Friday, May 8, 2009

from friday morning,,

9am - 5.08.09
So anyway, it might be 'U'ranium, specifically, the enhanced or alternative Yellowcake version, that may, in fact, be a cure for cancer or AIDS. Sir Alfred Hitchcock mentioned, maybe in the interview series called Telescope, that an isotope [an element with different negative charge values or electrons than its more stable version listed on the periodic table of elements], Uranium 238 maybe, is actually Diamonds he said, maybe. But, we all know he is Psycho.

THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD, LEADS .......................

Miss America, that fell down and broke her crown, [because the 'wells' had run dry from the secret thieves and scumbag liars] - my bad, I will try that again.

Miss America really does deserve the crown, don't you think? That was a tough, almost unfair question, really. We were all, or most of us, raised that way. And dammit, that's too much private self-hate for an 11 year old child to overcome. That breaks my heart. Even former President George W. Bush was a gay-rights activist in college, I read. I can just picture him chain pole-smoking at Harvard. What an ass. Hey, its a invigorating smoke and all, well not nasty old Republicans, but without gay rights, humans become subjects for unethical tests, studies, exercises, or experiments. Who was that Republican working the airport bathrooms? Its not shameful to be attracted to the same gender, its normal. And me? LOL. I've passed out drunk in public bathrooms a few times. LOL. Even the ladies room once. Green Bay was playing New England for the World Series, LOL. LOL. Its not me, its all you guys. LOL.

So anyway, why does Karl and his nazis get an automatic 'open-end' for interpretations of their 'rules' that are already deceitful, by design. "Cianide is the only exit" Watch, the idiot is going to use the defense that he, himself, is gay and helping 'the cause'.their im subjects That nasty old bastard used to wink at me on TV when his CIA trained paramilitary forces where using unethical moral We'll come back to this point later, strategic poet trash. Scum, scum, pure nazi-type scum. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

[big boot offline - computer shutdown - inconsistant random hibernation mode]

so anyway, you're more than trash. its beyond the explanation value, since im always bugging ya. naa, not really, its too disgusting to analyze [u anal it scumbag of trash] for the value. well that's my perception. But the nazi says i'm hiding something as usual i'm sure. dude, you are the sickest person.
7pm 5.8.09
i'm tired. went to eat at happy hour. did u send two scumbags to act in a shaming way or something? u always send people to mess with me. you're an idiot,, like ur bartender jimmy madness. your entire game is trash, nazi funk.

Maybe miss america would change her mind if allowed to hear respectable sincire ,,,, ahhh fucku trash,, fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku fucku,,

yeah, i know im supposed to get mad because of the way i was nurtured to be a gay bottom for this public raping, humiliation, and stealing. fucku. the poet trash is not with me, or on my side. no one is allowed, huh, poet dogshit bag. do u do heroin, mr rove, cheney, busch, rumsfeld - you inner circle freaks. who was secretary of defense when a gay guy name doug was an american soldier in germany in the 1980s? you infected him with HIV. that's one of the reasons this is so bad and the comedy defense is NOT allowed, ever. and, who was that psych doctor that gave me all that trouble, Dr. Ahmed, and said its my own fault for being out of the closet. Well i'm hardly wrapped in a rainbow dress you nazi trash. Plus, dude no one hates anyone that much these days by preference or choice anyway. Your secret pretend hate is more damaging than u could possibly think. Its still secret, with the intention of harm. How in God's name do you get blessing to break all those laws, war crime fag. LOL. uhh, well duh its because im not a legal advisor or anything plus you left the place shitcovered. And, you're a thief. Oh wait, the Hughes leg was just a hoax, huh? But, you can make be gay huh, then lead thjem to suicide. So what, idiot, i've been bannewd from a lot better than this for the other half of my brain. That is it, isn't it fuckers? That old man smell is fried brain. Maybe cerebellum since my physical coordination has drasticly declined.

Give miss america a crown, maybe on Ellen's show. Don't ask her to change her family values, ask her how her mind could possibly be opened. NO, BRAINWASH TRASHBAG, WE DONT NEED YOUR HELP - you know who you are. LOL. luckily its not jimmy madness. LOL. did you actually eat out of the WH toilets, mr advisor?

goodnite and goodluck.
rove is a fag.
but not good enough.
hitler was too, dumbf*ck.

goodnite world. you got tons of trash pickers walking the streets, just to let you know. they also picking brains and dropping trash there too, endlessly. scumbag nonartists.

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