Sunday, May 24, 2009

i just hate ya,,, thats as patriotic as it gets most days,,

they've got movies out about this nazi shitt,, the butterfly effect about raising a child on hate or something and how he grows up to be violent and psychotic. there are probably other real names for the diagnosable condition but these nazis wanted to keep the opposite-day signature torture dot that you must be tortured to connect or some stupid bad hate thing. then the book 1984 by george orwell about raising a society on hate,, rage as economic currency or something less dehumanizing than a nazi lab torture circus,, thats my mom, u shitbags,, stick ur infected outer space up ur ass,, are you throwing nuclear waste out there and tagging russia with it. just like you tagged russia with communist advancement all around the middle east so that u can fight them damn reds or whatever,, like nixon and reagan talked about,, and from Cuba too, i read that nazi east germany was alive and kicking, and representing right down in cuba near Guantanamo bay,, That's a navy base and Bush Sr. started spying in the navy in the late 1940's with satellite reconnaissance, maybe. I heard he was in miami working with some kind of cuban america empowerment club or something when oswald had a scuffle with some cubans in new orleans, maybe. Something significant enough to be recorded in legal records just before the kennedy assassination. I guess Bush was CIA or Navy nazi or something at that time. I don't know what that means though. Oh incriminating him with some cubans that were photographed on the grassy knoll, maybe? I'm just guessing, I've not seen a photo.

Man am i sorry to be so mentally trashed. I know its the cerebellum too, they are frying because that part of the brain may control fine touch type motor movements and as it develops in a baby the toddler learns to walk and not fall backwards. but the reasoning part of the brain is the frontal lobe which is burnt up a little too, maybe. the anterior commissar is a band of axons or connection between to halves of that brain that i once read was bigger in gay males if that's important. i just cant fuckin figure out why the fuck u people are torturing me and my family?

this is bullcrap enhanced interrogation bullcrap ain't really all that fuzzy,, didn't the nazis set me up with john that tried to infect me with hiv. same name as the led zepplin drummer [11.25.70]. john green, that became the editor to slam magazine, a local st. louis gay magazine. so much of this dots with hiv in nazi labs somewhere, i'm sure. oh man im too sick for this stupid shit nazi crap,,

oh yeah, how are you getting steroids inside me or are you? is it transmission by insects and bugs like a housefly? what the fuckk who cares? i just keep going over the same complete bullshit - like reliving the fun kodak moments trying to figure out whats going on in alice's tortured world of mystery,, what works? the suicide bomber wanting fuckin death, begging for it, shitbags? well, all ur practice has apparently got u a fuckin nazi prize,, i am not the french blood line of the holy grail that Mr Chaney is responsible for as head fuckbag master in the shitheads of the round table especially for the torture bullcrap,, and virgin,, and the wide open defenseless exploitation of tortured mind, heart, soul. And, all the disgusting shitbags emotions and fuckin total humiliation or attempt for anything sexuality related,, pathetic shitbags,, aids nazis i bet? you can create. to be abused by the masses bhut not the nazi ones pretending to be church.

this is all bullcrap really,, true as far as i knowq but i don't think it matters,, got other fuckiin nazis to fight on the other side of the house,, so good luck, and that trash fuckiin wish i would never fuckin say to someone i'm getting ready to torture,, id fuckin killu fuckin shitbags,,, fucku for shitting in my pants too trash,,

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