Tuesday, May 19, 2009

the nasty lying thieves,,,

Anything and everything they say about me is either untrue, falsified, and surely stolen by now. Or maybe not, but without a fair trial, we will never know. i just hate you mother fuckers, and i hate the fact that is all i have become. god i just hate u fuckers,, i just can't fuckin stand such complete nasty scum trash like Rover and Chaney controlling my mind. Do u think i'm lying all the time? fuckers, i hate u so much. It would be easier to go back to pump and dump that your nazi books mentioned earlier, huh? Plus, if you see me on TV, its illegal and torture spying, that I'm not exactly sure how they do it. They mentioned the television remote control alot and stolen a couple times, once by John Bonham but I don't really know what that means. They are stupid fuckbag liars. You cant give the tortured prisoners a trial, huh? Why cant you set them free, shitbags? I mean, especially the innocent ones you've only told lies about, ya shitbags. I just hate my mind,,, fucku,,

America, the beautiful, sorry for all the cusses but they are torturing me, especially with lies and sabotage and no chance of being heard or a fair trial. I would do anything* for the land of liberty and freedom but they already labeled me Usama and tortured me as a terrorist or more accurately a suicide bomber that wants only the peace of own death as opposed to more sabotaged bullshit lies. I would never hurt anyone, especially the innocent. I'm not a cop, military intelligence, sherlock holmes, or james bond and never agreed to such an asinine torturous situation.
*anything except help the shitbag thieves.

Look at how things are, they don't seem that fuzzy, really. They seem like obvious lies Cheny and Rover are trying to cover up. Go back to what's black and white and none of the arguments stand up. Bush rejected the 911 ticking bomb and annihilated Iraq even with disapproval of Congress and the United Nations. The video "Shock and Awe" showed the known location of Saddam at Camp Dora just one or two nights before the attack on the innocent. They destroyed Iraq's military, infrastructure, and Saddam's Baathists [whatever they are]. The video "No End in Sight" shows that Iraqi civilians don't have adequate drinking water, housing, medical care, or a justice system for numerous jailed terrorist suspects, and I think Bush and Cheney emptied the banks and oil fields.

That reminds me of how they might be stealing oil today. They drill huge underground tunnels like Halliburton might have done for Japan that's listed in the "Guinness Book of World Records", apparently for flood drainage. I think the land in Shanghai is sinking or something.

Jimmy, a bartender at Ozzie's at Westport in St. Louis was apparently involved. They told me his last name was Madness when I asked if his last name was Cooper a couple weeks ago. many nazi tactics of these fuckers was under the guise of a Jimmy something or other which I now realize only means they jimmied my life. Loss of short-term memory is very much a tortured symptom, huh shithead Rover?

Oh yeah, i forgot,,, I usually forget everything but its from the illegal electricity shock and the hypnotic instant rage i think as opposed to the possible rat poisoned weed they get me to smoke. huh fuckers, "Buy a bag!" huh.

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