Monday, September 8, 2008

you gotta killme,,

there is no way,,  you have to killme,,  someone said try lame duck,, see will take me out...  killme fucker,, i hate myself for allowing u to pour nonstop shittt all over and inside me,, killme,, u are disgust for the world,, and youre making me do it for you,, please killme,, you are ultimate trash,, im begging,, someone please fuckin killme,, i hav no interest in trash inner circle,, i have no interest in fuckin life,, killme,, im being tortured by the media,, killme,, killme,, killme,, iom beggibng youi pleae to killme,, theres no good at all,, killme mother frucvkin trash,, killme,, im begging,, u fuckin scumbag,, frucku,, fucku,, im not ashamed of my sex life or lack of, im ashamed becuse i cant take care of myself because of the torture,, not to mention all this crap is is very shameful,, what are you fuckin doing to me pusssy? compl;ete mother fucker,, i have complete hate forever for myself,, for being so fooled and ez manipulated by the scum of the world,,,  fucku,, totally fucku fucku,, u are complte fucking scum,, killme trash,,

and anyway, that stupid little journal or how-to self help whatver was when i was very ill,,  o fucku trash,,  totally fucku,, and the only reason i gave it was professional opinion,, not every dumbfuckk in the world,,  i was sick i think,,  dude fuckin killmme,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  AND FUCKU PUSSSY,, TOTALLY FUCKU PUSSY,,  KILLME FUCKU,, U ARE COMPLETE FUCKINM TRASH,, DUMB FUCKIN TRASH,, U GOTTa fuckin killme,,  its the only acceptable way mother fuckxer
im begging you are scum, we can never be friends,, please killme,, im begging mother fucker,, killme,, killme,, now,, killme,,

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