Thursday, May 7, 2009

i wouldn't get any kind of vaccinations or flu shots right now,,

If a government agency is able to torture a citizen and cover it up with a tremendous amount of lies, we all become targets. I am not voluntarily participating in something, especially a medical experiment, that continues to incriminate and secretly restrain me with remote controlled sensors embedded in and destroying my cells. The big mock about me, by the military and law enforcement aka. a few good guys, is about cook or cooking. Reality TV is a huge dot and the best thing I can connect is Hell's Kitchen, but I just never really got into those shows much. i did fall in love with Nicole. What was her last name? Was her lawyer Hughes or Palmer or anything with initials. This is not Spy v. Spy, either. Get me laid, will ya? I'm in no condition to socialize really, much less piece together 'opposite day' revalations with bluffs that were only realized after all the essential reactants and catalysts come together within anare available within a on the right season or something like that. Where everywhere. And, they cheat like hell because they can see mt cards. I swear to The Lord most holy, and I plead you're Holiness that a real person that has been an experiment all his life, unknowingly - the grotesquely pathetic thought never crossed my mind. Not once. And, quite frankly nazi fags, you're not allowed to do that. How many fatal diseases have you inplanted to have a cure compliments of Big Pharma. My psych deoctors really aren't on my side. trust me, I'm not that sensative or paranoid - they've had to pound this crap. I try to blow them but they surge electricity to anything with a speaker, but probably most that don't.

Sorry for scattered note here, but the cook thing is also an author of my copy of the federalists papers that I haven't read but apparently underwhatever Yoo, in the Judicial Dept of the Executive Branch drafted many executive orders from or, you know it might have even been the Patriot Act but I forgot whatever it was, it got snuck or cheated into law of the land. OH THAT BIG BROTHER? I didn't really know what that meant for the longest time. A friend of mine John, the one that tried to infect me with HIV via oral transmission. A mouth 'free' of sores is a fairly low risk of infection and we talked about it, we shaqred that we were both negative. Anyway, he told me that, "Big brother is watching you." See the conspirators that drafted the Common Sense Act during the last Republican House Majority were already preparing to argue a limit fat cats can be sued for blatent human rights violations. F*uck You. It should never occured. You didn't do me a favor by providing a unwitting military experiment for my entire life. You always kick my ass. The former President and, uhh, what is it, his a gackle of nazis? [xcredit gg] Rove, Rummy, Cheney, ,,,,, just let me go free please can i get a ride or a carry or invite me to come lodgr your thicki in my pharynx and get some pracrice hours in. I can't wait. I'm so glad I ask the Lord for what I need. So that means, game turned to torture however accidental it may have been, or fun, whatever. Look, we all make mistake. But they are usually more like accidents, put you intent to cause grave harm to the recipient. Why else hide the truth. OH, YOU FUCKERS THAT OLD MAN SMALL IS FRIED COOKED BRAIN ISN'T IT.

What country is this. Its all trash. What do you expect from an Administration that has proved effective as a natural disaster warfare cadet. That was a goal of the single room, near vacant Homeland Security are doing what they do with our best interest in mind. But, see the whole natural disaster thing is too shameful to blame another sensible human being. So what is the big deal with heroid. I bet Rover dog is a junkie. The twisted hate for what? They were supposed to kill me or I wasn't to find out this much, or back to square one again, its merely desensatizing a nation for a dictatorship. Bush still owns the CIA and probably everyone's DNA. Don't we want to knopw what they are doing to us. What was thjat screen name of that but I didn't look yet.

Now I get the steroids dot. You are worse or more than total asses. I want my castle back immediately. I measn years ago. I can't believe I'm able to type right now. I'm thinking if I scream "FUCK YOU" just a couple more times, they will in fact, combust my head for real next time. They control my behavior by both electric radio waves and hypnosis, I swear. [i was just bluffing that builing rage but I never do it really. Even if its a slow rant to start, the intensity builds quickly which may be an occurance of their surges. They surge my brain sometimes, and read it too. I forget the point. The mind reading and vision is torture cause you know these gentlemen are nazis. I am a total puppet - Nazi.

[lol this is funny, i typed earlier. and yes i do need rescued - i'll be winging it since i didn't get to read the rescue because I am an idiot, right Mr. cheater. Lie, lie, lie. Nazis exactly and thjedy are behind al qaeda and the taliban and the palewtinians, playing both sides of a war like you do? Shoot them. Shoot them. and * do need hospital but the CIA medcine tampering has me paranpoid of medicine since im a target and all. What about that nail fungus pill? Have there been many problems?
But I should share a big secret with you all. I'm really a girl and this is a movie. I'm so sorry. Oliver Stone is my dad. oh thats it,, lol,, i do need rescued and they are completely lying. to the lions please,, do you still have that here? that lil sentence, secret or two, is only play not true. I'm not a chick with cooties. lol. so what nazi, a joke - go suck someone else's blood you serial killer.

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