Wednesday, May 20, 2009

actually im irrate about this,,

and i am the biggest horndog, too. All the bad shitt is pure 'Rover' add-in hate, i'd assume. I assure you i don't know any of them shitbags and i certainly reject any introductions at this time. Fucku, people avoided me like the plague or some crap mentioned to me like that which just fuels the paranoia, which the trash knows to be true anyway. fuckin idiot neighbors heckling or yodeling to the birds,,

[fucku buzz trash, just fucku and fuckin die - apparently I'm a bird - buzz - west nile killed all the bluebirds which is the name of a civil harassment project of the CIAs, i think. trash nazis, its all lies anyway]

They really do harass my mind like the trash nazis they are. This is still unacceptable, i've been getting the shock nonstop of the 'shock and awe' military defense tactic, which as we see is a complete opposite day gimmick that the shitbags think is okay language for everyday use, all the time, including civilians. [Abberation is not in my dictionary.] I want to first assure you that I am not military, but doesn't 'shock and awe' seem more like an offensive tactic and doesn't the complete annihilation of the target render the presumed enemy defenseless? Fucku, nasty shitbags. You robbed me too, huh? But I have to figure it out while fighting your invisible nasty presence and relentless persecution while i lead you to something else, maybe. They make it seem like a treasure that i don't know anything about which is still war crime-ish from the EC torture, earlier and continued secrecy. get rid of the nazis, first.

They stole the remote control to my television - big hint? for what? its not for me, im not fuckin sherlock, dumbfuck. in fact, my path is completely cluttered with sabotage. The 'legs' are too that branch off. What does all this crap cover-up or divert our attention? See, this is just fucvkin insane.

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