Thursday, May 21, 2009

sorry to always be such a jerk but shiteaters got control,,

i dont give a fuckk about the nazi drug dealer nexrdoor that i hated to know,, keith mccullem that just moved out - sold me weed once. i never talked to the guy after he messed with my medicine and maybe some dead animals in my yard. they were more the nasty rat types than me,, he said he just got out of the army or some shit,, he somehow was fuckin with me on nights before an exam or something conspicuous again. He pranked my cell phone once saying, "This is the government and you can suck us off",, they, someone in the nasty inner-circle bush apparently surrounded me with, would ping air pellets off my windows at all different hours of the night. making me stay awake and do some work or someshit and to harass too,, i dont give a fuckk about any of u nazis,, this is just fuckin stupid as hell,,, fuckin dogshit mother fuckers,, my dad said he permitted the nextdoor neighbor [my real dad (fucku idiots) apparently didnt know or care if he sold drugs] put his completely different looking trash can out with ours because the neighbor didnt want to pay the $13 fee. I never saw the guy put his trash out there, but i do remember very recently seeing the oddly paired cans side by side. I do in fact remember his can in front of his own house pretty regularly and normal when I lived here without my parents. He used to let his trash pile up outside in his driveway like a complete loser,, maybe because it was close to my bedroom windows, where i was coerced with mental torture to stay most of the day everyday. I'm just in a different room now with a different set of secret nazis. I want to move to the basement because of the overwelming distractions that plague me with paranoia every minute. They know they can very easily get me to contemplate suicide living in the basement but I say the shitbag has to do the killing, of the illegal mentally tortured prisoner. Stupid shitbag. And, took away my ability to recover, anyway, huh. Oh man, all this mess was just to say that my neighbor Keith used my trash service without my permission.

There are laws of eminant domain that they can seize someone's home, and perhaps make it into a secret lab or remote control shock treatment facility, i wonder. I dont remember the stipulations of a law for which I got a meager amount of signatures in KC while trying to get riverboat gambling on the ballot. It was a horrible experience for some reason mentally, but I don't exactly remember why. The wording of the Eminent Domain Law was mixed in with airport expansion gibberish but I do think it was related to drug dealing also. That's the best setup those nasty shitbag fuckers have. nazi trash. fucku people sneaking in that public fuckin torture. FUCKU. under the cover of law. you are as bad as the last nazi trash admin. and you cant give me a trial because you set me up to commit a crime for which you get to torture or some nazi punchline like that.


i'm a piece of shitt world, i wish like hell i could help you out but its really unreasonable to do miracle stuff like the pentagon apparently promised or whatever. I'd like to buy the world a coke, but you don't want my nasty ass sitting around and they would convict me for bribery, anyway. or death for masterbation. as if, huh nasty shitbags,,
This reminds me of the stupid mcdonalds bag of trash that kept appearing in front of my house that I refused to touch since it looked like an entrapment ploy. What shitheads these planners had to be. I saw it conspicuously placed in my driveway at the street on two different occasions. The first time I saw it I kicked it out in the street. It just looked incriminating and I had a hunch they may have been coercing me to pick it up for money, maybe. So, I didn't touch it. I guess the trash man took it away the second time but I honestly don't remember.

Another thing about McDonalds and legislation for frivolous lawsuits somehow takes recoverable damages away from me. [buzz buzz] Go to hell, trash pro writers - nazis. Who owns McDonalds? do i have any banks? for god sakes, somebody shoot these nazibags. fuckin trash,,
I'm not talking to any judges of course, wouldnt that be entrapment anyway? shitbag pro writer. i just hate you. why do i get the assumption that stephen king and vp cheney are the same or teamed or something like that? I also get the assumption he is some royalty in a country that he has annihilated, for some strange nasty reason.

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