Tuesday, May 5, 2009

some notes from feb of this year plus comments today,,

May 5, 2009, 12:18 PM
Here’s something I started back in February and I still don’t know why I’m doing this. You make like its hard to stop a moving train which is funny because I’m not even close to that. Every time I drop my guard, the hate comes tumbling down even worse and deeper than when it was regretfully given-up. By design, I guess, I don’t know how or why they do it. I read about some electronic crap they implant in nervous tissue, ie. Brain, in A Question of Torture by Alfred W. McCoy. Why would you permit this? And, pretend to me that everything is okay or normal and that the problem is obvious? Or, that I enjoy this? You know enough about me and my history to know its wrong but you don‘t want to accept blame - so I stay tortured. I can’t hardly type the crap out. You say, “come on, its easy,” but why easy for an enemy target that you have just tortured as a terrorist. As if, we’d even know one if George W. Bush himself, came up and bit us in the ass? This stuff is their work, that I’m doing. Its propaganda, spreading their word - if you will. Desensitization by exposure. If we make this okay or pass off as reality television or as entertainment, what next? Do we get to see a beating or real physical torture from the Charter cable TV box spy cam? Is this the new innovative way to detain or hold prisoners? Well, I’m not a prisoner but I’m mentally ill from the psychological torture that no one can acknowledge. I know they know better, and they act like I do to: that its part of a script I don’t really have. I would just say that as easy explanation for the ridiculous behavior they elicited from me. I don’t know who they really is, since its so anonymous. The TV told me it was karl but why would I believe them. The following switches back and forth from old to new typed complaints which they also control but shutting my laptop down. I didn‘t allow that or volunteer for anything.
Its Not The Memo.
February 22, 2009, 3:05 PM
Okay, I think I’m finally starting to ‘get it’. If I was going to write a memo to the former President, it would be something like a foreign language that I’ve never even spoke before - as the sirens race around my block. Just kidding. But really, it would be about school, huh? “Jane, stop this crazy thing” - the famous line from the Jetson’s cartoon. Were you, Mr. former President, that online instructor Richard Busch at Kaplan College by any chance? We had a brief chat about Patty Hearst when I asked if she was really brainwashed when committing the bank robbery and you said, “Oh yes, poor, poor Patty, she was really brainwashed.“ I was surprised by the confident reply and I don’t remember anything important after that. Needless to say I flunked the class and eventually from the specially designed Criminal Justice program that was offered to me. Your school sucked. You must’ve gotten confused and thought we were at one of your dad’s terrorist schools in Latin America or Iran. History mentions your dad and the Shah as cozy. The media prematurely labeled me a suicide bomber, even spoken by the then President Elect. Tim Russert interviewed President Obama saying that “the Iraq War was the fault of a suicide-bomber” as recorded in a book by Arianna Huffington, who we happen to like. I didn’t think much about it but the next day Mr. Russert was dead. I felt terrible after a day or two when I realized they really were making me into a suicide-bomber and that poor Tim guy. The government still calls me names but it’s the biologic and electronic surveillance that‘s the closer in my opinion. I’m going to describe a couple of “Busch” dots that may prove to be delusion but here they are anyway. A paper I did in college before commencing this ‘Operation: Student Troubles’ began was a stock report on Anheuser Busch, Inc. AB was chosen after I compared it with Miller Lite and finding they both looked alike, with sports teams and tobacco companies [looked like twin corporations], my professor and academic advisor, Mr. Haliday, suggested Busch. Phillip Morris may have branched off to became an Athena company since that paper, maybe. This very house that I live in now, forever really, had an alderman named Busch and another was a Busch derivative [eg. Buschxxx, Bushman, etc] in the 1950’s and was even the same place my father lived when he was a kid at that time.
My dad’s side of the family is not Hughes, but my dad’s dad, my grandfather, George, was the President of the Retired Aerospace something or other after working for McDonnell Douglas. Okay, so that made him some kind of target of the government. As if that has any justification to continue torturing an innocent person that’s magically magnetized to the same property. This is completely disgusting - that I’m killing myself for no apparent reason. Cause I somehow feel I deserve it. How skillful and I’m supposed to prevail? I don’t think so. There’s war crimes in there. Probably not but they make threaten with that all the time, like hearing voices. Making me torture myself or feeling as if so. Like everyone trying to help me but not really permitted anyway - or so the new written law says now, huh?. Plus, all of your trash PR work. Do you call that ‘dirty PR’? That’s also known as propaganda, huh? So anyway, my grandma, a Johnson that married a Hughes, worked for McDonnell Douglas but in the cafeteria. This was many years after she divorced Hughes who was discharged from the military for being mentally incompetent. He’s the same one that had his eye shot out and drinks too much. I wonder why? You can’t think that labeling someone a target gives permission to be tortured without them even knowing.

So anyway, the Common Sense Law, enacted by the Republican House of Representatives, that limits the amount of monetary liability ’fat-cats’ have to pay for civil and human rights violations, is definitely a clue. Clues are apparently school and always have multiple interpretations, at least, or none. This could be a clue about a secret ‘storm’ that is brewing, or two, the Common Sense Law could be an attack on our intelligence. The CIA was renamed to George W. Bush Intelligence Agency, I read somewhere. War of the words, huh? What about the manipulation of a secret target’s nervous system? So anyway, the CIA have referred to that “Alice in Wonderland” cartoon and have yet to show it to me for clues. I don’t know what clues may be meaningful other than the giant mushrooms taste like snozzberries. These so called clues gained popularity first as riddles, which is in itself a clue. But, who really cares? They’re Republicans and common sense tells us they may not have my best interests at heart, no matter what they say - guilty by association. I know its appalling isn’t it. Everywhere else in the world, Republic tends to insinuate fascism, synonymous with Nazism, and I guess Marxism as well but I don’t remember the specifics from Philosophy 101. Oh, its serious Nazi propaganda and I have to pass on some secret message to anyone that will listen after I just verbally chopped ‘em up. Plus the Nazis see what I see and I bet that‘s against the Geneva Code. Is that the reason for which I flunked out of school?

This is getting messy but establishes some foundation for questions that can wait no longer. Some of you are poets from the secret society Skulls and Bones, and others from the World War II Department of Defense animation unit. Some of the obvious, common sense questions might ask about the residential water supply of Anytown, USA, and why did you outlaw bottled water. Why are laws being created against such bogus crimes as baggy shorts or the use of profanity and smoking in bars? Did you create some religions or alter them at your secret club? There was some Cosmicology type of religion with the blond twin girls as the ‘poster child’ for some supposed hate group. What about the Jesus bloodline from France? Did Madonna call and sing me Happy Birthday? I missed Family Guy that night or whatever. I want this over as much as everyone else but layer after layer of hypnosis has hidden the mental and biological torture that I am incapable of expressing. I’m really sorry to take so long for so little.

Odd notes of complaints 2.22.09:
on their way to outer space to play ‘Star Wars’.
The ‘game’ reality was a simple, easy explanation for madness and the ‘win or loss’ of bets.
Sabotage everywhere.
Usually have to choose least damaging path.
Some school that was.
That was Kaplan College, a company of “The Washington Post” which gained Tax Exempt status of the Unitarian Church which was a cult lead by a Japanese man that conducted anthrax aerosol tests like the CIA operative, Olson.
He committed suicide by jumping through a hotel window, foul-play suspected, his wife’s name was Alice, and she was a whore.
Odd notes 5.5.09
Or maybe that was Oswald’s wife?
Christopher Hodapp 32* Past Master, Knight Templar is the author of Freemasons for Dummies. [not read] He also has a wife named Alice that he dedicates to her as being a “writer in her own right.”
That’s just nasty.
I don’t want to go to the hospital or be coerced to type more crap that only incriminates myself or very likely becomes inadmissible evidence lifted from a sci-fi novel. But let history note, and hold true, that due to Nazi propaganda, some factual information is labeled as fictitious. Truth is stranger than fiction is their argument but it can’t hold up in a court of law if I don’t know the truth. Or, that there is no truth to know, its all bs like I said a long time ago. Well, that’s not gonna fly either then, huh?
If anything is related to karl rove its vehemently rejected or prosecutable, including the number 69 and anything gay-friendly about that thing. He’s too nasty and unattractive to be accepted, period. We’d throw his nasty ass back in. I think he wants to blackmail me for some picture of something but I told whatever pretending to be him that I am never interested but only want death. I don’t know what he mumbled about - I acknowledge nothing from that complete imbecile. Plus, the piece of crap was mouthing something about my zero chance for success of my nonexistent desire to be president - just the normal common everyday threats.

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