Tuesday, May 5, 2009

electric seeds

A Question of Torture
By Alfred W. McCoy

At the end of page 65 the author mentions experiments at Bien Hoa Hospital in 1968 as part of the CIA mental torture program in Vietnam. A CIA crew with a skilled neurosurgeon that in one journalist’s account, “implanted tiny electrodes in each brain” of three Vietcong prisoners. The CIA behaviorists used “radio frequencies … to cause their subjects suddenly to defecate or vomit.” Then, after placing the captives in a room and giving them knives, the CIA men, “pressing the control buttons in their handsets … tried to arouse their subjects to violence.” After a week of repeated failure [sic] , the scientists headed home, while “the prisoners were shot by Green Beret troopers and their bodies burned.” (1)

(1)Thomas, Journey Into Madness, 286-7; Alexander Cockburn and Jeffery St. Clair, Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press (New York: Verso 1998), 210.
The above mentioned, electric seeds, would allow them to cause acid reflux as well, would it not? And I guess they can be accumulated by the nose since the Olfactory, sense of smell, neurons delivery sensations directly to our brain. That is why it is not considered peripheral nervous system. And, they are lying, I did NOT volunteer to do anything, especially to be mentally tortured. As far as I know, I'm no better off than when they first flunked me out of school in 2003. Then they flunked me from three more schools. They have complete control.

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