Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good Morning America. Please, Mr. President, may I be free?.

That energy suggestion from the heat within the earth, I actually saw on National Geographic or PBS and they showed how Iceland benefited from  this type of Geothermal Energy. 

Time Almanac 2004.
Memories from 2003

June 17

Bush Bans Racial Profiling, with Exceptions
New regulation prohibits federal agents from using race or ethnicity in typical investigations, but does allow agents to consider these characteristics when information they receive about suspects includes race or ethnicity. 
[this is perfect example of replacing good laws with own new laws that are open to new interpretations.  Penguin, its not gonna fly.]
Aug. 11
Bush Nominates EPA Administrator
Selects Utah Governor Michael Leavitt to replace Christine Whitman as head of the Environmental Protection Agency that Senate must confirm.
Aug 11
Inquiry into Scientist's Death Begins in England
Judge, Lord Hutton, opens investigation into the suicide of David Kelly, a defense-ministry scientist who commited suicide in July.  The BBC claims that Kelly told journalist Andrew Gilligan that the government had "sexed up" intelligence about Iraq's alleged WMD to help justify war in Iraq.
Aug 26

Report on Shuttle Critical of NASA
Board that investigated the loss of space shuttle Columbia cites organizational problems at NASA that breed a "broken safety culture."  Says future shuttles and astronauts will be lost unless the agency reforms itself.
Aug 27
Bush Administration Relaxes Environmental Rules
New rule allows power plants, refineries, and other plants to upgrade systems without improving pollution controls and without violating the Clean Air Act.
Sept. 21
NYSE names John S. Reed, former CEO of Citicorp, as interim chairman of exchange.
Sept. 23
Bush addresses the UN:  President calls on other nations to put aside differences on the invasion of Iraq and work together to rebuild the nation.  I forgot about this.  How righteous since we were all told that we were purposely misled.

Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 2005. Chamberlain Bros.
various contributing authors: Thom Burnett, Nigel Cawthorne, Richard Emerson, Mick Farren, Alex Games, John Hill, Sandy Gort, Rod Green, Emma Hooley, Esther Selsdon, Kenn Thomas.

CIA conguering Latin America

Op: Condor 1970
[exact word by word reproduction]
US Sponsored South American terror plan against left-wing opposition groups as revealed by a declassified document.
Under the guise of supposed counter-terrorism, Operation Condor was the code name that was given to a joint, "death squad" campaign of political murder - mainly of leftist sympathizers [kinda rough huh, ya right-wing trash.  Its hardly ever fair to ask us to take off our hats and be bipartisan.] and their families - by the military governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chili, Paraguay, and Uruguay in the mid 1970s.  These hit teams were placed as far as France, Portugal, and the US and were setup to locate and assassinate political opponents.

The Condor Teams remained just an ugly rumor until 1992, when a judge in Paraguay, researching the fate of a former political prisoner, found what have become known as the 'terror archives,' a catalogue of hundreds of individuals secretly kidnapped, tortured, and killed by these combined security services.  The theory was that Operation Condor had been given at least tacit approval by the US - attributable to the Nixon-era fear of Marxist revolution in South and Central America - and was implemented by Henry Kissinger, Nixon's Secretary of State.  No hard proof, however, was forthcoming until March 2001, when the New York Times published the text of a recently declassified state department document that revealed how the CIA had organized and operated communications for the Condor killers.  This 1978 cable from Robert E. White, the US Ambassador to Paraguay, finally provided "weighty evidence suggesting that US military and intelligence officials supported and collaborated with Condor as a secret partner or sponsor."

[see, please Mr. President, the CIA and military against me?  Are you kidding me?  And you even know they completely did everything for which I am prosecuted.  They will admit it even.  They are all over the world with all kinds of questionable guerrilla warfare type tactics, what can I do to them?  Aren't those Cartoon Laws  guerrilla too?  (they named Alice in Wonderland, not me - i think she's a whore)  Please help me?  They are lying or fibbing about me and crimes.  I promise.]

Salvador Allende p. 60
On September 11, 1973, a military coup d’etat overthrew and murdered Chilean president Salvador Allende Gossens , and ushered in the repressive military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet.  Alberto?  No way.  They bombed his palace with jet fighters, and stormed with tanks and infantry just because he was a democratically elected leader.  Documents declassified during the Clinton Administration show that the US Government and the CIA had sought to overthrow of Allende in 1970.  Henry Kissinger told President Nixon that the US “didn’t do it, but had created the conditions.”

The US invaded Panama in December 1989, so that it wouldn’t have to return the leasehold of the Panama Canal Zone on January 1, 1990.  Manuel Noriega, a CIA operative, was the political leader since at least 1970.  There were charges of money laundering and drug smuggling during his time as a member of the ruling military junta.  President Carter removed him from the CIA payroll in 1977, but he got put back on during the Reagan – Bush era.  Noriega became an important conduit for the supply of arms to the contras (terrorists) in their CIA sponsored fight against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua.  Wasn’t Cheney in Nicaragua awhile, and somewhere down there for Operation: Just Cause.  Bush mocked that on Fahrenheit 9/11.  Manuel had changed from a CIA asset to a political liability on several occasions. He was indicted on federal drug charges in 1988 and convicted in 1992 on charges of drug smuggling, racketeering and money laundering to a 40 year sentence. 

Nicaraguan and Contras financed with South Central Crack
San Jose Mercury News reporter, Gary Webb, chronicled the drug dealing activities of the Nicaraguan Democratic Forces (FDN) – the Contras (terrorists) – who reportedly sold ‘tons’ of cocaine to street gangs in South Central LA.  This really came as no surprise since the CIA had most likely used heroin to weaken groups like the Black Panthers in the 1960’s and the Russians in Afghan in the 1980’s.  And you know, they are doing it with meth now, in the US.  I know they had some of my neighbors selling it and actually recruiting drug dealers. They do it right in here in St. Ann.  Its that opposite day mentality that’s destroying you people.  Will you get the hell off of me.  You people are friggin nuts.  See, I could do your job. But, I’m not a real ex-con.  You guys would be stealing all my tips from Internet business.  No, not really, but you totally ripped me offat your Internet Businesses.  That sucks totally, Lt X.  Is that you, Bush?  The Self Defense Club?  Oh man.  But, you had my neighborhood kkk guys hating me real good so I would need something like that.  So anyway, Gary Webb identified Danilo Blandon, a former Nicaraguan government official (bet during Cheney’s tour), as a conduit for thousands of kilos (lbs) of cocaine to LA street gangs from 1982 to 1986.  Blandon plead guilty and went to work for the American DEA, in 1992. He set up his former best customer, drug kingpin Rick “Freeway” Ross.  Ross went to jail.  A military cargo plane, a C-123K owned by cocaine runner Barry Seal had crashed in Nicaragua with weapons and CIA employees on board.   

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the friggin credit cards they kept persuading me to get.  The idiot CIA or whatever goons were harassing me kept saying I need the credit cards.  I finally realized a credit card they said I needed would help me to get free.  Wrong again, like always.  Took a couple of years before I finally did it.  And I don’t even get to know what’s going on, huh?  They have been nothing but continuous trouble the whole time.  It was just more ways to rip me off and add fake charges.  Also, persuaded me to sign up for all kinds of crap that I absolutely needed to get freedom.  I get nothing but recurring charges.  Its happened to me about a dozen times.  I’ve been begging for death.  I’m not even gonna acknowledge that they may be something wrong with my attitude.  Maybe it’s the torture, ya think.  Tortured by the world’s biggest idiots.  Like anyone knows I’m talking about them, anyway.  Or, like I even know what I’m talking about.  This is stupid, for nothing.  So what am I supposed to do with all the student loans.  They keep flunking me out.  The loans still have to be paid.  I can’t even believe this is going on.  Uhh duhr, our enemies hate our freedom.  They can’t stand it.”  Funny, when do I get to know what’s going on?  They have lied to me every way possible.  Have many people try to kill me or attempt to infect with hiv.  Please just kill me?

doubletalk designed to confuse so they could steal our homes and educations

Feb. 2001 Colin Powel
“He has not developed any significant capability with respect to WMD.  He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors.”

July 2001 Condoleezza Rice
“We have been able to keep arms from him.  His military has not been rebuilt.”


Lila Lipps, in Fahrenheit 9/11 went to White House to ask about her son’s death, a woman out front told her to blame al Qaeda.  I noticed there were military personal on top of the building just like the “Human Shields” that Saddam was condemned for using. 

Mentioned “Put” Options for property hit by Katrina. 

McCoy wrote, “For 2000 years, interrogators had found out that mere physical pain, no matter how extreme, often produced heightened resistance.  

The combination of torture that the CIA have become known for involves sensory deprivation and self-inflicted pain.  This causes the victim to feel responsible for his own suffering.  McCoy wrote that from 1950 to 1962, the CIA was involved with torture in a massive mind control effort, known as psychological warfare.  Billions were spent annually for secret research into human consciousness to develop nonphysical “no touch” torture.  Experiments were conducted using hallucinogenic drugs, electric shock, and sensory deprivation. 

The CIA operated covertly, penetrating and compromising key US institutions, such as universities, hospitals, armed forces, and the US Agency for International Development.  These military and civil resources allowed the CIA to amplify its reach while reducing responsibility. 


Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 2005. Chamberlain Bros.
various contributing authors: Thom Burnett, Nigel Cawthorne, Richard Emerson, Mick Farren, Alex Games, John Hill, Sandy Gort, Rod Green, Emma Hooley, Esther Selsdon, Kenn Thomas.

USS Cole was blown up by Israeli Secret Service

I don't know what's true. I think its bull maybe.  I had a pic i used to look at named cole,, I think they are just messing with my head but it seems important to type.  Its from the Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 

Oct. 12, 2000
Mossad, not al qaeda was behind the attack on the USS Cole in order to portray Yemen in a negative light.

On October 12, 2000, a small boat packed with explosives powered into the side of the USS Cole as it was anchored off the coast of Yemen.  It killed 17 US sailors as well as the two bombers, who saluted as they plowed into the ship's side.

See, after a long paragraph it says the USS Cole was blown up by al qaeda operatives.  Its a total double message.  Designed to confuse only.  Its total bull.


Oh man,, The brainwashing is actually "Mental Torture" but who could even recognize what’s happening to them, since they’ve been conditioned that hate is love or some other nonsense to rip a person to shreds.  Noam Chomsky is mentioned in the encyclopedia and he’s talking about ‘the corruption of the US media who he believes are committed to controlling minds through censorship.’  Well, we all know what he means about the media but I don’t really blame them, there have been several journalists assassinated over the years.  Plus, Bush burnt their integrity bad in the 2000 Presidential election when the Florida decision was changed.  See, the republicans got the whole ‘cheat on elections’ technique down pretty good.  The media are kind of like brainwashed, too.  Everybody is to let this even happen.  He talks about the ‘double speak’ which I understand as double messages but that just at the beginning to confuse.  It turns to straight up hate as we have all seen, directly from the pre4sident to us.  I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 real slow, word for word, yesterday.  Gosh I do hate you.  And, the twin thing is about the Nixon – Bush Administrations.  The Communists from back then are the modern day terrorists.  Both have the problem with warrantless wiretapping.  Its been going on a long time, though.  We just don’t know about it.  Chomsky also describes the fierce challenger of hierarchy which is the same as authoritarian like Bush wants like this, “strategic lies of the government that have manufactured the consent of a nation towards global dominance.  In his book 9-11 he argues that: ”The US is the actual leading terrorist state.”  Its true too.  We are kidnapping Mexicans and training them to be the Taliban.  The next time the media shows a picture of them, look close, past the beard styled as a Muslim.  The ones that really do look Persian have been kidnapped and tortured to be suicide bomber like myself. They make us hate to live.  Chomsky also mentions Nixon’s ‘enemies list’ like a list or two that Bush has. 


CIA Manchurian candidates used for assassinations
Bobby Kennedy
John Lennon        David Mark Chapman       
Ronald Reagan   


Put Options

Conspiracy Encyclopedia. 2005. Chamberlain Bros.
various contributing authors: Thom Burnett, Nigel Cawthorne, Richard Emerson, Mick Farren, Alex Games, John Hill, Sandy Gort, Rod Green, Emma Hooley, Esther Selsdon, Kenn Thomas.

Inside Dealing in Airline and Insurance Stocks, Sept. 2001.
    This article tells about 17,000 "Put" Options that were purchased just days before the planes crashed into the Twin Towers.  Someone purchased 4,744 'puts' for United Airlines, and 12,215 between the other two named companies of Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley.  Alex Brown, Inc. was the name of the company that purchased most of these Options, which “Buzzby” Krongard, the current CIA Director (published, 2005) was apparently the CEO of until 1998. These options were never executed.

Bush, Baker, Bath, al Qaeda, Carlyle
Conspiracy Encyclopedia.
Fahrenheit 9/11. DVD. Michael Moore
Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms. 4th ed.  1995

    The Carlyle Group was a $12 billion private equity company [investment bank], with former U.S President George H.W. Bush as Senior Advisor for its Asian Fund.  The encyclopedia says Mr. Bush had worked there since the mid 1990s and retired from the board of directors in October 2003.  James Baker, the former US Defence [sic] Secretary was the firm’s senior counselor.  Frank Carlucci, former college friend of Donald Rumsfeld and President Reagan’s Defence [sic] Secretary, was the Chairman.  On the morning of September 11, 2001, these three men were at the Ritz Carlton in Washington DC along with Shafiq bin Laden, Osama’s half-brother, for Carlyle’s annual investor conference.  The company had built itself up into the US’s 11th largest defense contractor.  Bush senior went to bin Laden headquarters in Jeddah to represent the Carlyle Group at least twice, according to the authors.  The bin Ladens along with 11 other Saudi families invested heavily in the Carlyle Group. 

    A couple of weeks later by September 26th, the US Army had signed a $665 million contract with a division of the Carlyle Group called the United Defense Industries (UDI), to develop a canon called the Crusader.  UDI must have been a new subsidiary because they filed the very next month to go public with the stock.  The securities were bought for the purpose of making a quick profit on resale and accumulated $237 million to working capital in a single day.  

    Also, on Carlyle’s Advisory Board is Sami Baarma, director of a Pakistani institution called the Prime Commercial Bank, based in Lahore and owned by Khalid bin Mahfouz.  The bin Ladens have all discreetly removed themselves from the company.

    James Bath was under investigation by the FBI since 1992, when he was accused of channelling [sic] Saudi money through Texan companies to influence US policy.  Initially, George W. Bush denied knowing Bath, even though he funded Bush’s campaign to be the Governor of Texas.  Bath also, was the sole US business representative for Salem bin Laden, head of the bin Laden clan and brother of Osama.  President George W. Bush’s first business, Arbusto Energy received a $50,000 investment from Bath.  By 1987, Arbusto had become Harken Energy Corporation and gained an addition $25 million investment, but through a transaction in Geneva.  The encyclopedia says it was a joint venture between Union des Banques Suisses and the Geneva branch of the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), with whom James Bath also had extensive connections.  The BCCI was accused of laundering money for secret CIA activities, including funding of the Afghan Mujahideen (terrorist network before known as Bush’s ‘base’ or al Qaeda. 

    After Salem bin Laden died 1988, another Saudi businessman named Khalid bin Mahfouz inherited his Houston portfolio.  This is the same Khalid mentioned above at the Carlyle Group’s annual investor conference mentioned above.  By April 1999, Khalid ws accused of transferring $3 million from a Saudi pension fund to New York and London branches of the BCCI that was linked to bin Laden operations. 

    President Bush was asked to appoint a Chairman for the 9/11 Investigation Commission and he chose Thomas Kean who was business partner of the bin Laden family.  I believe in the appendix of the 9/11 Commission Report contains is the transcript of the video confession that was lost by the CIA for this terrorist attack.  Who said water boarding is like swimming?  I hate Republican jerks.  I just got a copy of the report so I don’t know what the appendix says yet.


Preemptive Right – that’s the right giving existing stockholders the opportunity to purchase shares of a new issue before it is offered to others.
Blue-Sky Law – These laws require sellers of new stock issues or mutual funds to register their offerings and provide financial details so that investors can base their judgments on relevant data.  The term has said to have originated with a judge who asserted that a particular stock offering had as much value as a patch of blue sky.
Pipeline – term referring to the underwriting process that involves securities being proposed for public distribution.
SEC – Security and Exchange Commission is made up of five commissioners appointed by the US President on a rotating basis of five-year terms.  The Chairman is designated by the President, and to insure its independence, no more than members of the commission may be of the same political party.  I’ve seen lately how politicians lie these days about party loyalty, in fact, all the time to get unfair advantage.

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