Friday, September 5, 2008

all men are created equal,,,

‘“All men are created equal, The Creator has given us certain inviolable Rights: the right to Life, the right to be Free, and the right to achieve Happiness. ‘These immortal words are taken from the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America in 1776. In a larger sense this means that ‘All the people on the Earth are born equal; all the people have the right to live, to be happy, to be free.”’

Alice, this doesn’t sound much like Wonderland, huh – we want ‘Doc Lap’ here.

That was how President Ho Chi Minh started his independence speech after the Japanese were defeated at Vietnam in WWII. Vietnam was a colony of French Indo-China since the 19th century, which also included Laos and Cambodia. During the war, the USA capitalists allied with Ho, the Soviet trained Communist leader for a brief period of time, and mutual need. As the war was ending, American policy for the region was undecided. The State Department wanted Indo-China returned to the French to restore the country’s power and self-confidence to be a strong postwar U.S. ally in a growing Soviet controlled Europe. .

Decisions about American action in Southeast Asia were made behind closed doors to gain close relations with the anti-French Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. His army was known as the Vietnamese Independence League or “Viet Minh”. The soldiers rescued shot down American pilots and provided essential intelligence about Japanese troop movements. The U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) sent a small unit to aid and advise the Viet Minh in guerrilla tactics. This was a wartime agency in charge of espionage and sabotage behind enemy lines. [is this my dad – looks like Matt]

OSS Officers included Major Archimedes Patti and Lieutenant Colonel Peter Dewey, to the North and South, respectively. In the French colonial capital of Saigon in the south, the British had already arrived and declared martial law. They released the French POWs and riots began between the Vietnamese and the French. British commander Major Douglas Gracey ordered the Japanese that hadn’t yet left to help control the crowd so they opened fire on the crowds. Dewey couldn’t believe the human atrocities and Gracey kicked him out of the country. Dewey contacted OSS headquarters then proceeded to the airport but met a road block of Viet Minh soldiers that killed him.

By 1949, the Communist of the North were trained with the guerrilla tactics of the OSS, but the French occupied South Vietnam were always too busy defending cities and rural strong points to assemble. Over the next few years the U.S. would provide $3 billion in aid, funding over 80% of the French’s war effort.

[Funny, we are on both sides of this war. It gets better, huh Saw III?]

The Vietnam War by Maurice Isserman, General Editor John Bowman: above
I think I mentioned these quotes in the past from Right is Wrong by Arianna Huffington: below

Page 82.

In May 2002 edition of Time, Cheney was quoted as saying, “the question was no longer if the US would attack Iraq… the only question was when.”

[Was this before or after you had ‘no-proof’ or rejection by the United Nations? The UK doesn’t count, since they are peppered with terrorist cells and CIA propaganda and cams everywhere.]

and “Rumsfeld has been so determined to find a rationale for an [Iraq] attack that on 10 separate occasions he asked the CIA to find evidence linking Iraq to the terror attacks of September 11.” The intelligence agency repeatedly came back empty handed.

In January 2002, former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neil let it be known that invading Iraq had been Bush’s goal before he had even learned where the Oral [sic] Office supply closet was, just 10 days after the president was inaugurated. “It was all about find a way to do it,” O’Neil said. “That was the tone of it. The President saying, ‘Go and find me a way to do this.’”

In March 2004, Richard Clark published Against All Enemies, painting a devastating portrait of an administration teeming with zealots for whom evidence was little more than an obstacle on the path to greater glory: “Look,” Clark quoted Bush one day after 9/11, “I know you have a lot to do and all, but I want you, as soon as you can, to go back over everything, everything. See if Saddam did this. See if he’s linked in anyway.” “But, Mr. President, al Qaeda did this.” “I know, I know – but see if Saddam was involved. Just look…”

[you know, the frequently imitated language of mine by Mr. President, leads me to believe that the scumbag as imitated me everywhere. He does me really good and its hardly the kind of flattery that imitation might bring. I’ve have been cheated out of my life, money, happiness, soul, dignity, and heart but I can’t defend myself even though there is no proof that I am guilty of anything. Just kill me, trash dude.]
Shit for brains, did you call my vet and tell him not to give me a script of antibiotics for the dog you poison? You knew all about the phone call to the Human Society earlier today and that fact that I could only get the meds from a vet after he sees the animal and they would deny an order from without seeing the animal. So I took the dog in and the shitsucking vet wasn’t going to give me a script. I had to practically jump up and down to get what I even went there for. Plus, barfbag, I had to get a ride since you broke my car down again. You have poured crap in my gas tank a few times to make sure I wouldn’t be driving myself someplace important, at least 4 times. Remember that one time I took the car in for service and had about 8 gallons too much oil. Remember you sliced a tire once and every garden hose I’ve ever owned, also. I told you I can’t do this fuckhead. You are complete sabotage and relentless hate, and laugh about it saying, “I provide oral to the entire Senate, they won’t do anything.” Dude I’m not trying to do anything to you, its your trash troopers or you, cowboy monkey bonehead, telling me to post this crap. Its total friggin bull crap dude, just like any crime you have against me. You’re a total complete liar. See, you proved it. What do you tell people so that they will bang my head around? How its for my own good? Testing me for a job? Well e, since you or yours have been banging my head around so long with fuckin hate, I’m a disabled mental patient idiot, I can’t work. Duh. So its not a test for employment, trash. What’s the experiment, scumdude. You know you keep me busy reading total irrelevant crap so that I can never even attempt to find the truth, which is always hidden from me anyway. Yes it is, dumbfuck. Take those laws off me dude, I bet I find out then. Well, I would hope. I am a pretty nasty person though, so maybe your wookies can hate me even without the laws. I was never this bad of a person, in fact, I was a decent person. And, who even knows about the gay thing if you are gonna use that pitiful excuse to keep me tortured like a terrorist. What about disabled then, pussy? You scumbags have been playing me like a puppet, maybe all my life, as mental experiment. Who knows, you and Rove are idiots. Dude, you scumbags, are the terrorists. Look at what you are doing to me - total sabotage and mental, technical, economic, and social destruction, CIA guerrilla style.


disabled fag for president, funny

that job would be even worse, for me, than the life-time of torture that helped the scumbags accumulate their personal pond of ejaculation,, doin the backstroke,, so who am i supposed to death threat next? its always you huh? i never knew. terrible game and you continue to destroy me. ID theft,, fill the credit cards, empty my bank accounts,, have police beat me ass,, stalk me,, harass me,, screw me with cell phone tracking wiretapping,, uhhh,, cable tv sends u video from inside my house,, no body is in my family,, leave Katrina, the French photographer, alone. dude i havent seen her in over 20 years,, do you pay people $500,000 if they can get me to death threat them? its easy now huh? well they infect me or attempt to infect me with HIV,, who is J. Green? who is Led Zepp drummer? who is Sam, i never did anything with that guy,, u flunk me from 4 different schools,, electric shock with low freq 'white noise' waves,, first off mother fucker, im innocent u fuckin pusssy,, fucku,, so who are you anyway? dude, i have no family. Listen, I have no family, leave everyone alone. Dude, i don't even like anyone. Well, im starting to respect the intellect of Rove, etc. - nicest fit for my blackworld. Dude, they hate me, ok. Leave the world alone. im not related to wallace or nixon,, or manson,, asss,,

America's Achilles' Heel, by Richard A. Falkenrath, Robert D Newman, Bradley A. Thayer.

Title 18 of the US Code, Section 3071, authorizes the Attorney General to make payment of up to $500,000 to any person who provides information on espionage activity that leads to the arrest and conviction of a person committing an act of espionage against the United States, or conspiring or attempting to do so, or that leads to the prevention or frustration of an act of espionage against the United States. see

Oh, screw you dude, on the news they just showed some story about a gene that makes men whacked-out or something pornographic. I dunno, they dont tell me important information,, just that youre looking for a bottom aids fag,, And why not lie, dickface, theres no science fuckin allowed, in the USA to find out about your lies,, You're bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. Is that a threat? You need self defense to restrain me, huh. Like i even know you, or anything about you, complete trash. and what do you mean i dont get legal protection? You need to prove that i actually am what u fraudulently claim,, your whole administration is fraud,, dude im not anti-giv't im just pro human rights which makes sense or not really,, You are mush more scared than we could ever be to take away our civil rights for fake security purposes,, dude didnt you do the crap or have knowledge before hand,, why didnt you protect us then,, couldve saved at least 10,000 american lives between world trade center and iraq,,

so my drug dealer neighbor told me several months ago that he thinks obama is the muslim or middle eastern that some prophecy talks about as taking over the world,, I just ignored him,,, the guy that tried to infect me with hiv used to say the same kind of crap to me,, i dont know anything about the prophecies and i do NOT believe obama is an antichrist,, that is not my opinion,, but now the republican ticket gives me the impression they are good for me, a gay,, lol,, not exactly sure how i got that impression but im not voting,, there is too much deception,,, but one of the republicans said we should all take off our political hats and put on american hats,, ok you first,, what is i did wear a republican hat and took it off to be american, would that help me in my delusion torture hostage case? oh and rose said you gotta have empathy kinda shamefully,,, maybe he was talking about me,, doubt it,, i would appreciate if he stays the hell away,, please,, so lets look up empathy in the American Heritage College Dictionary 3rd ed.

em*pa*thy n. 1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. 2. The attribution of one's feelings to an object.

really? thats crazy,, is that a beaver law? a qualifier? how about sympathy instead or justice,, that might burn her lips if she said that,,

why have my dr and parmacy try to poison me? they gave me seroquel that has caused me to almost commit suicide down my steps at home and on ur spy cam a few years back then, in the hospital another dr gave it to me and the nurses found me passed out in the bathroom floor,, then they didnt medicate me at all for a day and a half then sent me home,, I've had two different doctors tell me i could go off my meds in the past but i said i wasnt comfortable with that,, it would be better than the poison, or should i take the seroquel mentor?

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