are dots yjey already have and i didn't make up any fake ones.

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