my behavior is beyond pathetic. and publicly humiliating myself. its complete disgrace. im really not up to friendship at all. In fact, ive been working my asss off to burn these torture bridges so that there is no hope they come back. Just like they do, no hope for the mentally tortured.
oh wow nother book,, its been here awhile.
The World's Greatest Treasury ofr Health Secrts from the editors of bottom line publications.
pretty nasty. see, i had a hard time trying to ever heal myself because the relentless abuse from them and self,, it waswnt worth it,,
but im a lab experiment,, didnt i guess that? monkey and all,, so what,, u are complete fuckin trash,, good for slave to find cure for hopefully something good,, i still want fuckin death,.,,, just because everything i fuckin sabotaged
even try to to good,, no matter what,, i juswt hope u kill the fuckin rat soon,, il try what i can hope it can help,, did i mention i guess im trying to burn the bridges for good,, so much head fuckinm banging,, total fuckin bullshitt of fuckin idiots,, i said as everyone new, i lost before i couldve even gotten strated,, my banged the fucfkk ed up mind is so aham,ed,, plus im sabotaged,, im completely fucked,,, no matter what,, im sorry to the usa or any trouble from my asinine forced fuckin trash, worthless behavior,, and damages,, i still cant ever get out,, im stuck like fuckin scum to this fuckin scumbags forever,, irreparable damage,, fucku,,
Mistrial! unless there really is no other choice.
i need a fair hearing. For, myself. I am being forced to do something that is very likely not in my best interest. I need a restraining order to keep the perps away and harassment, until i at least get a rulebook or some facts and not buffed up lying news stories.
hey id like to apologize for the exploitation to anyone with hiv or aids. You have my sincerest regrets. Also, sorry for the exploit to other mentally ill for the exploit, and all gay, lesbian, bi, cross dressers, and transgender people. They, my fuckin fleas, have exploited each which in turn came back with the rage they forced on me. I want death. There is nothing but a life of fuckin complete hell if the mother fuckers dont stay away. I can never live like that. I'm not interested in public life especially with some fuckin dumbfuckk controlling the puppet strings. If you can killme,, please feel free to save the good or punish the deserving. Just do it via my food or water. You fuckin dumbfuckks are great at that kind of shitt,, fucku,, fucku,, fucku. gays, lesbians, etc., youre in a good club. thank you,, fucku flea scumbag intelligence trash,,, fucku,, fucku,, i cant fuckin believe im so easily coerced by such dumb mother fuckers,, err trash mother fuckers is better,,, fucku
fucku,, u gotta killme fuckin pussssy,, mother fucker,, fucku,, u gotta go away from everywhere,, killme if u cant leave me alone,, asap,, fucku,, im begging to fuckin killme,,
yea real fuckin cool,, walla walla prison community program.. fucku,, fucku,, fucku,, worse program around i read once,, fuckin trash,,
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