Sunday, May 17, 2009

are cheney and rover so nastiest related, i wonder,,

To Whom It May Concern:
Somehow I have been wrapped into a mess from which I can not figure of how to get out. At first in 2003, I was harassed by friends, school acquaintances, and neighbors which eventually included the Saint Ann Police Department (63074) and the KKK. I was academically dismissed, that I'm going to go ahead and blame Dr. Huber from Logan College of Chiropractic. I was blackmailed by my so called friends that if I report the harassment and hate crimes, they will arrest me instead for distributing marijuana that apparently came from the CIA through a guy named Biggie Jim at 314.498.0400. In addition to flunking me from four schools, they manipulated my medical and legal records and resources, tried to infect me with HIV through John Bonham [dob11.25.70] and John Green, who then became the editor of Slam, a St. Louis alternative magazine. They have humiliated me with sexual deprivation and relentless gay bashing. They even rewrote anti-discrimination laws limiting protection for the so-called character weaknesses that they have, in fact, created to target. What have we always heard is the best way to treat Bipolar, aka Manic Depression [opposite-day signature], disorder? Lots of medicine. In a documentary, AIDS, Inc. (2007) that I was only permitted to watch halfway, stated the doctor’s opinions of other countries concluded that AZT was toxic and killing people. This is another thing that makes me above top-level security, the so-called schooling of bullcrap secrets that can’t be prosecuted for security reasons apparently of me. Tenet says I’m a red cell, the jerk. That’s apparently anyone that's blacklisted, which must include everyone, one way or another. I bet 'Star Wars' is all propaganda, an ongoing PR and media blitz of crap. So a nation full of terrorist cells (secretly blacklisted) undoubtedly censors the media and let me tell you, they sure hate us for it. Don't let Nancy Grace's consoling demeanor fool you, she's a killer and hates liars, like Judge Judy does too, I wonder. [dat ok pat?] Tell Farrah please, that they tell me, Green Tea is the cure for cancer. Remember the ‘slam dunk‘? It was some CIA data manipulated lie to permit the attack of Iraq, aka, Operation: Iraqi Liberation. The all important "Slam Dunk" merely gave the Bush Administration inaccurate permission [tenet to cheney] for illegal justification to restrain us, our media and our privacy, under the cover of national security bulwark with their other murders and crimes. I think Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, all rejected ticking time-bomb evidence from both the FBI and the CIA about the 911 attack. I’m wondering, if they did, in fact, help plan it, they probably wouldn't be interested in that particular ticking time-bomb or the rumored confessions on the lost torture tape.

Okay, back to me. I’m mentally disabled from the unwitting lifetime of manipulation and sabotage because me and my entire family may actually be targets of the Federal Government. Property damage or destruction of property has been limited, as far as I know, but access to both my home and car seemed to be at the perpatrator's disposal. There has been much damage done to me, and as I can finally see to my entire family that I was never intended to even know about. I really don’t think I was supposed to be alive and kicking because these guys are kind of Nazi-ish. They say its my fault, hell, that anything and everything is my fault but I don’t even know these people and have no idea what they are talking about or to whom. But, apparently they are or have been conducting an illegal, non-permissible experiment, that has completely failed. My mother is a Hughes, and any connection to Howard Hughes, if there was one, was removed with her grandfather, Lester Hughes. My poor mother has suffered her entire life with the apparent symptoms of undiagnosed major depression but after recent revelations, I believe she was the victim of a secret lobotomy. Her father, a Hughes, and her mother, a Johnson, were already targets. Her mother, my grandmother, married a McDonnel Douglas employee named Mills that was a target as well. He suffers with legal blindness from the Macular Degeneration as well as renal [kidney] failure which requires blood cleaning with a dialysis machine lasting about three hours. He must get this treatment at least three times a week. After interviewing him and some further analysis, I deducted that the blood pressure medicine caused these Diabetes type-II symptoms.

So anyway, I just learned about the Bush Administration’s secret security level, SAP. ‘Secret access protection’ is apparently more secure and strict than even top-secret classification. Brittany Spears was or is apparently under this security level, recognizable by signature signs of sabotage and mental torture. In the book, A Question of Torture by Alfred W. McCoy, the author reminds us of the specific laws fraudulently enacted by an illegally declared fraudulent war as retribution to someone we later find out is an ally of the administration, the Saudis. Are we all brainwashed? Yes, ask Michael Moore. I just caught a glimpse of President Obama at the Norte Dame graduation. Congratulations, but that better not be anything for me that I again get to completely disregard while I type these Nazi memos. I have no connection with The White House and President Obama has nothing to do with me. They have tried to convince me both ways, but I would like to be removed from invisible torture, right away, please. Its not a game or going to kill anyone to release the SAP on me and the firemen to develop a truth committee maybe. My family needs immediate truth and release.

So, the CIA, which is run by the Bushes, and the Saudi Arabia Intelligence, run by the Cheneys perhaps, via The Safari Club, were the teachers of Osama bin Laden, I read. I think Rumsfeld and the CIA Director George Tenet made me a top-level al Qaeda operative, referred to as Usama maybe in his book, My Years at the CIA: The Center of the Storm. Is he real or an actor? You have to pardon my brainwashed “Alice in Wonderland” perceptions of reality for which the CIA is most proud. I had finally emailed House Speaker Mrs. Pelosi as a last resort and mentioned some of the mental turmoil and distress caused by this fuzzy [bullcrap] legality pleading for protection and have only realized since then that my entire family are actually targets and are being controlled in ways unapparent to the naked, including electricity and secret sabotage - enhanced interrogation techniques. I just learned about the possible brain frying [psychosurgery] that may be happening to us which I never shared with the House Speaker or anyone really since I can't prove anything. I did go to the church/school near my house to ask for support but was rejected again after I told them the CIA want me to recognize them as God. Some freedom of religion, shitbags. Apparently, our nation’s warrior heroes of the New York Fire Department are in this same untouchable security level and have also been sworn or coerced to secrecy but about the continuous explosions of strategically placed demolition bombs after the planes hit the towers. You know, those poor guys got harassed and bullied by the police while trying to save lives. Their every step sabotaged, I bet, by Guilliani's orders.

I will post this on a blog that doesn’t really have lies or secrets, just some account of this torturous experience that is not volunteered participation or asinine fake marriage or religion. I've never had a charge or a trial, since they tagged me as a terrorist. I have no spiritual beliefs right now since they apparently read my mind and coerce my thoughts. Total trash sabotage.

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