Friday, May 1, 2009

thanks angels!

They are 'coming to take me away'? That's cute, kind of Hollywoodish, perhaps? So they have my vision on DVD? LOL. Thanks! So what about my nurse? She discharged me, weeks ago and since then, the team of Mr. Cooper and Mr. Warner couldn't rescue me. How funny. The whole pink and spy themes. I don't like the 1984 hate thing that overwhelmed my emotions to be a hateful screamer. How 'gay' or not is that. Its all Bush saboteurs, I'm assuming. See, they are still doing crap to me to make me forget. Lobotomy type stuff that isn't apparent to the naked eye. So what, they are not cuss words. My neighborhood seemed to brighten up or something when I typed about the lobotomy. You know, I used to type [buzz buzz] as code or something. See, I'm not the dumb one. LOL. Its you guys that aren't allowed direct communication because i'm a flamer. LOL. So what, its better than a killer, you bad bad terrorists. God bless you all! The Jews first of course, like the Bible tells us so. Hey, now look, they ain't all that. The ones I know are good people. Even the ones I only know a little are good, but why can't I get that Jewish blessing? I probably stay with the meek ADDers to inherit the Earth. So get off our land. Not the Jews, they are okay, but anything Bush related should probably go. Doing us like the Native Americans, I see. That still 'boggles' my mind, the different points of view. Apparently, not a legal Judge in sight. You have been wanting me to type boggle awhile. Its the double g huh. Thanks, that's nice. They are nuts.

So anyway, Lucy really refers to something different I think, as displayed in my behavior. They were implying the once glamorous Lucille Ball, became a comedic slave to Cuban Communism. Turner Movie Classics played a movie with Lucy and Ricky the night the Emmy Awards were on so I missed them. Diversion is more than half their torture game. So there's this nuero disorder mentioned in my old textbook but with the exact opposite symtoms of my behavior. So what does that mean?

I guess there are a couple different lobotomies including the frefrontal and the limbic lobes. The term lobotomy means the purposeful removal or destruction of brain tissue. The prefrontal lobotomy is the area right behind our forheads and is responsible for our judgement, concentration, initiative, and problem solving which all seem to be impaired in my particular situation. Stop reading my mind. I can't even lie if I wanted to. The other lobotomy in the Limbic system which seems to be related to our emotions and digestive tracts, including bowel movements and . I thought they were sneaking laxatives into my drinks but they are able to control my bowel movements through my Limbic brain lobe, anyway.

Basic Clinical Neuroanatomy by Young and Young mentions The Kluver-Bucy syndrome in chapter 16, The Limbic System. The syndrome is characterized by disturbances seen experimentally and clinically after bilateral [one-sided] removal of the temporal lobes as far posteriorly [to the back] as the auditory areas. This is a part that is opposite saying there is an absence of emotional responses so that fear, rage, and aggression cease to exist. I never really had them before. Remember, I used to say I'm not the paranoid type? Mine are all man made bullcrap so that I really don't have that obvious symptom so that would make this syndrome irrelevant, really, which is a major pain. Another characteristic is a compulsion to be overly attentive to all sensory stimuli, which is a man-made symptom also, I think. By making me see everything in both broad and detailed aspects so that I might save my own life - well from the aids hitmen back then. They used to scare my for my life, sometimes, back then. I never asked for my parents to live with me though. That's just a killer, no matter how much I love them. The syndrome includes oral tendencies and hypersexuality. Ditto, man-made again. Visual agnosia or they say, psychic blindness, is another symptom they say in which objects are not recognized visually. The emotional things are related to the amygdaloid nucleus apparently.
I'll mention more about the Limbic system later, but eroded it may also the the patient neglectful, I think.

Alberto Gonzalos said that Judge Bybee's definition of torture was not valid, it was not accepted as guidelines but we all accepted anyway since that's all they were probably allowed to publish. In Alfred W. McCoy's book, A Question of Torture, the author quotes Mr. Gonzalos on page 165, saying the Bybee memo "had been withdrawn"; "it has been rejected"; "I categorically reject it"; and "that analysis has been rejected and I consider it rejected." On the same page, Senetor Kennedy is quoted as saying the definitions of what constitutes pain is lifted from the Medicaid guidelines, "federal statutes that define emergency medical conditions for... Medicaid."

So do we go back to the narrowing laws by President Reagan? Geneva is really the only way from here but I need help to contact me without mixed messages.

The book also mentions about the Red Cross denial of access to prisoners or something. The one up the street wouldn't even take my name and later I learned that President Bush runs that place as well. And, what about the law from President Bush Sr. that permitted welfare agencies to deny services to members they don't wish to service or something. It was the "1000 something act." That's conspiratorial. To make the guidelines to meet the heinous act of torture the same as the guidelines met by Medcaid [welfare agency] for pain. So that government could deny a tortured person help which makes us all a pathetic nation. Let's see, what else do we have going for us? That damn smell. I have to come back to that later.

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